Other urls found in this thread:
Huh, it actually is
Am I the only one who doesn't give a shit about matthewmatosis's let's play bullshit? Bring back the reviews.
Oh nice. I'll have to check this out later.
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc.
They're still reviews. He's just trying to appease people who don't like his lack of consistent schedule by making every video as long as possible.
Please keep it to one thread
Posting the classic remix in case anyone hasn't seen it, cracks me up every time.
There isn't a huge amount of difference. He still goes in depth about the games pros and cons
>doesn't make a video for 5 months
>makes one 2 hour 40 minute video that only NEETS have time for
>Sup Forums defends this
>actual video game discussion gets deleted
>this blatant advertising of a shitty youtube channel will stay up
>less than half a month old
>I thought it would be best to cum inside every version of Zelda
>actual video game discussion
>on Sup Forums
Funny joke
>11. Advertising (all forms) is not welcome—this includes any type of referral linking, "offers", soliciting, begging, stream threads, etc
literally fucking who
>2 and a half hour video
who the fuck is going to watch a random nobody this long
>2 hours and 40 minutes
Yes you do
>2 hours and 40 minutes of some literally who going through a boring game stage by stage
surely people don't pay for this?
>random nobody
this is how i know you're a newfag
Don't lie we all know you're doing nothing today
Fuck you, stop derailing the thread.
Fuck, even watching that much of a game or Youtuber I care about is pushing it and only a "I'm really fucking bored" kind of thing.
Quality > quantity dude. Do some editing and just show the good parts.
Great Matt's gonna ramble on for 2 hours and 40 minutes and claim his review is deep, even though he just hammers the same points over and over again.
Seeing your image, it's clear you waste more time watching even shittier stuff.
>and claim his review is deep
when has this ever happened.
Let's not kid ourselves. DMC is shitty autism bait with punching bag enemies in which you can just stand in one spot cycling moves while occasionally jumping or dodging, and throwing in a taunt for good measure. It just favors autistic recital of weak combos to fill an arbitrary style meter when that's not the fastest or most efficient way to take out enemies.
Both movement and attacks themselves (both for you and the enemies) are slow and clunky. The movement is awkward and not fluid and is miles below the movement of NG or even something like fucking MGRR. The jump is pisspoor and because there's almost zero lateral movement it's just used for iframe spam.
The game also lacks depth (and no having an arbitrary style meter doesn't change the core mechanics); maybe if every style could be equipped simultaneously it would begin to have some depth, but having to choose between dodge, block/counter, or having more than one attack button? What a fucking joke.
Only having two weapons at once combined with shallow movesets cripples the combat and ruins variety. There are so few moves for each, nothing on the level of NG2's 15+ base attacks (counter, strong, weak, strong hold, weak hold, strong pause, weak pause, forward strong, forward weak, 360 attacks, OT, UT, bow, shruiken, air combos) for each weapon + dodge/block, and this is without even going into the 50+ combos for each weapon. And not to mention NG2's more fluid movement, more strict timing, more smart and adaptive enemy AI (especially bosses), and the weight given to moves by not being able to simply hop right out of them into a full i-frame to apex jump whenever you see an enemy do one of their predictable tells before an attack.
And before you say childish nonarguments like "git gud" yes, I am an avid action game fan and have played them for many years. And yes I am a master at the genre. And yes, of course I have beat the game on DMD; I would never critique a game without mastering it first.
All the time, he and others claim his reviews are in depth.
>All the time, he and others claim his reviews are in depth
Okay can you show me proof otherwise you're just pissing in the wind.
Yeah the movement sucks.
Yes I know it's a pasta.
His YouTube channel literally says that on his about page moron.
two different things faggot.
Dept is analysing the actual game and the things in the game like items, weapons, areas, mobs and so on. You saying his reviews are deep is a autistic thing to say. He never claims they were deep or they are a shining example to reviews and such. Stop being a faggot.
>autist has 3 hour commentary that took 3 months to make
>autist is BTFO by a few paragraphs typed up in 10 minutes by some random poster on Sup Forums
Matthewmatosis is a fucking clown. His Dark Souls 2 """""critique""""" in particular is literal autism. Dark Souls 2 is superior to Dark Souls in nearly every way.
