When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
it's a side effect of the general demoralisation of western culture.
when the western world decided minorities were easy tools for marketing
because there was a whole like 20 years of only hetero shit in video games
yeah they're laying it on thick and plenty of the time it comes off disingenuous but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play
Sup Forums only cares about it because they're dickheads not because they're worried about minorities being used for marketing
Of all things on Earth, fucking Planet Stronghold got a sequel?
When the 80s and early 90s gamers became too old to relate to the angsty teenager/20something male protagonist. Combine that with all the MMOs that let you choose a female character and games that feature a woman as the main character.
That opened the door for the lesbian characters as a male fetish (besides the inclusion of lesbian scenes in straight porno for decades), and the gay male equivalent piggybacked on it for gender equality.
>When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
Never did. Still isn't. Only sjw push it like crazy but then they don't even buy games. So it's irrelevant. Only suckers like EA and Activation fell for the sjw homo meme.
>beautiful hand painted art
It looks like shit.
That robot looks hilarious.
Because it triggers people like you into generating free publicity for shit indie games.
The cure is simply to ignore it but you have zero self control and play into their hands every time.
More importantly - when did romance at all become so fucking important? Do they really need to shoe horn that shit into every fucking title under the sun?
Why did romance in general become so important in video games?
I mean, Mass Effect added a few romances, and about six years later, if you go to the Bioware forums it's nothing but
>I want a fuckable robot
>I want a fuckable gay robot
>I want to fuck a space mermaid
>I want to fuck a space mermaid with human legs and a fish head
>I want a hairy bear-like alien that I can fuck
>I want to fuck a hanar
>I want to fuck multiple hanar in a polyamorous relationship in which Blasto and his friends probe my every holes with their tendrils
>I want trans romances
>Are there going to be more significant gun modifications?
>I want more romances between black males
>I want more gender options for my character
>Fallout 4 had polyamory, why can't Mass Effect?
>I want a Garrus to come back as a robot and I want robo-Garrus to impregnate me with his nano-seed
>they should make their own games if they want gay sex
Can I fuck the robot?
lmao, of all the things like boring gameplay and shit art, you decide to hate on the romances?
You can fall in love.
a universal constant is that sex sells.
>Colonial Defense
>on Earth
Ever since gaming jurnos want to be seen as entitled and the avant-guarde of gaming, but they literally are people that can only think of themselves and how to be "kewl" on the internet.
They got you to post a thread about this unremarkable literal who game to Sup Forums, didn't they?
Do you seriously NOT want them to warn you about it so you get slapped in the face with a cock unexpectedly?
Be grateful it's labeled.
When hetshit became fucking boring.
Western games are so reggresive desu. Japans has always been much more progressive than those fucks from America.
Name one western game where you can romance a loli character. Pro-tip: you can't. Western games are too scared to do anything controversial and prefere to continue the status quo of shitty games with no substance.
>Do they really need to shoe horn that shit into every fucking title under the sun?
>One major company puts romance options in their mainstream game releases and nobody else does
In visual novels? Since always.
>Name one western game where you can romance a loli character.
Got you right here.
Because people actually get killed by extremists.
That's not 'in video games' though that's 'in Bioware'
Lonely women found a game company that would cater to them, so they're piling in there with "CAN WE HAVE DLC WHERE CULLEN AND MY QUIZZIE HAVE FIVE BABIES?"
Adding in romance was a mistake. I liked it when it was somewhat a hidden novelty in Baldur's gate games, but then as time went on it became more and more of an expected feature, and attracted an awful audience.
Damnit user. Not again, now I have a hard-on.
Too bad this VN seems to have a timeskip.
>implying homo romance is widespread
You guys realise that 99% of games with romance sub plots are exclusively hetero right?
Having a handful of homo sub plots isn't going to ruin games.
Lavinia in A Little Lily Princess?
Bethesda too has added romance mechanics. And people are going nuts about it.
Fair enough, though that's a VN but I guess that still counts.
You sure that's the right girl? I looked for her infos and she doesn't look like a little girl.
What if the romances were DLC content only? Would that make a difference for you?
>but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play
lol why
Lavinia's not a loli unless by loli we mean "under 18" in which case everyone but Mariette counts.
