Will Zelda NX be the first game with a non-generic shit open world and actual dungeons and without glitches fucking everywhere?
Will Zelda NX be the first game with a non-generic shit open world and actual dungeons and without glitches fucking...
Jose Flores
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Jace Stewart
Benjamin Lewis
Kevin Gomez
>Xenoblade Chronicles X overworld
Austin Lewis
Didn't think of this one. You are right, its world seemed very handcrafted to me. Maybe Monolith can help the Zelda team.
Lucas Gray
Anthony Parker
Beautiful but just realistic fields without any fantasy and repeating points of """""""""""interest""""""""""""". Just monster nests and bandit hideouts everywhere. And then you also get stuck all the time, almost as bad as in Fallout 4.
Xavier Gomez
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (with patches) already takes the cake.
Nicholas Bennett
I'll give you a million dollars if it does
Sebastian Miller
>implying it won't just be 2011 tier open world garbage
You can go to that mountain you know