We love your game idea, user. Could you repeat it for Pajeet, please?

>We love your game idea, user. Could you repeat it for Pajeet, please?

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The white guy looks like a baby


Toilet Simulator 2016

Man, diversity is such a beautiful thing.
Just look at them

I don't see the point, as its clear that will be the two asian girls that will do the whole thing.

user, we need to talk.

Do you think it's acceptable to do squatting motions and start repeatedly screaming "DESIGNATED, DESIGNATED" at Pajeet every time he walks by?

Women can't program.

If diversity just means having twice as many hot Asian girls, that's fine

What part of asian you didn't got?

Does Pajeet have any disease or something? Why aren't his eyes white?


nigga's high as fuck

Indians love drugs

user if you don't stop using


as your phone song, we'll have to transfer you to some other office.

id dive in to that project
you know im saying
ha ha!

Good, then I won't have to deal with the constant smell of shit and curry.

>We love your game idea, user. However, we noticed you included toilets in the concept art. I'm afraid that Pajeet can't add a toilet in the game because it insults his personal belief. In the spirit of tolerance and diversity, we would like you to consider adding an option for designate streets in which the main character can empty their bowels.

Probably something he got on his days of mercenary.


this shouldnt have got me

>that trigger discipline
I'm impressed.

what part of woman didn't you get?

>We love your game idea, but we can't help but notice your Sup Forums-tier retardation posting this racist bullshit on Sup Forums. Can you take a minute and GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE with that? Thanks.

>maymay widely used on Sup Forums
>Sup Forums, Sup Forums IS NOTHING BUT Sup Forums'S DOING I SWEAR

>Sup Forums
Hello tumblr, sorry we invaded your safe-space
You can always go to reddit and downvote the bad people that go against your sheltered worldview

This is also an Sup Forums meme you dip.

Sorry for insulting your rich culture, Mr Patel, but perhaps you could make an effort to POO IN LOO

*fist bumps*
agreed, fuck Sup Forums

The part where they act like women, instead of weird cubicle autistic pricks that work 20 hours per day, just to go home and drown what's left of their humanity with hello kitty and ramen.

But I love being the Jews of Sup Forums.

>implying Sup Forums isn't just a less funny Sup Forums with more Europeans

>you will never be a rich indian programmer
Why live?

Weird cubicle autistic pricks are the best programmers you're ever gonna get, much better than a woman at least.

But is not, you tumblurina.


I'd rather discuss it with Jonathan the inbred Brit or Ching and her sister Chong

+1 upboat my friend for the reddit army xD


poo in loo Sanjeep

Also go back to tumblr.

I don't think it's women who are particularly incapable of coding, more disgusting normies. Women are capable of being fat smelly autistic neckbeards as well, there just aren't as many of them.

Sup Forums is cancer and super annoying. Sup Forums is less so because they keep their memes contained.


I don't get it, is this supposed to make me mad? The one on the right is much easier to follow with the programmer notes and looks simpler.

>*fist bumps*


True. Autists are the better coders, and there's far less women autists than men autists. It's not like having a vagina attached automatically makes you a bad programmer or something.

You try not to get gang raped while shitting on an open street


That's women, not asian.
The part where it use anything other than 2ch and don't write everything in moonrunes give it away.

can't be an ideal looking white male, that would be racist

never laughed so much in my life.

Is that a prop hand or is she taking the photo with her phone in her mouth?

Did Sup Forums hurt your feelings that bad?

Both codes are awful.
Left one is a cryptic mess that use an unexplained john carmack trick, while the one on the right is overcommented and horribly programmed.

Is that Eggman ?

I don't really give a damn but a lot of the comments in the right code is redundant.

There is more pointless shit than there is code, the code itself isn't even hard to read.

Aspiring programmer here. Is there a reason a constant was declared for 1.5F when it's only used once? Is it to let people know that you shouldn't be changing this number?

>Left one is a cryptic mess that use an unexplained john carmack trick

The actual original code is commented you know, she obviously took the comments out for that picture so it looks more messy.

Not like it matters, code aspect doesn't really matter for the consumer so at the end performance is all that's important.

In Eggman's dreams maybe.

What is that from? People say it all the time with people holding rifles. Puerile can't ACTUALLY be impressed by trigger discipline

It looks simpler becuase it IS simpler.

The one on the left is a legendary snippet of code that helped power the Quake engine.

The on on the right really only does what is stated.

Const tag is used for the compiler, Having a dynamic variable requires more memory and takes longer to compile.

>else if (a > b && b < a)

Code aspect avoids bugs/makes the code easier to maintain and allow several programmers to work on the same thing without having awful downtimes to everyone get on the same page.

And it runs on the same exact speed as "ugly code" most of the time.

Yeah it's because you need exactly 1.5 for this code to work, any other number wouldn't return the proper value.

