You know, I just realized that God Hand is the best game ever made

You know, I just realized that God Hand is the best game ever made.

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That's cool, I realized it a decade ago but it's nice to see someone else come around.

didn't this piece of shit game get like a 2/10 on IGN or something?

Apply effort.

A 3D beat em up done right. If only devs copied it more often instead of DMC.

I'ts one of the most fun games I've ever played

That's nice. I didn't like it much, but I know Sup Forums is very fond of that game, and has been since forever.

That's not PMTTYD.

That's a baby game for baby-men

I would buy an HD remaster day 1


This is the worst fucking meme on Sup Forums.

The game is a 7/10 max, but you contrarian faggots will continue to call it perfection.

It has a lot of flaws but can you name any other games that do what God Hand does nearly as well as God Hand? Didn't think so.

Does it challenge your masculinity?

It is pretty cool but I like Dark Cloud 2 a lot

fucking this

if a game ever deserved the title of 'meme game' it's this piece of shit right here.

It challenges my patience. Trying to replay any of the Paper Mario games is like trying to inflate a balloon through a garden hose. It blows.

The best game of all time is, and this might trigger some less tasteful posters here, is Cave Story.

Get out furfag

thats not


It was actually quite terrible and had extreme gameplay design issues.

As well as being very unintuitive.

Can't make a post like that without elaborating user

That's A BOOK

I dont get this meme Sup Forums is the only place you hear this and everyone else knows its a shit game? is it funny to say otherwise?

>not Warioland 4

Now this just pisses me off.

TTYD and God Hand are not even in the same league. God Hand has the best combat system of any game, ever, and is the sort of game you can never get tired of playing.

TTYD's not bad at all, but it is NOT the absolute pinnacle of it's genre the way God Hand has proven itself to be.

God Hand is my all time favorite game but I wouldn't even put it nearly that high

The problem with action game devs is that basically all of them are western or Platinum lackeys, and they all lack a distinguishable passion/vision for the genre, which is really sad.


Godhand is one of those games where if you suck at it then you think the game sucks. The more you learn about how to play it then the better it is.

>God Hand has the best combat system of any game, ever


Don't get me wrong I enjoyed God Hand leagues more but you're delusional if you think God Hand's combat is that good

Customizable move sets > Style switching

You can have way more playstyles in Godhand so i think that puts it above DMC

DMC fags are just as delusional as Dark Souls fans. They act like it's this super complicated game, but in reality it doesn't come together very well at all.

Nice shit tastes Sup Forums

had to ruin it for you :^)

DMC4's combat system is good in the sense that it allows a lot of freedom for the player if they want to show off, but the balance is very bad. Great players in DMC4 are barely even playing the actual game to the point where they even disregard the game's built in scoring system if it can't recognize what they consider to be impressive. In comparison to that God Hand is all about how well you can use the combat system to just play the game normally.

>You can have way more playstyles in Godhand

Correction, your moves have a load of more quantity in inspirational sources. Dante has more properties, multipurpose moves, and advanced techniques attached to his base moveset in one style than Gene practically could ever in even three movesets.

The only thing God Hand's combat depth has above DMC's is that it has an incomparably superior enemy roster but it pales in absolutely everything else. It's not technically difficult to execute anything (except Prompt Cancels but that's it), crowd control options are a lot more limited and one track in comparison, and Gene being unable to access airgame as largely as Dante puts him at a huge disadvantage for juxtaposed potential.

>They act like it's this super complicated game, but in reality it doesn't come together very well at all.

And your proof for this would be?

Agreed. I disagree slightly on the DMC4 players part but other than that, agreed.

Why is this game so highly praised?
Is it contrarianism? The quest to be unique? Is it because it's a Japanese game?

There's no way it can be as incredible as Sup Forums says, it's a fucking weeby fighting game.

There is no other game like it and it's contranian to hate it.

Yeah it's hard to deny that the clunkyness is there but it's so rewarding to learn that it doesn't even matter after your first playthrough. The only real big issue is the soft lock which can be surprisingly unpredictable and fucks up my set ups way too often

I'm English and I hate it.

If you've never played it boot up a ps2 emulator and play it you fucking casual

>Yeah it's hard to deny that the clunkyness is there but it's so rewarding to learn that it doesn't even matter after your first playthrough

I hate this so much when people complain about its controls though. The autolock is one thing but the overall control scheme for God Hand is fantastic, because changing the general idea for something else based on a first impression would make it objectively worse. For instance, the infamous "make the right stick a camera angle change".The entire system was made specifically in mind to work a certain way, and the gameplay earns all sorts of objective benefits from because of it.

Control scheme choices like gyro in Star Fox Zero where it's extra, annoying learning curve for something that isn't necessary and could've benefited much greater with normal stick controls instead is what you call a less than favorable control scheme; because it brings irritation to the table with nothing to earn nor learn from it. God Hand is entirely contrary to that erroneous philosophy.

