Pic related.
Pic related.
You must be autistic to think that Undertale didn't deserve the fame it recieved
Not OP, but I think the one autistic is you.
w-well, I think you're a big stinky loser.
See, you just proved my claim.
ill shit on your beating heart for saying that you stupid fuck
Let go of all this rage user, there are so many metrics that can objectively show how undertale is nothing but a lousy weekend hobby project done in RPG Maker 2000 (which by the way I have seem better games out of that engine).
There are people in this world who enjoy taking poison, though. Let's not discuss that.
Name a lame game and your reasons.
no u
All of them.
The Last of Us
Just get out
every bioware games
The acclamation on this game right here is a bullet into the heart of gaming.
Pretty good interactive movie or whatever else you wanna call it.
Toriel porn is god tier
Witcher series
If there's any ISISfag here, please bomb all Naughty Dog buildings for the sake of humanity.
ME1, it's pretty good but fanboys will tell you it's some kind of gift from above.
I remember when Undertale first came out Sup Forums couldn't stop riding its dick. Then it became popular and then suddenly everyone hated it.
There are picnic blankets with less predictable patterns than Sup Forums
I'll agree with 1 & 2, but I got gifted 3 a few weeks ago. It's not overrated.
Deus Ex, Planescape: Torment, Fallout and Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines, these are some that come to mind.
I'm just shitposting, that's what this thread is for, right?
That game is just as good as any decent old school rpg maker game.
It's just that you have to have some nerve to sell it for 10 bucks and still sleep at night.
Or maybe, it's more likely that toby fox is just a complete autistic fucktard.
>let's objectivify art
I can find a ladder tall enough to get you out of this hole. If someone likes it, it doesn't make them wrong.
>video games
Experiences crafted into a medium.
I believe this is a fishing and hunting store specialized in bait
Mario 64. I still like it and think its good, but looking back now most of the levels just seem like test levels for a 3d game, which is pretty great because every other platformer at the time got to use them as a blueprint.
Everything can be objectified at least to some point. What people likes an dislikes are referenced on their experiences. To find beauty and wit in an artwork such as Undertale is a strong indicator of a poor cultural knowledge.
When you have a large group revering that clearly raw piece of game, you can diagnose a social illness to some standards. It's some sort of mass hysteria.
I never said they are wrong to like it though.
But, once again, the distinctions you're making on "poor cultural knowledge" is, in itself, a subjective opinion. The simplistic, hobby-project, and easily telegraphed plot and game play doesn't immediately peg itself as a "bad game".
Especially in a comparative sense. Other games that have attempted the same level of story telling comes off as pretentious, pointless, and insistently pandering to a crowd of desperate "cultured folk".
It's a digestible medium for those interested. It's not too serious, it's self aware, and features easily accessible gameplay. I wouldn't show Holy Motors or even Love to my friends. I wouldn't put on harsh noise or Portishead with a group of "hip-hop" heads.
As far as what it contributes to most, I'd say it's a rousing success.
Good point
Now I feel like maybe I'm a bigot. Sorry user
Final Fantasy VII
>no asgore
Never apologize for questioning anything.
Most of the time, Sup Forums is utter shit. But sometimes it is a magic place.