Is Watch Dogs 2 going to hack Silicon Valley?
Is Watch Dogs 2 going to hack Silicon Valley?
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>we want someone that's reprisents San Francisco
why didn't they choose gay hippie?
Is it confirmed he's gay?
holy shit does the dev team interview make this game look bad
nope, I bet they would promote his gayness if he was
Yes they will.
It's going to be the biggest hack of the history.
>San Francisco is 40% white
>33% Asian
>6% nigger
It would have made more sense to have some chinaman
So this game is assassins creed with smart phones AND Far Cry now?
What the fuck happened to differentiation of IPs and games having their own feel?
more like GTA with hacking expect they also made it boring
The first one looked interesting from the trailer but this one is just LOL SO EDGY FAKE STATIC IN THE TRAILER AND GRAFFITI DAMN SO COOL ARE WE HIP YET?
reminds me of h3h3 let's go mobile, goes almost to the cringe territory
Far Cry's Assassin's Creed in first person
Watch Dogs's Assassin's Creed in modern time
The Division's Assassin's Creed with no campaign
Splinter Cell's Assassin's Creed with stealth
Ironically, Assassins Creed is Rayman Origins in 3D
To me it looks like how a granny might see modern youth culture
well that, same territory, let's go mobile was how old business farts see mobile market
Kill yourselves
say that to the devs
it reeks of SJW and le epic maymays millenials
they can go fuck themself
How did they make the protagonist in watchdogs someone *more* unlikable?
This is fallout 4 levels of fail.
>execute the biggest of history
What did they mean by this?
Movie-budget productions and mass-appeal mean that shooters, sandboxes and their sequels are what gaming will always be marketing for.
No, they're going to crack Denuvo
If you don't like this game you're a racist
Go back to Sup Forums
This game looks like an abortion from 2008. I bet it was done by committee. The characters all look awful, the kind of designs that will appeal only to those cringey people in Facebook caps that talk about being anonymous or something.
Does anyone seriously think these cringey scene-esque hipsters look good? It's insulting to think anyone would like this "hack the planet" shit, especially after the first WD had a unique neo-noir style to it.
And "oh my lulz it's dedsec!"
Jesus fucking Christ
bart simpson???
>This game looks like an abortion from 2008.
>I bet it was done by committee.
It does have that vibe.
Not buying it even if it turns out to be good.
it would actually work so much better if they would go retro synthwave & vaporwave route and make the main character frankjavcee type funny guy ironic shitposter, but ofc that would be too much fun and the suits don't get such niche
>hurr durr we can hack shit so let's grafitti our internet group's name on tha wall
>hurr durr we can hack shit that clearly means we can hack any and everything and hang a car up with a crane haha
>hurrrr we can hack shit that means we're clearly outgoing individuals that have the fitness to climb cranes and fashion sense that equals our self-confidence
Total cringe
Good point, given that the main character of WD2 is basically Poochie.
I have no problem with a black character in Watch Dogs. The problem is everything else. Stupid fucking memes stuff like HACKER VIRUSES HACKING.EXE. They're aiming for normies soo...
That sounds like what Sunset Overdrive tried to do. Funnily enough, that also made me think "game from 2008" when I saw it.
Post the
>pol plays watchdogs
webm where it starts in a McD
yeah, they failed miserably
9/11 survivor
yeah, the character is just a cherry on top, he just seems bland bread that got burnt
>parkour and vaping
>drones and 3D-printed guns
>awful hot topic shit rags
>"How do you do, fellow kids?" reveal trailer
>main character is an amalgamation of BLM/dindu nuffin faggotry
>token hip and trendy muslim character
>capitalism is evil
>the police are thugs
>cyber crime and lawbreaking is totally justified when "on the right side of history"
>silicone valley trustfund twats and script kiddie indie devs are going to overthrow systematic oppression by defacing websites and bragging on social media
Bay area power fantasy: the video game.
Maybe this is like some really clever trick on the part of Ubisoft?
Like all the 'cool teens sticking it to the man' really just a facade and it goes on to show that they're really just a bunch of self absorbed self-righteous pricks and criminals seeking to just exploit the flaws of system (both socially and technologically) for their own ends?
They can(could) make him black or whatever but at least make it interesting. Memes aside. The whole BLACK CHARACTER OMG is acceptable in Watch Dogs, but it isn't in fucking Mafia
No, they're going to do the biggest hack of the history.
first sale day buy right here, vape nation
I wouldn't give Ubi the credit to think that far ahead
btw is your image related to that or... ?
mafia would never hire black guy or he was adopted or something he would be forever errand boy/hired killer
It would have fit better with an Indian or Asian. They just want to make it fit in with what's currently going on with the nonsense of BLM and "LE HANDS UP DONT SHOOT!!" and all that bullshit.
In Mafia it's inexcusable.
maybe their edgiest memester thought that but that is not the big picture
that dude looks like a bobblehead
Was this ever posted on Sup Forums?
No, it's just trying to tap into the whole "Black Lives Matter" "Lulzsec" "Bernie Sanders 2016" "Stick it to the old white male" "Universities are for free speech except when you criticise me" thing whilst simultaneously being as mass-marketedly "cool" and "hip" as possible.
I don't even give a shit what ethnicity the protag is, but I just know Ubisoft is going to hamfist some racial shit in there to come across as "oooh how progressive" and it'll sell a fuckton to retards that think they're sticking it to the man by making one set of stuffy white executives millions of dollars instead of another set of stuffy white executives.
well the parkour shit looks fun, the hacking seems vastly improved and the city seems nice, but the first wash_hogs looked good too so thats probably going to change. If they don't change anything, the character aren't unbearable, and if the story isn't total dogshit it might be a good game
I don't trust Ubisoft at all. Watch Dogs 2 might be cool, but it's just not worth the risk, they market almost every game to look 10/10, but maybe 1 in every 10 fucking games they produce is actually worth your time.
>assassin's creed with stealth
fuck, it's a testament to how far the series has departed from the assassin vibe that a statement like that even exists.
Well it seem fitting as it's ultimate message how there is no heroes in war, despite what we believe otherwise, as depicted when army dog just gives a dead hollow look when asked 'who is a good dog?'.
It's probably the most unflinchingly and butral the dehumanisation in war caught on film if Sup Forums supposed to be believe which it almost certainly isn't
> It's a Sup Forums meme
Oh, I see, that's why it was unfunny and made no sense, gotcha.
Gameplay looks better at the least. Very skeptical of the tone though. I'm all for a lighter tone, but I just don't have the faith in Ubisoft to pull it off in way that isn't just pandering references and political virtue signaling.
i would rather play as a nigger than a commie chink
That city looks bland af.
Of course you would tyrone
What the fuck was up with that, I thought Ubisoft were being progressive and they have some rap in their trailer using slurs against disabled people? Like what the hell man.
>character is a criminal from Oakland who's one unfortunate brush with the police away from statewide protests and rioting in the streets
>"we're going for a lighter tone"