>nearly three HOURS
>Can you prove that I am driving?
>Is speeding a crime?
I don't know Sherlock
>Dark Souls 2 is superior to Dark Souls in nearly every way.
I find that hard to believe
>Dark Souls 2 is superior to Dark Souls in nearly every way.
t. Team B
Is it a pasta if it's my own OC from a few months ago?
Not vidya.
Stop justifying it you mong they're literally synonyms. But even using in depth his reviews are shit and are still him hammering the same points for hours on end. All of the other information he spews is just shit from wikis.
Alright I've never tried DMC. Now I have to. Which DMC is this?
Well in that case he should review games I care about it.
Upon replaying Dark Souls, it's not very good.
>too much focus on weapons/build over mechanical skill/gameplay
>too slow, too much delay when rolling or attacking (like a 500ms delay for rolling or shield raising)
>only caters to people who know the ins and outs of the game, specific builds, enemy weaknesses, regardless of those players' actual skill
>trying to fit everything into one interconnected world makes it convoluted and confusing; often unclear where you need to go or what you need to do
>many of the key mechanics are poorly explained (lordvessel, upgrading estus, kindling bonfires, pardoning, etc)
>key characters for vital weapons, armor, pyro, miracles, and sorceries are a pain to find and severely limit your options and hamper the game experience
>worlds feel empty and sterile (Anor Londo castle, Duke's Archives, Ash Lake, Lost Izalith, etc)
>many bosses are underwhelming or poorly designed (O&S, Priscilla, Capra, Quelaag, Pinwheel, Seath, Taurus, Ceaseless Discharge, bed of chaos)
>Hitboxes and i-frames are inconsistent
>game rewards simply running past enemies and rushing bosses over tactical play
>many mechanics are unfair first time (mimic chest, seath, Stray Demon floor collapsing, Anor Londo castle archers, bonfire at Sen's)
Overall, it's a mediocre game that's overhyped to hell, especially after playing the masterpiece that is Demon's Souls.
DeS has miles better world design and level design, and all the mechanics come naturally through progression of the story, and it doesn't obfuscate key characters or mechanics because "le so hard xD"
Dark Souls has lots of obscure, backwards bullshit, partially just because the level design is terrible and they purposely hide key characters and mechanics, but also because they decided to go for the interconnected world to full scale gimmick and sacrificed pacing, and world building simply for the player to be able to say "oh, that's cool, I can see another part of the world from here"
>same points for hours on end
have you even watched 10 minutes worth of it you cum guzzling faggot?
>Speaks about a certain stage and gives his thoughts on it
>Moves onto a different stage entirely and gives his thoughts on it
Nah fuck off faggot, I'd rather get what I wanted to see, getting a in depth review on all resources in the game.
everything pre bloodborne is a bad souls game because of the clunky combat
Irish aren't human, get the fuck out
Fuck I wanted to finish playing it before this came out. Why am I so shit at playing videogames
>Dark Souls 2 is superior to Dark Souls in nearly every way.
and yet still better than Dark Souls 2
>reeee b-team
Fuck off.
