Why aren't you playing the best space RTS since Homeworld?
You do want to serve the Omnissiah, right?
Why aren't you playing the best space RTS since Homeworld?
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Woah, woah, woah. Is this a 40k themed space RTS? How have I not heard of this?
Why is Warhammer such a broken mess?
I mean, the franchise is constantly ret-conned, and due to it's nature, it serves as a perfect way for Mary Sues and powergamers to have their own power-fantasy where they fuck 30 women per minute and kill Chaos Gods with no consequence.
Retcons are a perfect alternative to moving the plot forward.
t. GW
It literally started as a parody but then actually made some money and GW decided to make it all serious. It is a nifty setting but they abuse the lore as needed to make more money. They also specifically stay away from fleshing out stuff in setting so that they don't have to worry about being consistent.
Omnissiah a shit. Space Marines soon.
Yeah I had it preordered.
Wonder if there'll be a campaign DLC.
Eldar Pulsars now deal 15 damage per pulsar per instance (3 instances per skill use) and have their cooldown reduced from 30 second to 20.
The Eldar “Rune-Assisted Targeting” upgrade has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: “While on “Lock On” Special Order, Starcannons switch from a 90° angle of fire, to a 270° angle of fire.”
The Eldar “Phoenix Sails” upgrade has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: “If Sails are critically damaged, the speed penalty is divided by 2”
The Eldar “Dragon Sails” upgrade has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: “Gives +25 speed to the ship”
The Eldar “Ambusher” favour upgrade has been modified, its bonus reduced from +50% damages while furtive to +25%.
The Eldar “Maelstrom” favour skill has been modified, it now deals 0 damage to shielded ships, but 10 damage per second to ships without shields.
The Eldar “Wraithbone Shift” Special Manoeuvre cooldown has been improved from 20 seconds to 25 seconds.
The Eldar “Phantom Disruption” favour skill has been modified, it now affects an area of effect of 3.000 units around the given location instead of a lone ship.
New Eldar upgrade replacing “Enhanced Crystal Focusing: Pulsars range improved by 3.000 units.” by “Guided Fire: While on Reload Special order, Starcannons reduce their firing rate by 2% per second as long as they attack the same target continuously. Maximum reduction -50%”
New Eldar upgrade replacing “Wraithguard: Raises the Troop Value by 10 against Cancel Warp attempts.” by “Solar Accumulator: Reduce the Wraithbone Shift Special Manoeuvre’s cooldown by 5 seconds.”
Two new Eldar ships models, the Shadow Cruiser Kurnous Pattern and the Eclipse Battle Cruiser Vaul Pattern are now available.
Unlikely but it would be nice. Even if it is just a bunch of set missions one after another without a campaign map.
At least we should have Thunderhawks and Bombardment Cannons.
Games Workship is a broken company.
Just to be clear, we're saying it's the best since homeworld because Homeworld is better, right?
Because it is.
>we're saying it's the best since homeworld because Homeworld is better, right?
Of course, Homeworld is the best RTS ever made IMO, space or otherwise.
New Ork Trait “Looted Ship”: Fire Durations on this ship are doubled and Hull Breaches causes double damage.
New Ork Upgrade replacing “Heavy Gunz: Under 3.000 units, Gunz and Kannonz reduce armour to 25%” by “More Dakka: While on Lock On, all Gunz fire the maximum number of shots.”
New Ork Upgrade replacing “Big Mek: Raises the Troop Value by 10 against Cancel Warp attempts” by “Bonkers Big Mek: Upon Dying, the ship always triggers a Plasma Engine Surge, Exploding violently. The damages dealt this way are doubled.”
The Ork Trait “Squigless” has been removed. The players can now execute Ork Captains without the Chained Squig upgrade. The Chained Squig crew member is still locked and needs the affiliated upgrade to be unlocked.
The Ork Upgrade “Mork-blessed Scannurz” has been removed, replaced by the “Chained Squig” upgrade.
The vacant space in Hull left by “Chained Squig” has been filled with “Cleva Mekboy: The ship can still use Boarding action and Emergency Repairs once heavily damaged, but the Emergency Repairs cannot heal the ship for more than 15% of its max hull points.”
