Someone call 911 cause I got ROBbed.
Someone call 911 cause I got ROBbed
Other urls found in this thread:
>Ten years ago
>Irate Gamer pops up on the scene
>People immediately realize he is a fraud who doesn't know what he is talking about
>Is continued to be mocked and derided by the community to this day
>Totalbiscuit and co. come out with bullshit like pretending that Overwatch's microtransactions are 'pro consumer', constantly damage control bad games, and shit on the best console this generation.
>Beloved by the community
What happened, bros?
Idol worship happened.
I think it's even worse that people think he ripped off AVGN cause he was actually around before him
Doctored wiki pages and constant shilling make it look like he was the copy cat. Same with what happened to Oreo cookies.
He did. This has been well documented.
James still makes good content today. IG doesn't.
Go away Chris.
Worse than IG or cancer.
Honestly, James is still one of the best internet content creators out there. I'm not even a big movie fan and I like his movie reviews and shit. AVGN's actually gotten better over time too, but the quality of his other stuff has improved so much that I don't even care that much about AVGN itself anymore.
James Rolfe is probably the most modest, down to earth guy there is too. Ton of respect for him.