>In a tree dimensional space
Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 3, and Bloodborne all have good combat
Ecelebs threads are shit and deserve banning
>too much focus on weapons/build over mechanical skill/gameplay
nigga you can beat the game at sl1 with a shitty club, where do you think the term git gud came from
>too slow, too much delay when rolling or attacking (like a 500ms delay for rolling or shield raising)
get used to the timing
>only caters to people who know the ins and outs of the game, specific builds, enemy weaknesses, regardless of those players' actual skill
the game is about learning the ins and outs
>trying to fit everything into one interconnected world makes it convoluted and confusing; often unclear where you need to go or what you need to do
thats like your opinion man
>many of the key mechanics are poorly explained (lordvessel, upgrading estus, kindling bonfires, pardoning, etc)
yeah ill give you that one, although i would argue being non intuitive is almost refreshing in this day and age
>key characters for vital weapons, armor, pyro, miracles, and sorceries are a pain to find and severely limit your options and hamper the game experience
also fair
>worlds feel empty and sterile (Anor Londo castle, Duke's Archives, Ash Lake, Lost Izalith, etc)
the game takes place after the end of the world, is supposed to be desolate
>many bosses are underwhelming or poorly designed (O&S, Priscilla, Capra, Quelaag, Pinwheel, Seath, Taurus, Ceaseless Discharge, bed of chaos)
we could sit here and argue about bosses in the souls series all day, but i think the good vastly outweighs the bad
>Hitboxes and i-frames are inconsistent
get gud
>game rewards simply running past enemies and rushing bosses over tactical play
only after exploring the area and mapping out the route (Das2 was waaaay worse about this)
>many mechanics are unfair first time (mimic chest, seath, Stray Demon floor collapsing, Anor Londo castle archers, bonfire at Sen's)
yeah thats also true
DaS is over rated yeah, but its still a great game its also better than Des
After you see how many things 2 did better than 1, you can probably understand why I was disappointed with 1
>Ascetics, to respawn enemies as well as bosses
>Able to use a weapons full moveset in the left hand
>Depleting your stamina caused your character to breathe heavily
>You didn't lose your momentum from falling down 2 feet
>Poise wasn't entirely broken
>Really fun NPC invaders where they didn't act like just another enemy
>Interacting with the environment unlocked secrets, like lighting all the scones in The Gutter
>Other secrets like the pig and the pickaxe
>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
>Getting wet reduced your characters lightning resistance while boosting your fire resistance
>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
>rolling in poison pools made your poison build up continue even on dry land because you were still covered in it
>rolling in snow/poison/water covered you in it, and it slowly disappeared
>You could activate several pools of blood at once, resulting in hilarity
>You could be invaded even if you were hollow and if the boss was dead, but at a lower chance
>You could burn an effigy to block invaders, but as a result you blocked summons as well
>Poison builds were not only viable, they were useful
>You could roll in more directions when locked on
>Hexes were fleshed out
>White phantoms couldn't Estus with an invader in the world
>Small soapstones if you wanted help with the area before a boss, without having to Black Crystal to solo the boss
>autist is BTFO by a few paragraphs typed up in 10 minutes by some random poster on Sup Forums
DMC is trash, and Matthewmatosis is an autist.
This is the same guy that unironically praised MGRR
>After you see how many things 2 did better than 1
I played Dark Souls 1 and 2. There was nothing 2 did better than 1
let me break down some of your statements:
>>NG+ didn't just increase enemy HP and damage, it added new enemies and items
it added bullshit enemy placement that added to the Dark Souls 2 "LOL, SO HARD YOU ARE GOING TO DIE" marketing. Like the NPCs in the Lost Sinner fight
>>Pharros Lockstones and Fragrant Branches to manipulate the environment
all they do is open optional passages
MGR is a good game
The DMC video literally hasn't been out long enough for anyone to have an opinion on it yet. Have you really got nothing better to do with your time? Go make your own videos if you're such an expert, I'm sure the quality will speak for itself.
thats epin but i want the post were matthew was BTFO
>Look at me, mom! I'm being a contrarian on the internet again!
>>too much focus on weapons/build over mechanical skill/gameplay
How are you making that judgement? If it's possible to beat the game with your starting gear/level, it's fine
>>trying to fit everything into one interconnected world makes it convoluted and confusing; often unclear where you need to go or what you need to do
So? Why does it always have to be clear on what you need to do?
>>only caters to people who know the ins and outs of the game, specific builds, enemy weaknesses, regardless of those players' actual skill
What does this even mean? It's harder on the first run and easier when you know where everything is? No shit
>>many of the key mechanics are poorly explained
You can beat the game with only the asylum's tutorial messages
>>key characters for vital weapons, armor, pyro, miracles, and sorceries are a pain to find and severely limit your options and hamper the game experience
What vital gear do you need to have a good experience that can't be found anywhere on your own, and why is it so important?
>>game rewards simply running past enemies and rushing bosses over tactical play
Right about enemies, not bosses
>>many bosses are underwhelming or poorly designed (O&S, Priscilla, Capra, Quelaag, Pinwheel, Seath, Taurus, Ceaseless Discharge, bed of chaos)
Seath, Ceaseless Discharge and Bed of Chaos are the shit ones on that list
>>many mechanics are unfair first time (mimic chest, seath, Stray Demon floor collapsing, Anor Londo castle archers, bonfire at Sen's)
Agreed on Seath and maybe the mimic, don't get what's wrong with the archers or Sen's bonfire
>Overall, it's a mediocre game that's overhyped to hell, especially after playing the masterpiece that is Demon's Souls.
