What the faggoting fuck happened to Resident Evil?

What the faggoting fuck happened to Resident Evil?


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At least those are real zombies.

What the fuck is this crap.
This is not even 'good' as a cover-based shooter.
Animations and movement seems complete ass wipe.

>used to be the Demon's Souls of zombie games
>is now call of duty
>not just making a new CoD-like IP instead of obliterating a longstanding successful one
Good job, capcom.

Barely. They seems to just ignore people

Yep but maybe it's their fighting suit or something.


>used to be the Demon's Souls of zombie games

cease posting

Normies love multiplayer dlc-ridden shooty call of duty shit

Oh they have jammers or whatever

Zombie jammers


spin off but no one is smart enough to realize that

>retards treating Umbrella Corps like it's the straw that broke the camel's back even though RE has been Cawadoody-lite since 2005

Stop being underage. It was the series that coined the genre "survival horror".


it's a spin off. at least it's better than umbrella corps


These fake esports trailers are so cringeworthy, this is almost as bad as that Rainbow Six one.

>implying Resi4 was first downturn in the series from horror
>Resi3, Code Veronica, 0, the Survivor series, and Outbreak all coming out before 2005

There hasn't been a good all original game since Resi2.

In all fairness, it's a spinoff...

But then again, this is fucking retarded.

resident evil wasn't really about zombies to begin with

>at least it's better than umbrella corps

>Skill octagon with the Umbrella logo

>resident evil 2

Pretty fucking good actually

>it's a spinoff so it's okay

RE4 was good fight me

Is there going to be any single player stuff at all or is it just 3v3 online bullshit?

Why don't the zombies eat each other?

And the only thing Souls series coined is "git gud praise the sun scrub" shitposting.

Because they like it fresh. They can taste the difference.

You don't "coin" a genre.

Resi 4 WAS the first mainline entry to really abandon any semblance of survival horror. Later entries in the series past RE1 started to throw more ammo and health pickups at you, but they still retained fixed camera angles, limited inventory space and light puzzling as core gameplay features/mechanics and didn't have hordes of enemies dropping loot or over the top QTE sequences.

I don't know why RE2 is exempt from your logic, either. It's my favourite Resi game but Leon could carry a massive arsenal with him in the second half of the game, which grew exponentially more powerful with the custom parts you could pick up. Same for Claire.

inb4 someone states that RE4 was scary

Just let it be since it's a spinoff that will flop. Be worried about RE7 though.

It seems like Umbrella should probably make those more standard issue to stop all their talented scientists from dying.

Stay in school.

>Shit idea
>no story apparently
>no single player mode apparently
>no marketing
>no advertising

I agree, seems like a pretty good invention for your staff to have at the zombie factory

Esports is the worst thing that happened to video games.

looks fun
but the 'competetive commentary' is retarded

>could've had an awesome multiplayer survival horror game where you play as a member of an elite squad of umbrella mercenaries decked out in the best gear the 1990s
>or it could've been a game where you play as RPD SWAT and try to rescue civilians from B.O.Ws and zombies
>Instead it's an generic team deathmatch shooter with moronic gimmicks

they didn't invent the genre though, Clock Tower didn't even invent the genre and it came out a year before Resident Evil


none of that exist in des, retard, not even with the people that still play today

It could've been Outbreak 1+2 remaster

I'd mostly attribute that to the fact that Leon B is in some ways the more difficult half, and his arsenal isn't too powerful outside of the Magnum. Claire's definitely pales in comparison, with Acid Rounds and the Bowgun being mere shadows of the Magnum and the Shotgun, making her not too strong outside of Flame Rounds in the Umbrella Lab.

Resident Evil 2 does suffer from balance issues, especially once you get down into the Sewers and the game becomes beyond easy due to your supplies, but it still gets points due to the fact of how the RCPD still holds up on multiple runs and the overall attempt was still towards horror, while Nemeis and Code Veronica did have a dogma of action within the design team.

What that user was referring to was the structure which should be: coin the *term survival horror
Not: coin the genre survival horror

>The term "survival horror" was first used for the original Japanese release of Resident Evil in 1996 which was influenced by earlier games with a horror theme such as 1989's Sweet Home.
Go away, kid.

>doesn't have Resident Evil in the title
I don't see the problem.
Looks awful, tho

Is this going to be the Operation Raccoon City situation all over again?

They want a slice of that esports money this time around, so I'd say it's worse

Can we all agree that the cancer called "E-SPORTS" has completely ruined videogames and their comunities?

>What the faggoting fuck happened to Resident Evil?

Resident Evil 4 happened.

You dumb niggers ruined everything about RE. Reap what you sow faggots.


ORC doesn't have the resident evil name in it so it doesn't matter what happens in the game.
Resident Evil 4, 5 and 6 are shit by resident evil standards but pretty good if they were to be standalone games.
There are plenty of side games that were shit AND had the resident evil name on them.