Lottie is a traditional loli but she's not romanceable, it's a friends path.
When I bought a Yuri VN
Eh. It makes some people happy and some teenagers less suicidal, supposedly, though it's hard to do a good solid scientific study on that
To be fair, OP literally said "when did homosexual romances become so important to video games"
He didn't say any of that strawman nonsense you spouted. Does he believe it? Maybe.
But the example he posted is a collectible card game. I think there's some merit to the question about whether or not a collectible card game needs romance options at all, and whether the inclusion of homosexual romances is intrinsically important to the game or symptomatic of a move toward demographic pandering in the medium.
I don't really care.
>But the example he posted is a collectible card game.
Not really. It's a game by a visual novel developer who was trying to explore different added-gameplay mechanics. Look at the rest of the things he's developed, it's basically 100% dating sims.
So this isn't a case of shoving romance into a game, it's shoving a game into romance.
Wouldnt be a big deal if there wasnt controversy over desu
>but it is actually a big deal for people to be represented in the games they play
This must be a recent thing. Used to be you could play as a fat Italian plumber or a hedgehog or a fucking earthworm in a spacesuit and not get triggered by underrepresentation. At what point did videogames stop being about escapism and start being about social agendas?
>When did homosexual romances become so important to video games?
It's a winter wolves game
Most of their customers are female so it is a selling point for them
Romance in games has never been done well. Straight or gay. That said, people who get butthurt over fags in games are fucking hilarious.
Really though? If they're truly minorities then they're a smaller group to seek profit from right? The most generous stat I've seen for gay men in America is around 5% of men
Yeh that makes senses as Hanako Games is against loli after all and they made the game apparently. Sounds like a terrible game.
I fucking hate when VN put lolis who seem like they might be romanceable but they're not actually romanceable. Fuck that shit.
Yeah, used to be you could be a male character or a male character or a male character.
Can't imagine why anyone would be interested in escapist imagining of anything else.
Lol. Hanako isn't against loli, Hanako is against being sued. You should see the shit she used to post on hentai boards.
When faggots started playing them. E.g. you.
I'm still waiting for one of those gay furry visual novels to finally hit steam from Japan.
I wanna fuck that giant judo tiger.
The annoying part is that only rarely do they have male x male romances that have any effort or care. Oftentimes it'll just be your stereotypical gay guy and two actual lesbians romances with effort behind them. It sucks.
I don't object to anything else they say, but the best songs in that entire series are the Imperial March, which is explicitly the villains' leitmotif, and Duel of the Fates, which is in practice a Sith theme. Sorry, but when it comes to Star Wars, the bad guys have better music.
Giant judo bear is where it's at, brah.
Sup Forums is filled with faggots so it makes sense.
There's a lot of furry work coming out of Russia lately isn't there?
Because gay people exist
That's like saying why does a game have characters with glasses
Hanako harassed people asking for h-patch for Little Witch Romanesque, telling them to stop asking for it. She's a dumb bitchy SJW.
Under-representation doesn't matter in simple cutesy platformers, where only the core gameplay, aesthetic and level design, in which you give zero fucks about the plot.
It does matter in plot heavy titles where having relatable characters decides whether you even care about what's happening in the game or not.
>At what point did videogames stop being about escapism and start being about social agendas?
Video games have pretty much always been about a plethora of different things, they were primarily about competition and fun long before escapism. Political agendas are a part of every medium, including video games.
>Reading Comprehension
First visual novels already featured yuri sex...
It took the West, what, 25 years to catch up?
As a gay dude, I would not romance any of those fugly dudes. Why is the art so awful? Reminds me of that moon over june shit.
Are you high? Hanako BOUGHT the h version and posted about how great it was.
lol faggot
How many games announce
>including characters with glasses
as a selling point?
> card game
> western art
Of course
Best example of this is Bioware, who can't write a gay male to save their fucking life
They just make everyone bi and replace some pronouns and be done with it, and the rare times they do write a gay character he either isn't interesting at all (that guy from mass effect) or he's trying to burn your house down with all the flame (Dorian)
Fucking bioware!
When homos became a different kind of scapegoat.