So much of the shit you complained about is present in DeS
Dark Souls actually started the "LOL PREPARE TO DIE XDDD" meme. All the games have tons of enemies.
How can people prefer DS2?
I literally can't even bring myself to complete runs of 2 after beating it twice. I have played 1 and beaten it 7 times and I've beaten 3 4 times now. Dark souls 2 is legitimate shit
>look mom, I'm being a furfag on the Internet again!
but Dark Souls 1 was fair outside of Bed of Chaos.
Dark Souls 2 got lazy and bullshit with the enemy placement and SotFS made it worse
Demon's Souls
+ Bosses are perfectly melee/caster-balanced
+ Consistent map design
+ Music
+ The best difficulty balance out of the three
+ Hub layout
- PvP is shit
- Framerate is shit in 2-x and some of 5-x
Dark Souls
+ Everything up until 50%>
+ Music is the best out of the three
- Everything after 50%>
- Blighttown framerate
- Open world resulted in you seeing unfinished maps early on
- PvP is still shit
Dark Souls 2
+ Graphics and 60fps
+ PvP is the best out of the three, and overall REALLY good
+ Open world was much better this time around
+ Bonfire Ascetic
+ Consistent level of "fun" throughout the entirety of the game
- Music is the worst out of the three
- Levels become extremely insignificant very early on
- Stat balancing
+ The most fun gameplay out of all the games
+ Best art direction
+ Music is finally 'back on track'
+ For the first time since DS, the lore got me hooked again
+ Consistent level design (except for very few parts)
- Too few weapons (yes, despite every weapon being so unique, I still wanted more)
- Although the PvP being superior than DkS1/DS, it was significantly worse than DkS2
Ratings (in this order)
Demon's Souls - 9
Bloodborne - 8
DkS2 - 8
DkS - 6
>I have played 1 and beaten it 7 times
you poor soul
>Entire second half of game is borderline incomplete and is empty and sterile with terrible level design
>godawful enemies like the bonewheel skeletons, Stray Demons, Anor Londo Archers, and Drakes
>literally recycles the same boss three times
>Retarded mechanics like curse
>worst PvP in the series
>can't fast travel anywhere until over halfway into the game
>game world is a convoluted mess with necessary NPCs scattered into the far corners of the world
>only one main path you can take that you have to find through trial and error and backtracking. Level design is a huge step down from Demon's Souls
How the fuck is this regarded as a modern classic? And people unironically call Dark Souls 2 the bad game then fanboy over this mediocre piece of shit?
>SotFS made it worse
This is bait. SotFS is objectively better than Dark Souls 1 & 2
>I eat shit and like it.
>go-go make your own videos.
I don't need to tell you Matthew's shit but you wouldn't know since you're so far on his cock.
What exactly is wrong with DaS' second half? Why would you shit on New Londo and DLC so hard? Lost Izalith is the only bad area, maybe crystal caves too
>you were lucky enough to have your first game be Dark Souls and not Dark Souls 2, players who are damned to an eternity of trying to prove Dark Souls 2 is better than Dark Souls when it isn't
praise the sun
>I eat shit and like it.
Subjective also not an argument.
It goes without saying but kill yourself.
>SotFS is objectively better than Dark Souls 1 & 2
My first game was Demon's Souls, my second game was Dark Souls, my third game was Dark Souls II, and my fourth game was Dark Souls III you memespouting bandwagoning retard.
And Dark Souls 2 is superior to Dark Souls in every way.
>Dark Souls 2 hating retards are so braindead that all they can do is greentext what you said and post ebin reaction images
>DmC commentary
>Autistics are discussing souls
u mad cuz no one agrees with u faggot
You're all idiots. You do know nobody actually prefers ds2 right? It's just arguing out of boredom
If you posted an argument I would of given one, but all you said was that you like it and that its good for you.
>>DmC commentary
it's the first DMC so use DMC. DmC is reserved for the reboot.
because you are baiting