Why do PC gamers ignore awesome games and spend their money on stupid meme crap like Goat Simulator instead?

Why do PC gamers ignore awesome games and spend their money on stupid meme crap like Goat Simulator instead?

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They'll use steam sales as a scapegoat and claim the devs will make up their money that way

But that game is stupid meme crap

That game is shit.

>a shitty vita weeb game
>implying people would give a shit about it

I already bought the Vita Version and didnt want to double dip, also you can hardly expect a throw back to the early 90s to be popular with steam tards

It was a PC game to start with you shitposting retard

i dont like weebshit

Sadly there is a very large overlap of PC gamers and steambabbies

Honestly, 5k sales isn't bad for this.

It's got nice art, but that's about as far as the fidelity of the game goes.

If they sold all 5k units for 30 bucks a pop that's still 150k right there.

There is a very good chance they're already making a good profit from this.

This. Then they will complain that no developers make big budget exclusives utiliizing the PC hardware. They will then blame consoles for holding PC back

they wont because this is a Jap dev and its hardly big budget. This is all auxiliery sales since its been out for years now in nippon

Customers are retards more news at 11. Why else do you think the mobile market is the way it is?

>NIS America

>vita weeb game
It released on the xbone first

I already bought the limited edition for the Vita.

Is it on sale for $5 or less? If not, the PC crowd won't buy it.

>try to look up the Xbone sales
>turns out those fuckers got an 8 hour trial demo

>unknown franchise
>30 dollars
Here's your answer bucko

> Customers are retards more news
> at 11. Why else do you think
> the mobile market is the way
> it is?
Why isn't this game available for mobile anyway? I'd be more inclined to buy this on Android than on Steam.

>turn based dime a dozen JRPG


>applied for beta tester
>got the game for free
>played a grand total of 41 minutes

I really dont like the art

And since its a 2d dungeon crawler and all you see are static sprites the whole game

I doubt id like the game

Shitty Demon Gaze reskin is not an awesome game.

>Beat the game on Vita
>surprised to see a PC port
>buy it again

Whoever made custom portraits is a a god

isn't this the game with really terrible western art adn they had to remake it with superior eastern art

You mean a complete overlap?

Brutally difficult DRPG with no advertising outside of word of mouth, that was probably made on a shoe string budget, by a company known for reusing portrait assets at times.

Hell, that paltry amount may have been enough for them to break even. EXP Inc isn't known for having bloated production values... unless you want to count Ray Gigant.

It's a hilarious bad vita port and they want over twenty quid for it

They're asking too much for such a lazy job

because it's not DRM free

>Not ported to the PC
>PLEASE FUCK US; PLEASE GIVE US THE GAME PLEASE = Portbegging as a little slut
>They port it
Why are you guys doing this to yourself?

Tell me one reason why this weebgame is better than goat simulator. You can't, you fuck.

1. Port quality - the interface makes no sense without a controller
2. It's an old game and a niche game, most potential customers already own it on another platform
3. The price point is too high given the above
4. There's been literally zero coverage of it, I found out about it from a Sup Forums thread last night

>Ray Gigant
Digital only was a mistake. The game is too easy as well, I wish they fleshed out the VN elements more + expanded upon some of the mechanics a bit

Because it looks like a F2P mobile game.

Who was begging for this? It's obscure as fuck

Who is following vita releases enough to know which ones they'd like a port of?

You literally got the game like two weeks after it came west on vita and its 10 dollars cheaper than the vita release

>console gamers have so few games they think generic asian JRPGs are "awesome games"

I'm going to buy it for 10 because I do like my dungeon crawling.

>shitty JRPG with dumb combat, bland presentation, waifushit character designs, generic audio, and a pleb tier story

Very few turnbased RPGs actually sell on steam and the last one to really blow up was Undertale and that has a shmup gimmick to it and a soundtrack everyone liked.

It looks really generic, with dungeon crawlers I don't like buying blind because it's so hard to separate the good ones from the bad

According to PC gamers all Vita games are going to PC

Not to mention it's just a port of an already existing game. Couldn't have cost that much to make.

>Dungeon crawlers

LOL. That kind of shit went out of style in the '90s, kids.

I don't think you used enough buzzwords in your post friend

People that like dungeon crawling? Like anyone is keeping a tab on you puppies. Check the Odin Sphere thread that was on today, fucking PCucksluts was all over it with the portbegging.

This was on PC to begin with. This is litreally a rerelase with english so not even japanese give a fuck

no one wants vita games
that's why the vita didn't sell

All the good vita games are just ports of home console games.