It used to be that homos were blamed for the degradation of family values and whatnot but now it's all about saving the homos and giving us attention to distract from the real serious issues affecting our country.
That's exactly what i thought
Proof? Also waiting for proof of her supposedly drawing loli.
Games aimed at otome fangirls who are really into meganes.
*where only the core gameplay, aesthetic and level design actually matter, and you give zero fucks about the plot.
Sorry for the typo, I'm tired as fuck.
>he's trying to burn your house down with all the flame
> implying Dorian wasn't a great romance
His character arc was predictable as fuck, but the romance itself was one of the best ones. The real problem was that the writers clearly shipped him with Bull, and his DLC romance with the inquisitor suffers as a result.
Provide one example, just one, of a game proudly announcing that it features characters with glasses. Either that or admit your analogy was stupid.
I'm not dedicated enough to trawl through years of twitter and tumblr posts to find where she was advertising the game when it first came out but if you read that blog post that fuwanovel got all bent out of shape about, it includes her stating that she bought and enjoyed the 18+ version but didn't think an "all ages" release was a good idea.
Fucking same. How? HOW?!
The reason why is there are absolutely NO video games that have ever halfway decent romance simulations besides Bioware games. (Titty monster, flat 1-dimensional weeb games that are cheaply made don't count).
It's clearly a very desired genre of game that isn't being made by anyone besides Bioware. If you want to have an immersive experience of flirting with a character, going on dates and eventually your character falling in love with them, they're you're only option. Personally I really enjoy the romance aspect of their games a lot, probably because it's something that I can only get from their games, and the same reason people make such a big deal on how good the romances will be in upcoming games. I still remember all the speculation and shitposting before Inquistion came out trying to figure out who out of the cast was going to be romanceable. It's very obviously something people really want and the industry would be better off for both developers and players if more devs made good romance-focused games.
I just want to see my husbandos beg to being fucked
>I can only relate to people of my race creed and sexuality
What. I'm always startled when people think like this because it seems like a guaranteed way to ensure you can't possibly enjoy like 70% of stuff in any medium.
>in a few years the word "straight" will be considered derogatory since it implies gay people are not normal
>a transgender man that has sex with another man will not be considered homosexual since he identifies as female
>the word transgender will be phased out since it implies the person was ever the opposite gender that he/she identifies with
>the laws will change to increase punishment against people that are violent towards transgender individuals and will be considered a hate crime regardless of why you attacked
>you will be considered a bigot if you deny a transgender that attempts to flirt with you
His character arc with female PCs was kind of weird, though. "I'm completely gay, so I'm going to MASSIVELY hit on you and tell you how much I care about you and that you're the one person I'd most want at my side, and never mention the little snag."
>you are born gay!
>Like sexual preferences don't fluctuate
>People are "proud" to be gay
>Proud to be something they are apparently born with that they have no control over
Pop culture survives and persists by devouring subcultures and killing them.
Video games are currently being devoured. Casuals and hipsters enjoy identity politics and getting fucked in the ass.
hence all the gay
He's a fun romance but it's a bummer that his main defining trait is "very gay". And yeah the bit about him and Iron Bull is true.
This is a long way of saying that Bioware can't write for shit
What about the art she supposedly drew?
Also doesn't change the fact her game is shit for not letting romance the loli.
is that a moaning submissive bottom robot?
>>the word transgender will be phased out since it implies the person was ever the opposite gender that he/she identifies with
Except trans people pride themselves on having transitioned. This is why they push the term so hard.
Well, if it's silly for them to complain that they can't relate to a white guy, surely it's just as silly for you to complain that you can't relate to a black girl.
It's stupid to refuse to play a game just because the protagonist isn't you, but it can be annoying if characters like you NEVER exist.
Characters with glasses haven't been vilified or outright refused existence in pretty much all forms of media for the past forever. That is the difference. Although neither will inherit the kingdom of Heaven.
>being a literal pedophile
Then was a stupid post after all
She's 100+.
But user, lolis are the perfect women! They don't have any disgusting body hair or smells, they aren't old enough to play mind games or try to take control of your life, and nobody else has had a chance to use them yet leaving you the opportunity to decide how slutty you wanna make them. Then when they get to reproductive age, you know your kids are yours.