Seriously, PS4.5 won't play 4K games.. only 4K movies

but if they release a PS5 with 4K games, what games are you excited for the remaster line up?

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Lol. Nah.

>sonyggers are ALREADY defending this
It is literally okay when Sony does it

Sony brainwashed them


I don't even have a 4K television.

Sony already confirmed that it would support 4K games


>source: Sony paid me to make this statement

YFW the 4K console will be just HD remasters of PS4 titles

It may not play ALL games in 4k, but I bet you could render 4k odin sphere on a toaster, so it will play some games in 4k.

Can you even do HD remasters of remasters?

Sony can

will the PS4.5 even play 1440p?

It doesn't say 4K games, it says "content"

The RX 480 costs 200 bux and can play 1440p at 90-120fps for most games.

What makes you think a console optimized/even better GPU couldn't do 4k?

Kek no shit.. Maybe it can at least play bloodborne at a steady 30fps at least..

I think Xbox is a good deal
for 299 you can play Halo, Gears of War, Forza and multiplats

The PS4 is a fucking remastered console

Because it's not just the video card that's the issue, it's optimizing for the video card and shoving in all the other necessary shit while keeping the price affordable.

$5 has been added to your PSN account

400 dolaridoos for a bluray player.

With that current Best Buy sale on those exact games, why am I beginning to become scared that I just made a future buyers remorse purchase.

None, because I won't have a 4K TV for a good 10 years at least.

We haven't even gotten benchmarks. Plus apus are usually watered down versions of the cards themselves.

I still don't know how could anyone could think even for a moment that the new ps4 will be able to play in 4k
currently only the newest gpus are able to play things smoothly in 4k and they are more expensive than a ps4

It's impossible, a PS4 capable of running 4K games would be ludicrously expensive.

>buying consoles

>buy $400 ps4
>buy 1 $80 exclusive
>year later have to buy $400 Ps4.5 again

$880 bucks to play bloodbourn with how much in monthly fees?

why the fuck are people defending this like: "oh, you don't have to buy it if you don't want it bro, you still got the ps4, nothing's gonna change"

Because it's literally okay when Sony does it

>E3 2016
>Microsoft announce their new Xbone.5
>It's a little better than the PS4 but still can't do 60fps
>Out November 2016
>Xbone sales drop considerably between now and then
>Xbone.5 doesn't do much better at launch
>PSX in December
>Sony announce PS4k
>It does 4k video output and can manage 1080p/60fps on most titles
>Releases March 2016
>only lose a couple months of sales

Sony wins again unfortunately.

Sony could rape a woman like the stanford swimmer and sony fans would think it was a cool game. All sony fans are cancer and should be shot on sight.

Downscaled stuff looks pretty good.

Maybe it's not gonna run games in true 4K... but will upscale it properly to where playing on a 4K TV won't cause latency issues.

I played Fallout 4 on my family's 4K TV and it felt like I was streaming over a shitty service using DSL.

I don't understand why this exists when they're still going to use the shitty CPU present in the current PS4. That's responsible for most of the system's issues and will continue to be the case.

I see PKEKS are out in full force.

>ps4 has been out for 3years
>Not forced to buy it again it will have no exclusive games
>bb isn't 80$
>Prime isn't mandatory
Keep signing them petitions maybe one day you'll get a good console game.