>checks Amazon page for Vita version
>only 4 user reviews

Yeah, I'm pretty sure it flopped on Vita too.

WHy should i care about some shitty drpg?

am I fucking wrong?

>that's still 150k right there.
Minus the 20% STEAM cut.

That's nothing for a company that size. Probably cost more to port it.

Last game I bought was Tick Tock Bang Bang. Damn fun when I don't want to play anything requiring stats and metagaming.

kys cuck

You seriously overestimate how much niche games actually sell. If it sold ~5K on PC it probably only sold 15-20K on any console.

I bought it. I'm having fun. I'll be damned if I can tell if this shit's actually good, though.

Then again, it's not surprising that a weeb Vita game is up my alley. I probably wouldn't recommend it because of those biases.

do you really think it sold more?

>diamond dozen JRPG shovelware

>Probably cost more to port it.
Hahaha you fucking retard. Also selling digitally is insanely cheaper and much more profitable especially in the long run. Just see the surge of Japanese games on Steam in the last two years. Get Fucked.

>people only ever bring up the Vita version as an excuse to shit on it
>conveniently forget that it was on PC and XBox 360 first

bunch of fucking morons

Having dungeons make a map itself now instead of expecting the player to have a pad of grid paper is an amazing technological leap forward.

It's like Wizardry if you go back to 1992 and ignore all the advancements between 7 and 8!

>tfw want to buy it
>dunno to get PC or Vita version
>Vita for portability and I love playing DRPGs on the go
>on the other hand on PC
>and also have like 100 games in my backlog, probably should get those done first


>company that size

About 100 employees, where maybe 10 of them worked on this game's port?

But don't let my logic hold you back from your blatant shitposting.

I pirated it.

The character creation system is awful

Rerolling bonus points forever ain't fun

Because to the lowest common denominator visual stimulation is more important than mental stimulation. Its obvious shit ya dumb nerd


It's true though

Why dont you buy it for me then?

>The character creation system is awful

>Rerolling bonus points forever ain't fun
It also makes you set stats before knowing what fucking stats a class uses

I don't believe that selling more for less is better than selling less for more.

>that character design
>$29.99 for a no-name indie title
there's your problem

That's why you'll never run a company.

It is because you sell A LOT more

Multiple devs reported that sales are profitable and make a difference. But keep droning you fucking cocksucker.

>reduce price by 50%
>get 10x the usual sales
>not better

The gmod guy is insanely rich

You dumb nigger

Who gives a shit what you believe?

The Japanese developers announced an enhanced edition a week before the game came out in English. It's not DLC but an actual full game and only PSN buyers get a discount on an "upgrade version"

>Having dungeons make a map itself now instead of expecting the player to have a pad of grid paper is an amazing technological leap forward.

Luxury that's making kids these days soft, you mean.

After I got done with '80s and '90s dungeon crawlers I could make and read paper maps like a boss. People these days will happily drive right into a lake if their GPS tells them to.

I'm mildly autistic when it comes to my weebshit. For whatever reason, I just can't fucking stand that first person dragon quest style.

If this showed the actual party if probably play it. I don't know what's wrong with me

There's no evidence that that will ever come west sadly.

More for less is often much more profitable for many different reasons. 2 off the top of my head are increased exposure to the game (minecraft was marketed exclusively by word of mouth for a long time) and the fact that since the game is a digital medium, you'll never run out of copies to sell.

>If this showed the actual party if probably play it.
what's that on the bottom I wonder

Why do people buy this fucking trash instead of OP which is a good DRPG? ITS NOT FAIR!

>UI advancements are bad because something something kids these days
You are trying to paint objective improvements as bad just to boost your fragile ego.


whys your monitor such a shitty resolution

Not them but drawing the map yourself was a great gimmick

Sex sells.

Though you can also just use whatever you want for your portraits in this game, if tits and ass is what you're looking for.

They released on Xbox One but not on PS3 or PS4, I don't understand that.

it's a vita screenshot

Nobody's stopping you.

I think more vita owners bought it digitally since it's only about 500GB, so it wouldn't put that much of a dent in a memory card.

That being said, DRPGs in general are niche, even in Japan, so it selling low in comparison to other games wouldn't be a surprise. I think Etrian Odyssey is the only exception to the rule from what I've seen.

>game you need to autistically minmax
>no guides out yet
Guess I'll have to actually think for myself for once


I pirated this game just yesterday. Not even ashamed. Im not gonna make excuses. I pirated it and that´s the whole story