The “Shokk-Attack Mega Kannon” Ork Favour skill now deals 2 assault actions instead of 1.
Orks Kannonz are no longer affected by upgrades.
New Ork upgrade replacing “Kustom Generator: While on Lock on Special Order, Zzaps have a +300% chance to deal critical hits.” by “Disrupta Zzap: Each hit on the enemy ship’s hull by the ship's Zzap slows the target by 50% for 2 seconds. Stackable.”
The Ork upgrade “Sheeld-breaker Shot” has been reworked. Rather than its old effect, it now does: “Each Zzap shot has a 50% chance to bypass shields and holofields.”
New Ork upgrade replacing “Kunning Plans: Special Manoeuvres do not reveal the ship.” by “Turbo Boosta: Gives +25 speed to the ship, but each Big Red Button Special Manoeuvre has a 20% chance to cause a temporary Engine critical damage.”
Skills and Favors
The “Disruption Bomb” Technical skill’s cooldown is now 180 seconds.
The “Stasis Bomb” Technical skill’s cooldown is now 300 seconds.
The “Plasma Bomb” Technical skill’s cooldown is now 180 seconds. Additionally, they only deal 50 damages (instead of 100) if the enemy ship distant of more than 50% of the area of effect compared to the epicenter of the explosion.
The “Micro Warp Jump” (and faction equivalent) technical skill has been reworked: It now starts in Cooldown, and shares its Cooldown with the Warp Jump. If the player uses one of those two skills, both will be set on the used skill’s cooldown.
The interdiction zone for the Micro Warp Jump has been reduced from 3.000 to 2.000.
New Technical Skill replacing “Taunt: Force the targeted ship to attack the ship, respecting its set behaviour.” by “Rally: Cancel the targeted ship’s insubordination without triggering the Mutiny effect.”
Unfitting a Skill, an Upgrade or a Favour now gives back 50% of its initial price.
The Servitors (and faction equivalent) now affect all skills excepted the Warp Jump (and faction equivalent).
All additional Troop Values granted through a Favour upgrade are divided by 2 (Examples: Nurgle now only gives +10 and Space Marines now only give +5)
Did I just read a massive HW1 spoiler
god damnit
that shit is like, mission 3
It's made by a small French studio. They took some notes from Dawn of War 2 (even snagged the same music composer).
Destroying the fuck out of the enemies of Man with giant space cathedrals has never been so glorious.
Too bad IN is low-tier in this game.
>not fast enough to catch Chaos
>no answer to 12k voidstalker pulsar faggotry
>not strong enough to brawl against Orks
Sure you can optimize your entire fleet to MAYBE have a chance to beat one faction only to gimp yourself against all the others.
The ending of HW1 induced more feels for me, mate. All I got from that scene as a kid playing it back in '99 was,"this must be the tightest shit ever!"
I forgot I had it honestly.
I could run the missions and game perfectly, but the cinematic were laggy and jagged as fuck both audio and video, so I stopped.
You know you can play HW Remastered right now, yes?
But BFGA is fucking great.
Yeah, sadly. When I played Chaos in MP for the first time I found IN predictable, having had so much fun playing them myself.
>>tfw Taunt was removed
There's even a campaign achievement for that, Emperor damn it!
Didn't /v say there's something incredibly shit about the remaster? Like broken formations and such?
It was broken as fuck at first, Gearbox has kinda patched it, but its still kinda broke.
There has been a patch recently that fixed formations and added ballistics back
Because I am playing Eternal Crusade instead.
Eldar were just added to the early access.
I have never played any Homeworld. What do I play now, Remaster or the second game?
needs more content bruh
Get Remastered Collection. It has everything, even the original versions of HW1 and HW2.
They're far too squishy to have fun with in their current state, in my opinion. It's just frustrating.
4 days ago there was a massive 5.5gb patch that fixed most of those issues and rebalanced HW1, 2 and the MP around it. It's great.
Also we had a thread about it and Deserts of Kharak yesterday.
The remaster has both games remastered and in their original form.
It also fixed the wrong things with the second game now so teh only real choice is between the remastered and Cataclysm, honestly.
