Kingdom Hearts 2.8

Are you ready for Insanity Quest, Sup Forums?

How do people keep track of this shit?

Because it isn't 3

1.5 - 2.5 - 2.8 - 3

Pretty easy

No am happy, but still am WIZARD

KH 2.95 when?


Hi grandpa

is that a reaction command

I'm hype for anything KH related. Also armpit.

It's a shortcut lad. You could assign triangle to do limits and spells back in KH2, functionally like a reaction command but with a more general context

It was a reaction command. From the trailer, the battle system seems to be KH2, but with an additional page of shortcuts and some form of command styles.



damn that looks good, is that really Kingdom Hearts? I thought it was a colorful kiddy game

>dismissing it as a kiddy game just because it's colorful

You're missing out on a lot of good games if you're skipping them just because they aren't either grayscale or brown&bloom.

It is a kiddy game but that doesn't mean its not fun.

When is it coming out?

>buying the same game two more times just for a bonus scene

The fuck are those animal mask people?

The foretellers. That should be enough for you to google it up, literally the only series who has used this term as far as the first page of google knows.

So in terms of playable protags, can we all agree that

Sora > Roxas = Aqua > Riku > a piece of dogshit > Ven = Terra

Riku's position in that lineup shifts wildly from the very top to the very bottom depending on which game, and even which scene of which game, you're playing.


CoM, RE:CoM, KH2 Xemnas, DDD, and Days?

2.8 + 0.2 = 3.0

Shoutouts to the user who told me to go to KHInsider to watch the KH chi cutscenes, that was actually great and I'm legitimately excited for KH Chi Back Cover.

That portion of the 2.8 trailer is way more interesting now. Can't wait!

Kingdom Hearts 2.9435: The Return of the Return of Jafar's Return HD

Riku was the best character in his Chain of Memories ending.

Then they forgot all of that and he became a mega twat again in KH2.

He got better again in DDD, but with another weird character development reset.

you'd be depressed too if you went from white haired pretty boy to white haired convicted pedophile just to use a stand

It's funny because that joke hasn't been made by literally everyone that doesn't follow the series

>picture that looks like your typical Square design
>copyright disney