Are Fallout 4 synths people?

Are Fallout 4 synths people?
Should they be treated with respect?

>tfw new vegas never handle a philosophical topic in its """good""" story, yet it gets praise on Sup Forums

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wgweres da benis



You do realize everyone can see you samefagging, right?
Fucking underage niggers.

They possess sentience on par with a human, so they fall into the people category.

The only difference between synths and humans is that their central processing unit is made of gold and silicone, while ours are made of fat cells and chemicals.

Can the latest generation Synths conceive and bear human children?

though it seems like i helped ol mates thread in the process

>philosophical topic
Underage b&


btw im pretty sure they have penis, because in one quest you talk to a synth that had replaced a family man so unless they dont have sex, ever, wife would find out
synths have penis

>Bethesda attempts to implement a moral dilemma in their game and fails miserably in its execution

Why do they have belly buttons but no nipples?
Why can't they do a better job of covering up the seams on the head?

It's one of the most overdone sci-fi stories imaginable so no wonder New Vegas didn't bother with it.

this game did a better job than fallout 4 in term of robotic stuff

No and no

maybe he was really good at cunnilingus
though ill agree, synths can literally just attach any dildo they want
they could be micro benis or 13 inch monstrosity

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>bethesda in charge of deep philosophical questions

Was the reason behind the abduction and replacement of human by synths ever answered in the game?
It seemed like it would be a major plot point, but got scrapped somewhere mid-development.

>its a "The institute does unjustifiably evil things while trying to present itself as a force of good" episode
fucking terrible design

>we want what's best for the commonwealth
>blow it all up lol

Amazing morally grey factions Bethesda

Gen 1/2 Synths clearly aren't.

Gen 3 Synths don't need to eat, drink or breathe - not something I generally regard as an ability that humans have.

Every scientist that actually worked on the synths says it's fake. The people who actually know what is happening inside can reprogram and delete every bit of memory or personality simulation.

So I'm gonna say it's just a really good imitation.

>Start game
>accidentally make a beeline for BoS and think fuck it join them go the whole hog FUCK SYNTHS
>Vow to kill all synths on sight
>A big chunk of the story forces you the interact with a synth and there's nothing you can do about it
>even if you have the BoS buddy with you nothing happens or is said or hinted at

Game is okay but this was fucking retarded

>your choices matter


No. They're retarded robots.

The newest gen syncs are indistinguishable from humans both from anatomical and biological points, only difference is some mechanical parts in their heads.
I also assume they can interbreed with humans.

So i would go even further, they are the same species as biologically they fulfill are criteria for it.
Also sine their children would be fully human i really have no clue why would brotherhood want to kill them, in just one or two generations the problem would solve itself, as old synths would die of age and newborn ones would be 100% human.

So you're upset you can't straight up murder Valentine?

I was willing to to go with the "synths are sentient beings" line until it was revealed every synth has a killswitch spoken phrase that instantly reboots their system, at that point I can't consider them people anymore, they're just machines.

Yes and no.

I joined the Brotherhood of Steel and had a Paladin of the fucking Brotherhood with me and we were standing infront of a filthy disgusting Synth abomination and no one even said anything. He didn't say anything, Valentine didn't say anything, no one said a fucking word.

Why let you join the brotherhood at all if that's how they operate and that's what they're about and that cock is in the story so heavily?

>The newest gen syncs are indistinguishable from humans both from anatomical and biological points, only difference is some mechanical parts in their heads.

Apart from the fact that they don't need to eat, drink, or sleep.

Meaning they're physiologically only imitating life.

So the story for Binary Domain? Just not as interesting

As much as Xenoblade X mims are people. Of course, that needs no answering.

>DiMa says they live in peace with the people
>leaders of the towns agree that the synths live in peace
>come to find out DiMa had all the town leaders murdered and replaced with synths
lmao and im supposed to feel sympathetic to the synths and dislike the "bigot" that warns me of their dangers

bethcucks on suicide watch

>valentine asks if i know of a way to track kellogg
>dogmeat is an option despite not encountering him

I don't consider most humans as people.

>they just killed all those hybrids on the list
bad taste in my mouth

remember guys.
kojima doesn't consider snake a real human bean

When that story was unfolding I found myself genuinely wondering if they went the Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep thing because ME3 shifted the focus from organics to synthetics. I know it's an old as fuck sci fi trope but do we really need it in every game that includes humanoid robots anymore?

Eating, drinking and breathing is an ability now? It's our power source. What do synths run on anyway? Elecricity?

>1st and 2nd model show full 5 toes
>3rd and 4th model show only 3 toes per foot
Who designs these things?

the only synths worth keeping alive are curie and valentine

otherwise i think it's an incredibly dangerous path to go down


No, they're machines. One of the major reasons I stayed away from the railroad is because of their hamfisted logic of 'synths are no different than people and need to be saved, so let's kill real people to make that happen'.

fuck off meme master

this is now a new vegas thread (thanks for putting it in the OP so it can be found in the catalogue).

How can this guy wish to leave Zion when the White Legs are rampant? I can see how you'd want to make one injun want to see the world, but it's just sloppy writing in the bigger context. Say he he leaves and returns to find the Dead Horses were wiped out by the WL? Or say he returns and they managed to fend the WL off, but he's rightly seen as a deserter and drowns himself shortly thereafter? cus those are pretty much the only two outcomes

also that feel when you find the last survivalist cache at Red Gate.. the Sorrows... the sorrows...