>first heard about it
>"oh cool playing as based Umbrella soldiers, back in Raccoon, thinking it will control like RE5/6/REv and be similar
>Tacticool espionage multiplayer action, pre-order now to get special team colours

Why didn't they just call it Operation: Racoon City 2? could have saved us the trouble of caring.

Multiplayer outside of friends/family was always cancer but Esports and Tourney fags took it to new levels of faggotry and it's only gotten worse over the many years it's existed.

They have solid and unique shootan mechanics in RE 4, 5, and 6 combined though, why don't they just improve it?

>Multiplayer outside of friends/family was always cancer
The arcade communities though

Here's an eye opener. Resident Evil only have 6 mainline games but has a total of 107 games.

Well Arcade is it's own beast so I didn't include it in the whole esports thing which is largely console and PC.

Tourneys seems like a natural progression to me too, as long as we keep it in the arcade world.

This boom ever since DOTA 2 came out is what I still can't comprehend. It's like it only took off because people are throwing money at it

>It's like it only took off because people are throwing money at it

This is exactly what's happening. Look at how Overwatch is exploding despite it having auto aim and being as casual as fuck, hell a football/soccer team wants to make a fucking esports team for it!

>standard for staff

Bad news user, by the last few games they aren't even a company anymore

the only thing capcom can do is make spin off during the resident evil 1-3 era about them

They have jammers on the back that make it so the zombies ignore them. You can see in the video that when their jammers get destroyedt he zombies all attack the players.

Looks like they finally CoDified this dying, piece of shit franchise.

>Umbrella Corps is a spin off but at least it's better than Umbrella Corps

Someone in the video actually uses that forearm shield with great effect.

>Looks dumb and cheap
>And yet fun

Might be kinda neat I guess. Reminds me very vaguely of MGO but more shooty.

>Look up more info
>Players who are killed enter a spectator mode, in which the locations of opponents are revealed to them. They are unable to combat, but they can communicate with the surviving members of the team.
>Getting killed lets you just wallhack for the rest of your team so there's no sense of tactics or outwitting your opponent when your buddy can just say "Behind you, wall on the right" if he dies.


>Dying doesn't let you control a zombie

Wasted opportunity

RE4 happened

>Dumb and cheap

inb4 $64.99 price tag + $20 season pass

Think it's $29.99 on Steam

...Huh. That's a real surprise.

This. But I guess that would have taken more effort and judging from these animations? that's in short supply.

I still feel like it's a cash-in on Capcom's end though. This aint no Rainbow Six Siege where the devs are trying their hardest to make a good game and adding new features for free in spite of Ubisoft clearly cutting their budget and staff to barebones levels.

Capcom will probably dump this out, provide one patch after 6 months, fart out a DLC and that's it.

>umbrella chronicles
>operation racoon city

Resident Evil hasnt died. just ignore these shit spinoffs. just dont play it. done.

The tacticool designs are neat, but that fake esports commentary is so fucking stupid. God damn.


If it was a tacticool game where you extract survivors/kill witnesses or something like that with a story of some description that'd be good but no, 3v3 online esports shit

>Nothing involving BOWs

i'm such a re fanboy i'll probably buy this crap

>Resi 4 WAS the first mainline entry to really abandon any semblance of survival horror
>inb4 someone tries to prove I'm wrong
What a fucking faggot.

Owners: 1,786 ± 1,052

the pc version is gonna be deader than evolve an battleborn. i know its not even out yet but thats still really bad

i pre-ordered on ps4 because id like to give it a fair chance, i would have much rather played on pc but things are looking grim for that version

Jesus fucking Christ that retard got ruined

>great game
>havent played

Quit using that lame-ass excuse. It's obviously an RE game.

What the fuck is this fake MLG shit they're trying to pull? You stop that.

>The "RE4 is bad" meme
Kill yourself.

ORC literally has the Resident Evil name on it, you mong.

>And the only thing Souls series coined is "git gud praise the sun scrub" shitposting.

Yeah, I guess if your experience of the souls series is posting about it on /vg/ and reddit rather than playing the games this is true.

its not a bad game but it ruined the series. the whole reason behind it's creation was because REmake sold so poorly capcom thought no one wanted horror anymore so they made an action title. this is what RE4 was supposed to be and it would have been better


Yea Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City does not have the name in it

>great game

Shit games, though I still played ORC for Lupo and Bertha.

Both fun games.

Revelations would've been perfect if not for Jackass, Grinder, and Jill's busted face. RE6 wasn't scary, but was still a quality game with great enemies and the BEST Mercs.

It's unfair to blame Resident Evil 4 for what followed it.

It still had plenty of horror elements.

"git gud" was from metal gear online. You know nothing

i like the concept
hipsters are just shitposting even though they havent touched a resident evil game in like 5 years

a competitive shooter with zombies sounds fun as fuck

You are dead to me.

To be clear, I meant Jackass and Grinder were bad characters.