That's like saying Super Mario 64 is the best platformer ever made because of that Rolling Rocks video. Having technical depth, in and of itself, doesn't make it the best.

Or how about because it's a good game. It combines the style, emphasis on crowd control and dangerous enemies from old school beat em ups with some of the flashy combo depth of DMC-style beat em ups. The result is one of a kind. Also the rank system is fucking awesome. You'd have a very hard time finding a game which handles its difficult levels as well as God Hand.

I loved that sound track, so I used that in my dark souls playing record.

That's a fair choice, and trying to replay Paper Mario 1 is still timeless to me, TTYD is definitely sour milk which no amount of humorous dialogue will redeem, but Paper Mario 1 is a fine wine, it only gets better with age.

That's only a comparison that works to support your point, assuming that's even applicable the same way to DMC.

I'd play God Hand over DMC anyday but merit's due where merit's due.

>trying to inflate a balloon through a garden hose.
That's probably not very difficult

>He believes the 'Star Fox Zero controls are bad' meme.

You're embarrassing yourself.

>It blows

I think he was aiming for a pun there

I never said they were bad, I said they were less than favorable.

If you're not retarded at videogames you can get used to gyro without too much hassle, but the gyro doesn't bring anything practically beneficial, yet manages to cause problems that exist outside of stick anyway.
Also provided it's a Nintendo game, alienating a significant portion of its stupid casual audience is a bad move. You can't say the gyro ruins the experience overall but you can't defend it as a good choice even worse.

It's been a longtime dream of mine to earn a lot of money and call up platinum and ask Kamiya to get the God hand team together to make a sequel. I would make sure to get Mikami to direct it as well.

Probs give them 10 million and a long schedule with sales incentive as well. I wouldnt even care if the game only sold one copy.

Yeah people have a really low tolerance for anything but the most generic control schemes nowadays. It's especially bad because God Hand's tank controls and limited camera go a long way to making it feel like an old school beat em up, which would be lost if it was given a more generic scheme even if they found a good way to remap the 4 different dodges to something else.

You gotta get Capcom involved sadly

I shill this every game ideas thread I can find.

>God hand with more Funk
I need it


What other games out there have Godhands sense of humor?

This sounds like it misses the entirety of what made God Hand so good by just adding something else that happens to be whacky in the same fashion as the theme

The power of my god hand,
No evil doer will get past

>tfw lately underage faggots shit on this game
>tfw sequel never

It's such a great game
It'd be fucking cool to see a sequel with more enemies and 60fps

go back to Facebook faggot


I'll just use another couple million to use the licence from capcom for one game.

It has top-tier sexy women and core gameplay, but it becomes really repetitive by the middle and the camera is still god-awful. The same for visuals/level design/enemies variety.

Woah, hey guys

The true casual filter


Laughed out Loud! What a capricious zinger! Can I save this picture?

It's a beat em up, what exactly do you expect from the level design?



>He actually thinks the enemy variety in God Hand is bad

It's one of the best in the entire genre you idiot.

Kick your nuts or twist your wrist!

Camera was alright for me, even if your against the wall it stil showes you how things are by just making the wall invisible, other games just make the camera wack out. 180 turning helps and the lock on from Roulette helps.

Go back to Toronto.


>Jump kick inexplicably doesn't register and he summons clones on hard mode

He's right.
For the first half maybe, then 90% of the enemies are just re-skins with 1 or 2 extra attacks added

Jesus christ Sup Forums

I found the irreverant humor somewhat similar, and desu i couldn see a sequel just continuing the story.

I just want the sequel to have more funk is all.

Seriously though, interactive soundtrack of Gospel singers that scales in harmony/more singers the higher your difficultly meter goes would be fucking amazing.

Beat up CIA agents, Watergate level, nixon going Wolfenstein tier occult looking for east asian mysticism shit. Shit would be fun.

God Hand is amazing. Among the pinnacle of action games, along with Ninja Gaiden Black and Bayonetta 1

10 weight types with 10 classes is pretty hefty stuff to consider in advanced gameplay.

Admittedly their movesets can get stale but when the very first basic enemy in the game has a total of about 11 that's not really a problem.

You also have to learn to dodge correctly if you want to git gud so learn their timings instead of rolling outa the way like any other game.

fuck this fucking bullshitting faggot

Then once you ACTUALLY want to git gud you have to learn when exactly in their combos you should go for a counter and what kind of counter you will do

>did I fit in yet?

>85 posts
>no godhand edits
>no door hand

brb, killing myself

You only just realized that?

I fucking love that guy
And I'm extremely disappointed I don't have any pictures of him saved.

I'll post some

Posting best review.
Rab was one of the few people who got it spot on during it's release.


HCVS' is far superior



I got some too

