B... B... B... BuT VR has no games

>B... B... B... BuT VR has no games
>muh tech demos
>muh "it's just like kinect/wii"
>muh "too much monies"
>B.. B.. But... VR will fail any second now! Even though it can't stop selling out everywhere and almost 100,00 people have Vives already
>Muh Muh Red sweaty "VR face"

Sucks you guys insist on being retarded peasants, well for you it does not for me of course

Other urls found in this thread:


my parents used to have chickens

nearly none of those are games. You proved yourself wrong with your own proof

>used to

What happened?
Ate them?

Why are you talking like a retard?

Anyway, I was pretty excited for VR, then the Giant Bomb vid revealed that it was pretty much all Wii-tier waggle garbage. It might be cool for sim games, but ultimately, it's just a really expensive gimmick.

>Post your face when you didn't fall for VR

>job simulator
shit system senpai desu

But if we are to get NervGear by 2022, some advancements must be made.

Chickens only live like 7 or 8 years, and most people's response after having their first chicken die is "Well, fuck that I don't want to do that again".

i dont know what happened, i was very little at the time. i know they let some of the eggs hatch, i guess they just ate the rest. the cock would often attack my older sister


>Giant Bomb vid revealed that it was pretty much all Wii-tier waggle garbage.

You mean that cherry picked video from their stream, or is there another one?

I'd also attack your older sister with the cock

Japan sure is being slow with the waifu sims.

I watched the entire stream.

I don't understand your post. You are trying to say VR has in fact games? Well, ok, then this just proves how VR really is failing sinceit has games and people still don't give two shits about it.

GB has a handful of videos with different VR games from both Oculus and Vive. They are all shit.

>7-8 years
holy shit, I thought chickens would last 3-4 years max. literally how do they survive in the wild?

>weak as shit
>can't fly
>literally out matched by even domestic cats
>would probably get their shit pushed in by one of those puppy dog size new york rats

In the wild they probably last a year or two thanks to predators. The 7-8 year lifespan is under conditions where healthcare, food, and shelter is provided.

That said, I've never been a chicken, I can't testify to the troubles of being a chicken. However, in that one game where humans are gone and animals run loose all over NYC, I played as a chicken and tried to survive, I think even cats and small vermin were fucking my shit up.

Ok, I respect your opinion then, although I Holopoint and SPT are not shit imo.

House of the Dying Sun is pretty fun and cheap

That's because Japan is afraid of high powered PCs.

How appropriate I find this thread, just took my Vive off, I'm fuckin sweaty
Played Hover Junkers, Space Pirate Trainer, and Holoball for like 2 or 3 hours, it really wears you out.
Now I'm going out for donuts so I can gain all that weight and energy back

Can attest to this, although needs a lot of work. The tutorial is a piece of shit and doesn't explain the RTS aspect at all.

get poolnation, it's amazing

no they are not, trust me m8 you wont find those for dl on steam though

he hasn't ever played brookhaven, hordeZ, or audioshield...

even with that type of healthcare, that seems long as fuck for a creature I always assumed was fragile and easily spooked.

Now I'm curious the expense for keeping one as a pet.

Worth it just for the waifu sex simulator

Why are you trying to justify yourself to us, vrcuck? Go enjoy your games, it's not like you're already bored of the fad you brought or anything like that :^)

I only bought this shit to simulate a school shooting.

Boy, did I die first.

got to do something while I eat dinner

I will get VR whenever I have a big pool of disposable income. 900€ for a gadget I'll barely use? Not a chance.

I tried it, it's interesting.... everything really is lifesize and let's just say immersive so for sure it is worth trying, wfs was very cool but I also tried this here:

the detail and res and eye tracking yes... eye tracking make it really cool. I didn't think I would ever even try porn with my vive (really) but figured I'd try it once and loved it in a way I'm forever shameful about


VR eroge will dominate the market, mark my words, invest in japanese eroge developers.

that's good, VR is incredible to th point where you constantly here people like me who know how VR feels always say how it is impossible to explain, we say that because it's kinda true, had a chick in my room a couple weeks ago try it, she doesn't play any video games, loved to death as they all do and literally started conimplating spending 1,000 dollars on it. VR is fucking dangerous to try if you think it could motiate you to change your life budget to buy a rift/vive lol

how many of those are archery ranges or shooting galleries?