I have no fucking clue how Carmack came up with 1.5 out of fucking nowhere, or how he comes up with ANY of shit he writes and makes it work.

>no one has posted a game idea yet

Lack of trigger discipline has killed many a friend during war time.

It's not easy having to report to a family that Danny's head got blown apart because his best mate was being sloppy.

Man, to have grown up in a time when maximum program efficiency was important. Thanks for the answer.

Actually it was originally used to calculate shadow effects on stairs for Doom. I haven't got the link to hand, but Carmack himself said so at a postmortem of Doom presentation.

He didn't find a designated street.

Well, compilers got a fuckton better.
small tricks like those don't do much difference because the compilers will do it internally for you.

Diarrhea Simulator 2017
Next gen bowl movements

What the fuck? Who types like that, are you 16 or something?

Yeah but it takes more manhours to commentate every single line and it's a waste because you're not supposed to do that in the first place, if your code is readable and you don't have magic variables you really don't have to commentate every single line, just summarize what a function does and what a complicated \ non-intuitive section's idea is and your present and future design vision and decisions for your code.

The documentation in the right picture is fucking horrible, it would've been the same without any documentation at all maybe besides the line that explains it returns the larger of two integers.

Sup Forums is racist. deal with it

I'm a programmer, I know what benefits nice code has, but it's not always possible to have it (and sometimes it's redundant, you don't need any comments whatsoever for the stuff on the right for example)

Here's an industry tip though, at the end of the day your boss won't give a shit that you wasted 2 days making code look nice for "future updates" and he'll demand the program finished by Thursday. "The code works" always has more priority than "The code looks nice", especially if the project itself only has two or three guys working on it.

It still is though.

It's the difference between getting 45 or 60 fps out of your game sometimes.

>game set in modern India
>air planes throwing their toilet shit while flying on big cities
>+10 luck for the rest of the day if you get hit by a flying shit

Not everyone on Sup Forums is a flaming Sup Forumstard. What happens there isn't indicative of the general consensus. You probably think everyone on Sup Forums supports Trump too.

He didn't, he copied it from somewhere else though I don't think anyone knows exactly where from hence the 'what the fuck???' comment on the magical hexadecimal number that's integral to the calculation.

>Teachers told us to comment all the time, practically every line
>Actually get working
>Throw that shit out the window

How can people even stand commenting so much. I ain't wasting an hour or two commenting all that shit, God damn.

>thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

he's british


ITT idiot westerner cumskins

India will be a superpower in 2030, u countries will be the REAL shit holes

Left is good, but right is preferable because of documentation

I hate smartass that tells me to "read his code" to figure it out

A literal piece of shit armed with a pootana (poo katana) tries to stump the Trump. It's filled with every Sup Forums related meme known to man and the true final boss is moot. Hidden within the game files is source code for a complete C++ port of Space Station 13.

Understood. I haven't tried any game programming so I haven't learned much about proper efficiency besides poor coding practices for enterprise level applications.

On my original post i did pointed out that it was overcommented as fuck, not arguing that every single line should be commented, after all its C not asm.
But explaining the completely insane things and having some descriptive variable names help.

He will when the program fucks out and you take weeks trying to find out where the bug is.
Of course, there is a balance between perfect code autism and "something you can pick up quickly weeks later".

>the difference between girls and guys
>even the painfully obvious has to be explained
Seems pretty accurate.








i think you´re so narcistic you are trying to force yourself as a meme and probably make youtube videos

>if(a < b)
> return b;
>//return b if a is less than b
You seriously need documentation for that?

Rule number one of commenting: fucking comment.

Rule number two of commenting: don't comment shit that's blatantly obvious to anyone who knows how to code.

Not following two is actually worse because all it does is make your code a fucking nightmare to look at while getting actually important comments lost in a shitstorm of Captain Obvious' journals.

Just the concept, having no documentation at all is recipe for disaster

On 2nd thought, the right one is also bullshit because how useless those comment are

No you don't.
The code on the right is actually a joke, which gets quite obvious on the part where you have multiple return statements inside ifs that would make some compilers throw a tantrum and the lol so randum part.

correction:all white people look like babies
>not extending generalizations of an entire race to whites as well as minorities
Literally worse than Hitler

>Showing off a literal hello world program
Why do these people feel the need to advertise their boring, unimpressive shit?

Q_sqrt in the function name, and the hexadecimal number in the code is all I need to figure out what the function does having went through it once.

A good and consistent naming convention takes you far, without resorting to the helping wheels that are comments. There's nothing wrong with Carmack's code, and it wouldn't need more than one single line of code to explain what happens when he casts the float directly into the long.

>Patrick "Babyface" McGee
>Hong Feiling
>Sakura Tanaka
>Unibrow Shitsinstreets