Let's be honest here.
Tell me why this game failed without using the words "Overwatch", "Marketing", "Anthony Burch", "Gearbox" and "Randy".
Let's be honest here
bad game
And /thread
Blizzard is just a buzzword when you don't have any constructive criticism. Please don't use it again.
it's release coincided with another game which happened to be much more popular, cheaper, much better, and ultimately much more successful.
Poor release timing, trying to tap into a market that's already been oversaturated and where consumers already have a fierce loyalty to what they're already playing.
Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck you dude
Thank you, immunity cat.
Thank you, Immunity Cat.
Team Fortress 2
>tell me why this failed without telling me why it failed
>3 alreadys
Holy shit what's wrong with me.
No marketing. Seriously, to be a product that was supposed to blow Overwatch tit had zero advertising.
Thank you, Immunity cat
>knew it from thumbnail
not taknig any chances.
Thank you, immunity cat.
It's genre is saturated, Battleborne is a moba throu and throu. Regardless of their stupid competition against Blizzard, it was doomed from the start. Heck, I would say SMITE already has the player base they wanted to bring
In a season when AAA titles are tripping over themselves to get out the door you can't afford to ship a mediocre or slightly above average product in a saturated genre.
You look at the character designs and NOTHING is appealing. You listen to the dialogue or you watch the gameplay and nothing stands out as unique except for uniquely awful. You hear the word MOBA and you immediately tune out. Yeah, that's what I wanted. A 4th-tier option for when all the other MOBAs that are failing somehow aren't interesting enough to give my attention.
The art style sucks, the characters are bland and try too hard to be funny, the gameplay is slow compared to other team based shooters, the HUD is a total mess and the maps are so boring and not as memorable as other team based shooters.
Thank you, Immunity Cat
Anthony Burch Overwatched the Gearbox, Randy.
Poor blue ocean attempt.
Tabula rasa tier timing for the release, and from what I've seen of the game(1 screenshot) it has the most obtrusive UI ever created.
But Overwatch and Gearbox are the reasons it failed. Overwatch was a more enticing game and Gearbox are thieving, lying, manipulative scumbags who only manage to sell games because there's enough idiots in the world willing to turn a blind eye to corruption so they can get
what on earth is this supposed to prove?
>Ok, THIS TIME explain why this game was a failure without using the words "Money," "Memes," "Popularity," "Players," "Quality," "Boring," "Failure," "and," "the," or the letter "e"
Anthony Burch Overwatched Gearbox's Marketing, Randy
It stops Sup Forums from using buzzwords.
It's smite with an incoherent/shitty art style
Someone post that screenshot of battleborn that shows all of the bullshit going on on screen at once.
I thought Overwatch looked like fucking trash when I saw all the weebums of it, constant ugly overblown and saturated effects and skills going off nonstop, constantly flailing around awkwardly in melee hoping to god you are doing damage, etc
Then I saw that one screenshot of battleborn which is all but missing the fingerless glove meter.
Holy shit how did anyone think that looks good. It's like a FPS version of WoW with dozens of fucking add ons all over the screen.
>All the meme humor. They literally have a TEH PENGUINE OF DOOM character.
>Game gives you loot, but you don't actually to use it unless you pay an additional in match currency
>Didn't know if it wanted to be a MOBA or a shooter.
>All the bullshit happening on screen
>The god awful art direction that looks like it never came out of alpha.
>Game had no challenge. Went on to co op mode let a boss bash around my squishy character and after 5 blows I was still at 70% health.
Those are my reasons anyway
It seems average to me.
The first thing I even heard about this game was how badly it was doing.
it looks like shit
the art style looks like some fucking garbage ass Kingdom Crusher Dungeon Clash of Extreme Kings Knight 2 mobile garbage game on your phone
safety first
>tell me how this game failed without telling me how it failed
I was curious about the game (name sounded familiar), checked out some twitch streamers who were playing it, and I was immediately put off by what I saw.
The visuals & UI seemed like a clusterfuck of colours, it was hard to make out what was going on at times, the NPCs & AI just seemed generic as fuck, as did the gameplay, and story (or characters)... it looked like an amateur had made a mod for Borderlands to try to make it into a team shooter... I didn't feel there was any overall coherence or aesthetic to it, there was nothing special or distinctive that grabbed my interest.
My two cents
No local co op for pc despite all the other consoles having it made it worth skipping over for me.
All the borderlands could do that.
Fuck off
Fuck you buddy
The UI is apparently awful. That, and they tried to compete with fucking Blizzard, which is apparently still a terrible idea.
>that weapon is taking up at least 30% of the screen
Jesus fucking christ.
The whole concept of it is inherently flawed. There's no way to do it right. They could've made a Borderlands 3 and no matter how shit it was, it'd have sold a lot better.
ty immunity cat
no it doesn't. Maybe try explaining it again but without using the word "buzzwords?"
>Overwatch is a class based shooter
>Battleborn is a first person MOBA.
I do not at all grasp what the fuck their marketing team was thinking
>tell me why this game is shit
>but do it without telling me why its shit
Just in case
Thanks, pussy of immunity
It stops Sup Forums from using words that cause shitflinging contrarians to be triggered :^)
It failed because of all the reasons you mentioned OP.
There. I didn't use any of those words.
they weren't trying to
idiot consumers like you made the comparison in the first place
TF2 already existed and is f2p
Negative, the Battleborn twitter was used as a marketing tool and even tweeted at the Overwatch twitter.
Educate yourself before defending this hot garbage.
Thank you, immunity cat
>Tell me why this game failed without using the words "Overwatch", "Marketing", "Anthony Burch", "Gearbox" and "Randy".
what I get it
>tell me why this game is failing
>without listing all the reasons why it failed
Buzzword is just a buzzword for when you don't have a decent retort. Please don't use it ever again.
Lack of proper promotional material that illustrated what the game is about and it was up against a more popular competing game that the developers actively tried to pit themselves against in both release windows and failed social media campaigns.
They were definitely trying to. Have you been living under a rock? Anyway, it's ridiculous to blame Battleborn's failure on a marketing failure, the game just isn't very good. None of the gearbox games have ever been very good.
people are going to lose there jobs because u shitlords dont even appreciate a good game when there out
im literally shaking right now how can u people even exist.
>im literally shaking right now
i really, REALLY, love this phrase
Thank you, Immunity Cat.
Thanks kitteh
save the phrase, it's all urs my friend
Who knew that it even existed? Competition within the same release window were promoted up our asses by comparison, I didn't even realise what developer was behind the game at all.
2k didn't give a fuck about Battleborn I bet.
>f2p style progression
>season pass
oh and the game sucks
Lol, i dunno. I bought Overwatch instead.
I saw that one trailer before I'd even heard of Overwatch and from that point onward kept thinking of Overwatch as "that game that looks like Battleborn" , but I guess I'm an outlier.