There's also the problem I live in a rather small house, I don't have the space requirements VR headsets ask for.

I live in a tiny apt. 2m by 1.6m is all I need for 95% of titles out there really, don't worry to much about that if you ever thought of buying it, I just always have to be careful not to smash my controller on the fucking wall


>on rails shooters
>teleport to move around "games"

>teleport to move
why not join us in 2016?


>I fell for the VR meme
I'm pretty sure most people have the money to get it but they are not as retarded as you

I guess spinning and almost tripping on that cord is also a playstyle

>tfw didn't fall for motion controls v2

Nah, VR is fine, just not for every genre. At the moment, there aren't really any cool VR games, only shitty jump scare horror and proof of concept demos. Might be cool to play a complex RPG with it. Until then, it's mostly cool for lewd.

he says without having any idea how VR feels, hey look it's this post again

I've never tripped once, had the vive for 2 months, play it constantly, every week like 5 or so games come out, too many to keep up, I'll buy kingspray and raw data soon though, sorry you don't know what you're missiong out on. Just keep making judgements on stuff for which you have "0" experince with, that's popular these days

Oh you don't need to convince me, I'm sure the vr brand on your face does enough advertising for you.

>tabletop simulator
now i can really feel like i'm throwing dice on the table

>there aren't really any cool VR games

you didn't buy a rift did you? I'm sorry lol
at least you can play technolust though, look it up

>forcing your buyers remorse onto others this hard
hey why are you doing that

you'd rather do it with your mouse looking at a flat monitor? lol

Mate, stop trying to convince other people to become as miserable as you. Classic crabs in the bucket mentality. Don't be an asshole.

say what you want but tabletop sim is actually a really good piece of software, IIRC they are adding all kinds of board games, they already have things like monopoly/risk and you can add your own shit to play D&D. I got it at beta launch for free but I haven't tried it since bcuz no frinds


>paying money for this trash
>paying $30-40 for unfinished junk rushed out to milk retard Year1 VR fags

you guys are genuinely fucking stupid if you buy into VR year one

>he says without having any idea how VR feels, hey look it's this post again
we all know what it's like and it has been done before

you better start shilling when your VR can suck my dick or else I won't care

VR can't suck your dick yet but at least it can provide you with this.

u're poor it's cool we get it, just don't ever try VR anywhere, you'll be well just like every other person who tries VR anywhere just like this guy but realizing that you still can't afford your own holodeck, just keep posting memes for now


What if I told you I had a vive but I didn't like it so I sold it for 1100 bucks to some poor sucker?

I'm not a weebshitter user...

that would please me as much as rubbing my cock against pic

it's really hard to explain this, I have that same program, like imagine her head is the size of a person's head in rl laying right infront of you, same thing really, it's all so real to the point where this shit is really hot, you can't get that though thru watching a 2d video on your 30 something inch monitor, would recommend this to anyone

>not wanting to rub your wood against wood
Its time to come out of the closet.

god i fucking hate this board

>$60 for no mans sky? thats too much, cant wait to pirate it!
>$40 for the witness? still too much, i pirated it
>$10 for undertale? lol i pirated that shit
>$40 VR tech demo? yeah i paid for that, lol what are you poor??

I could do that tomorrow and so could anyone else with a vive, I'd only try to get what I paid though to make it easy.
The reason most people aren't selling their vives should tell people something though

it comes free kid with the vive

>800 dollars

Are you implying that HTC could have priced their expensive HMD at 760 dollars had they not included 1 little tech demo like the one in that video and chose not to? Why are all peasants retarded like this? Why can't they be like "Shit looks cool but, I'm to broke to buy it right now, I'll make my opinions on VR when I get a fair chance at using it somewhere."
I ask to much I know

wOOOOOw lad it does have descent...if we take into account that every other page probably has also 1 wortwhile game it does 11 wortwhile games in total, WoooooW lad I feel like having console already

Ah yes, how could we forget such gems as "A Chair in a Room" and "Job Simulator"