Why would anyone marry a human?

Why would anyone marry a human?

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To reproduce.

I'd marry their cunnies

Humans can get naked.

because you can't marry a fictional character.

Humans can make babbies.

Also Palette makes the other two look worse just by being there.

>Implying robot masters/reploids can
I can understand the ones only made for combat, but there's no reason civilian types can't.

I want to impregnate palette

Humans don't have JPG artifacts Seriosly why is the gradient background yellow in Alia's thigh gap?

>what are artificial wombs


>girl bots
Boy robots are better.

Because my favorite voice actress hasn't voiced a nice robot that I could proudly take home to meet my family

are their naughty bits fleshy?

Praire totally wanted Vent though.

Vent isn't canon.

I'd marry a data though.

No, she wanted Giro's dick badly like Aile.

Fleshy enough.


Fuck of conman.

give me the brown robot with the big rack and underboob

That's cheating since it's a robot piloted by a data.

>can't walljump
that shit hurts the most

>That image set
>That Alia
My dick just gone maverick.

You can always get her refitted if they aren't. I'm sure she'll understand.

Humans can't be mavericks.

Careful, your dick is now on the list to be obliterated by the maverick hunters.

>tfw can't walljump

You know, i wanna see his face right now because he might think they are gonna send female bots to "obliterate" his dick, and not X shooting his dick off.

why do robots need tits?

it's just as retarded as lizard girls

They're a health and safety hazard.

Reploids are just humans in armor anyway, so there is no point.

Zero should've been a girl.

Because society is build around it, try buying a decent house ect ect with 1 salary.


Actually, you can.
A man married a pillow and another man a videogame character.

Well, normies consider it natural.

So they can feed their babies? I mean, it's pretty obvious.

Go away, Palette.

I agree, all reploids should be flat.

That's very cute. Artist?

Why do robots need to look like humans or animals?

User comfort is obviously of utmost import.


Just wait for Barneyfag to source it.


He only ever responds to his own threads in a timely manner, could take some time.

I want to marry, impregnate, and start a family with a reploid!

Okay, but this is your wife.

Give me superior Iris, then we had a deal.

are you toaster fuckers serious?

Android waifus don't yet exist




the robot on the left REALLY makes me wanna play Megamen X

>Give me superior Iris, then we had a deal.

Superior Iris?
You mean this?

she's a stern navigator who goes all flubbish and meek whenever zero's around for conversation
too bad about the 'seal for the future and die with a loli calling your name' part for him

She's from X8.

No. But that works too.


Just think of how many fetishes could be realized if reploids existed.

>generic blue maverick hunter
Color me surprised that someone remembered them.
Weight gain on robots makes no sense

Everyone knows robot girls are the best.

>tfw you share the planet with people who wouldn't fuck palette silly

One has mekakure and the other has a massive forehead.

mekakure is godlike

Heck, are there non-fuckable robot girls?

>tfw best robowaifu gets no art

It doesnt but here we are.

Purple bitch from X8?

God those legs get me so fucking hard.

Nope, she's good too.

They are a large part of her appeal.

does the left one have a name i can look up on pixiv/gelbooru/sadpanda?


>only deteriorate with age

so do robots...


>Nope, she's good too.
I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you're kidding. That purple bitch is so ugly she makes Rush look appealing.

Took you long enough.

>Took you long enough.
I was waiting to see how this thread would go down.

I'm allowed my own opinions, damn it.


>he thinks he's allowed to have opinions on Sup Forums
Your opinion is only valid as long as it matches mine.

>No sauce
Why do you torture me so?

Surely you don't mean Layer.

But Ophiuca is a ayyylmao.

Also She is Luna, and Luna have pretty good doujins.

They've been posted user, just look harder.

Turns out you've been deceived all along. Your opinion is only valid if it's identical to mine.

The only reason marriage exists is to have and raise children, legally binding both parents to care and provide for them. Marrying an android would be as pointless as gay marriage, except even more degenerate, because if you're marrying a female bot that means you are attracted to women but voluntarily chose to remove yourself from the gene pool.



Lumine is a guy.
Because I know for a fact you arent talking about Layer


i will never like layer tho

>I have never seen Armitage

>Lumine is a guy.

>never ever

As long as we love Roll we can be friends. Not best friends, though.

Looks like he was.

>Yfw he doesn't even know the source and he's probably just googling it right now.

That's a pity.
Palette's better anyways

At the point you can marry sentient fembots, you can probably just have yourself cloned or something.

Alia is my favorite out of the 3 but I think I've just been conditioned to like blonde MM girls by now. Roll, Alia, Kalinka, Ciel.