>live e3 demo on stage
>controller disconnects
Live e3 demo on stage
Other urls found in this thread:
fucking madcatz
>Playing live footage of the newest PS4 game
>Windows error
At least you know it isn't a bullshot cgi trailer pretending to be gameplay when that happens
>live E3 game demo on stage
>youtube player pops up and video starts buffering
>live e3 demo on stage
>you ever wondered what the bottom of an avatars shoe looks like?
>well bam there it is
this is what sony wants you to believe
>oh, we're still going?
>bringing children on stage to demo motion based game
delete this
at that point you have to wonder if they're running it on a PS4 or a PC
>"Collect the coins!"
that's how they get you, they implement a scripted controlled disconnected sequence, so that preorder their shitty game
>Pre-Alpha gameplay
>controller disconnects
>the character is still moving
>e3 demo for console game
>game crashes and goes back to windows 7 homescreen
>Character falls through the world
So how bad is it going to be this year?
>controllers cant disconnect from high end 20k $ pc
i fucking hate ea and what theyve done to battlefield but the childish reactions of the "adults" boooing and teasing like toddlers makes me rage. they are acting like THAT GUY that still thinks gradeschool antics are funny. makes me want to kick their adult teeth down their childish throats
>person presenting sounds nervous
Depends on ubisoft.
They're on the panderiing-memewagon right now.
They're sure to deliver content
that always leads to funny shit though
>e3 console game gameplay showcase
>press ctrl + c to crouch, press R to reload
Game has stopped working. Windows is checking for problems
>console game presentation
>please update to windows 10
>live e3 demo on stage
>controller disconnects
>"gameplay" keeps going
>console exclusive
>mouse and keyboard prompt appears
reminder to filter all tripfags
>Play demo on show floor
>See Razer/Alienware Gaming PC lights underneath the console
>windows 10 is restarting to install updates
>motion ""controls""
>dancing game live