Remaster has 1, 2, the original games exe and the multiplayer
Deserts of Kharak is standalone but is great too.
Their squishiness is fine. It is just that their weapons don't do jack shit.
>Why aren't you playing this
Don't like 40K. Too edgy and grimdark on top of the fanbase.
The cutscenes in BFGA were deliciously hammy.
My only success seems to be with the Striking Scorpions, thanks to the cloaking.
>Too edgy
That´s not what edgy means.
It's a parody of edgy. Does seriously no-one understand this?
no cataclysm though.
It's not a parody. It's grim and dark and self aware that is awesome but still srs bsns in its own universe.
And it's cool with it. It's like REVENGEANCE levels.
What the fuck is that game in the OP?
Speaking of RTS I started playing Deserts of Kharak today but I get dunked time and time again even against easy AI in skirmishes. Before I've even got my feet under me I'm swarmed with light attack vehicles from the enemy.
First they take out my resource gatherers so I can't field any counterattack/defensive measures, then they whittle my carrier to nothing. What do? This isn't comfy at all.
Reinstalling once space marines are available 21st
Hahaha... Have you ever seen any Warhammer 40k fags out in the wild?
Let me tell you, my sides were on their way to Alpha Centauri reading the discussion about 1d4chan and how the authors clearly know nothing about 40k because it has so much errors and inaccuracies.
>I dont like the game
>Because of reasons that have nothing to do with the game
SJW argument there user.
Just finished this yesterday.
What a great ride. I enjoyed it a lot. The ambience and music, character chatter and story and effects were top notch. I would have liked more survival and exploring or more scenarios against Gaalsien carriers. Khar-Toba ending gave me chills.
The 40K fanbase is one of the most level headed fanbases in existence what are you on about?
Help me out!
I pirated, played for 1 hour and stopped playing.
Only did like 2 missions.
I don't know it just didn't snag me?
The battles are far too small.
Got bored of it quick. It's 40k why the fuck can I only control 8 or so ships?
It really isn't a parody. Back in 4th edition it was crazy over the top and sprinkled with elements of levity that proved they weren't taking themselves seriously. Grimdark was sort of a joke.
Then in 5th edition, Games Workshop came down with a crippling illness and the only cure was Space Marines. Serious stories about Space Marines kicking the ass of every man, alien, and god in their setting. Stories wherein Space Marines would punch the devil himself, make the devil beg for mercy, and then it would just end without any quips, any comedy, or any self-awareness.
What do you expect, to just build more ships?
The people refitting the ships barely understand how they work, let alone how to build them.
What a shitty excuse
Battles in 40k are fucking massive with millions dying in even the smallest skirmishes
The population of the Imperium is roughly 40 quadrillion and thats just a rough estimate of ONLY the hive planets
Probably the same reason DoW 2 only let you control eight guys. Because Space Marines are, in canon, only 1,000 men strong, so the lore won't let them field more than eight guys. Then every other army has to be crippled to fit in with the Spass Mehrines.
This. It's even dumber with the fucking Orks because constrained to tiny units.
I just imagine in my head that each unit is actually a million ships or something like that.
Because of how fucking stupid it is. It's one thing to be constrained to a few hundred for performance reasons. But it's a PC exclusive, and you're constrained to a mere 10 units.
Why even make the game?
The MP is pretty murderous as you would expect from any RTS. Get your light attack vehicles ASAP and protect with the carrier your main resource collectors until one or two armored units roll out. Once they're out, sandskimmers and jeeps can't do SHIT against them, popping as fast as they're in range.
DoK MP is a power struggle for the mid. Starving the enemy Carrier is the meta, as in any other RTS, thing is, in this game instead of 30min matches it's 15 or less.
Most of BSG, from what I understand, is just skirmish-level stuff. There's no Apocalypse variant to field everything, and the game is straight taken from TT.
>Battles in 40k are fucking massive with millions dying in even the smallest skirmishes
Nigger do you know how big 40k ships are?
Chapters have 2-3 Battle Barges max.
Hell the imperial navy isn't exactly swimming in Battleships either
there's many more than 1000 space marines. i don't think they regard them as an army but as a special force capable of getting shit done in small unit sizes.
