What will it be Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Bloodborne 2 multiplat.
really good
Armored Core
imagine the endless shitposting
3D Dot Armored Soul Heroes
Now im curious
Armored core duh
Some shitty games where you keep hitting some generic zombies for hours which casuals love so much.
Another souls clone, obviously.
Dank Souls 4: Prepare to Meme Edition
King's Field V(R)
You heard it here first folks
what a badass
Another Century's Episode 4
>Soulsborne PS4 exclusive
Probably another rehash with exactly same core mechanics as Demon Souls
Sci-fi Souls
You do realize that Demon's Souls is just a third person spinoff of King's Field right? They've been doing dungeon crawlers since 1994
>on PlayStation4, XboxOne, PC, playstationVR
Tenchu VR.
>annual titles since 2012
Souls are literally Japanese Assassin's Creed
Is the only thing pcucks can do "imagine"
Anything but another Souls clone / spinoff please.
Armored Souls
>change in development after talks with sony
But it is good unlike Ass Creeds garbage titles since 2010
And I'll say the same thing I said about Assassin's Creed, as long as they remain good, I'll keep buying them.
Even Dark Souls 2, the black sheep of the franchise was a solid 9/10
underrated post
King's Field would actually be good.
They've already stated that King's Field isn't over
They will make the new Onimusha
Another trash souls game, since that's all they seem to be making these days.
I would pay a huge load of money for that
Hopefully nothing similar to, or related to Souls
>yearly games
New armored core
>Soulsbabbies detected
They've been doing this shit since 1994 and they've done it consistently well. Kill yourselves.
>sci-fi souls
pls no, that meme is fuckign awful and I hate everyone of you kiddos
nobody has played these games lmao.
Fromsoft was a literal who? until demon souls
>not wanting giger-esque sci fi souls where you're saving the universe from heat death
I can confirm there will be no Armored Core.
Poised Souls™
what a shoop
Where is this pic from?
so epic...
It's not. Some guy was playing DeS in an Arby's
Armored Core 6, Pickup Styx.
The dead are reanimating and acting with various degree of lucidity. Certain corporations are studying this phenomenon to see if medical miracles up to clinical immortality can be achieved. While others see only a hazard, and potential for threat if not stopped.
Something they presumably show new or prospective hires
darksoul like every year.
Yes because From totally hasn't done yearly games in the past.
Where is Demon's Souls and Bloodborne?
They're IP's are owned by Sony
>scifi souls
>faster than BB
Yes please. As long as it's a new IP like BB was. I feel FROM's take on a futuristic world/setting would be interesting to see.
It could legitimately be King's Field V.
The only reason I suspect this is because it's getting a PSVR release, and all the King's Field series is FPS
They've said they want to do Scifi.
Could you imagine From being given a Warhammer 40K licence? Going around gothic scifi settings killing Chaos and/or necrons with a power fist or chainsword?
New ideas. From's best work is with new ideas.
So that means it'll be a Dark Souls remaster.
I think this pic is misunderstood. It shows what platforms they'll be supporting from 2017 onwards, not that a game would come out in 2017 on these platforms.
I want them to make another fucking mech game.
Post yfw when it happens
what's wrong with his hand?
more boring souls shit
>next title on
Not "next titles on".
the video dont have sound? my computer sound is fine but the video dont have sound
>mfw robot souls: circuitborne
No the video don't have sound pajeet. No wrong with your computer.
How would you feel if they announced a VR Armored Core? Riding in the mech would be pretty rad.
>mfw it's inspired by blame!
I really am leery after Heavy Armor
if it's this type of sci fi i will cry, but if it's broken down edgy cyber punk i'll be well chuffed
thanks for the supoort jamal
What anime is this? I want to impregnate her.
Kill la Kill. It's pretty good, she's in cute or skimpy outfits the whole time too.
Kill la Kill. It's pretty good, she's in cute or skimpy outfits the whole time too.
thanks user
>Verendus was full of crap
>on PlayStation4,XboxOne,PC
>You will still never get Bloodborne
Literally NOBODY cares about FROM games that aren't Souls.
Get over it
So just like every BB thread?
>they've done it consistently well
>that slow ass speed
Goddam, playing that game seems like suffering.
Fantasy Armored Core! Lets see some trebuchet combat!
Is that official art or what? What's with the 06/15 at the bottom right? Is it part of a set? The pic is just posted so much.
FROM made it 17 years ago, and it kinda isn't great
it's popular fanart
>people ITT acting like FROM was a literally who before Souls
No, it's just you, underage friends
I don't get it, can unity actually be good if people took time to use it?
Touch the darkness within me