I really think it is all about the Mehrens. In the original Dawn of War you could build squads of ten if I remember, and if you maxed out your unit cap that meant you had 100 Marines on the field, which was nearly 10% of the entire chapter. You regularly lost units, so in any given battle or over the course of a campaign, you could easily lose over 1,000 Marines.
It made for fun gameplay and it made sense in the context of an RTS. It also worked with EVERY OTHER FACTION because nobody else in the lore has a doofus hard limit of 1,000 troops. The people who write the lore clearly didn't have a sense of scale and felt that 1,000 people would be enough to serve as a planetary attack force that could actually hold objectives.
Either that, or the lore of the Space Marines is not designed to fit in an RTS when every other faction is. Space Marines land by drop pod in the middle of a fight an punch the enemy commander to death, then fall back to be collected again. They're crack troops, not an army that takes and holds ground. But since they're the flagship team of the setting, they have to tailor the RTS games around the only faction that has essentially zero man power.
I've only been playing singleplayer skirmishes since I've pirated it to give it a try before diving in. But I'm guessing that the same advice would apply to skirmishes against the AI.
I'm going through campaign now but when I finish this mission (which really seems like an extention of the tutorial, really) I'll try another skirmish and rush AAVs.
Escort vessels still have crews numbering in the 10,000s though. There's plenty of them to go around. Cruisers typically have a crew of at least 30,000.
No single chapter can have more than that.
Other than space wolves because they say fuck the rules.
In total there are more than 1,000 Space Marines, but each chapter has a hard limit of 1,000 men because Robot Gillyweed decided all the Marines needed to be fractured into countless, autonomous parts with no clear sense of foundation or loyalty. Only then would the universe be safe from another great betrayal like the one committed by Horus, who admittedly didn't betray the Emperor by himself but by gathering up multiple separate factions.
I don't know, the lore is super stupid, but the writers spend a lot of time telling you that Guilliman was the smartest man so that the reader understands we're supposed to treat him like the smartest man.
The AI always rushes because a player should always rush.
Think of this: Rushing an early hit and run strike and succeeding on it cripples the other player, OR it forces him to build early units too, giving you the control of his reactions. Now you're forcing him to your will.
Of course another same skilled player would try to do the same and get the upper hand out of it somehow. That's the RTS power struggle. The AI can be predicted because once you figure a game's AI out the outcome are almost always the same.
Another player? not so much. But one thing is always certain: Speed is the key to war.
It would have made most sense lore-wise for the IG to be able to build marines as a top-tier unit. They couldn't do that for their flagship army though.
Unorthodoxy is the key to war. That's why AI sucks compared to humans and why a solved meta in an RTS means the game is badly designed.
All pretty sound advice.
I was hoping it'd be slower-paced and let me build up forces for a mid/late-game steamroll, since I'm a filthy casual who likes playing that way, but I guess it's not an option.
The Space Marines chapters are relics of a past peak of mankind's finest and they're dying and clinging to it.
i think i read somewhere that lots of chapters have more than 1000, maybe it was in one of these threads. makes sense to me because every chapter is self-organising and doesn't have to report to anyone.
We had a thread yesterday talking about reading The Art of War by Tzun Tzu.
It's no suggestion. It should be mandatory to anyone in highschool and forth. It translates perfectly to everyday life and (duh of course) motherfucking RTS games.
No, There are only 1000 marines in a chapter.
It's been the whole argument behind DoW2 which partially stood its ground saying just how much DoW1 had nothing to do with Wh40k altogether since it made Space Marines into expendable shit.
It depends on what lore you're following because it varies by edition. Technically, the rules say the Marines only get 1,000 men, but not every Chapter follows the codex because it's closer to a guideline than a law. However, in 5th edition one of the writers spent a lot of time belaboring over the point and insisted that since everyone looks up to Guilliman, the only chapters that don't follow those rules are rare, unheard of deviants on their way out. Canon chapters with more than 1,000 men are the Space Wolves, who have maybe 6,000 or something, and probably the Iron Hands, who have very little lore.
The Art of War has more to do with managing your people and understanding the psychological effects of your management. I think it's a valuable framework for a broader education, but that's about it. You'd have to go much more in-depth and explain why the relatively simple statements in the Art of War are true, and only look at examples where the writing's logic didn't follow through because you always get exceptions to generalizations. Especially when the entire point of war is to do the unexpected.
>We had a thread yesterday talking about reading The Art of War by Tzun Tzu.
I'm an East Asian Studies minor, so I've read it. As well as the Book of 5 Rings by Musashi. I don't really apply deep philosophical concepts to my leisure time, though, at least not vidyagaems.
What is this? A photo for LAVs?
The fuck
It is everything about war. From managing to direct and actual advice of WAR. Fighting is managing resources, managers and companies are in a war campaign. Scoring chicks is war. The power struggle exists everywhere in life. The nice thing out of this piece of work is that it's onto the point and straightforward for anyone to learn and ponder with it.
Saying "it's just about-" is a shallow take on anything. It's a shallow way of problem solving and learning about not only that book, but about anything you've ever lived.
S M H T B H famalam.
>“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles. If you know yourself but not the enemy, for every victory gained you will also suffer a defeat. If you know neither the enemy nor yourself, you will succumb in every battle.”
- a Starcraft Zerg Rushing player
>"Git Gud, faggot."
-Sun Tzu
Holy shit why didn't I know of this before now
This one is good:
“Engage people with what they expect; it is what they are able to discern and confirms their projections. It settles them into predictable patterns of response, occupying their minds while you wait for the extraordinary moment — that which they cannot anticipate.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
>Rush people
>They respond to it, building counters to your rush
>You may take a step forward and rush a t2 or t3 tech they won't see coming
>shit on their base
>"Scouting is important, m8, GG NO RE"
why did you post a radeon graphics card
>why arent you playing right now?
I can't see anything other than nVidia vs Radeon on a desert now.
Thanks for that.
>RTS bread
Fuck yeah. I've got half a mind to setup a lobby.
Is that why they spam every thread they don't like with le ebin heresay xD memes?
I thought it was one of these until I opened the thumbnail.
>You'd have to go much more in-depth and explain why the relatively simple statements in the Art of War are true
You're american aren't you
Yes. It's everything about war as long as you don't need to know anything in-depth about formations, mobilization, bureaucratic structure, or anything really. The Art of War provides a lot of very profound, quotable advice, but even in Ancient China when it was part of a traditional education it was used as a foundation to build on and not an exhaustive resource by itself. It has a lot of succinct phrases that are broadly true, but it's not enough to say to yourself, "Oh yeah, men fight harder on deadly ground. I get that." You need in-depth education well beyond what the Art of War provides.
And for the record, "scoring is chicks" is not really covered in the Art of War. That whole shtick would be more a matter of individual social economics and not much to do with reading the demeanor of 100 thousand men.
We live in a time where fascism might actually become powerful in western governments. Memes reflect this reality though with a fictional and cheesy organization.
h-here I go
Oh I see. You need a manual to tie your shoes.
If that's from the Xtreme Wars mod, that shit was so beyond broken. The UEF space ships were half as expensive as everyone else's but twice as powerful.
h-here I go
I brought along a buddy just in case since I've still barely done anything. Hopefully the AI will go after them while I build in the background.
I think that learning the hotkeys and things like that would go a long way towards success in this game but I cba honestly.
>And for the record, "scoring is chicks" is not really covered in the Art of War.
Are you sure, user?
Are you 100% sure?
Damn, really? I did not expect that to happen.
Look, you assholes clearly read the Art of War. Are you significantly better tactical thinkers than everyone else now? Can you manage a software project without falling behind in your Gant charts? Do you even know what a Gant chart is? Do you know how large organizations do scheduling? Do you know how an army plans a schedule? Do you know how they really move people and how that's changed since Sun Tzu was alive?
One relatively short book full of profound generalizations does not a higher education make.
F1 = Your carrier
F2 = every combat unit
F3 = every idle worker
These are the most important and useful. Use them.
>Warfare plebs think ancient Chinese aphorisms are better then this sexy beast's work
Weebs never learn.