Buying Deus Ex after how they treated based Shellen

>Buying Deus Ex after how they treated based Shellen

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i dunno who this is or what character he voiced.


he voiced david sarif aka ADAAAAAAAAAAAAAM. It's nobody of importance

David Sarif man

Basically he made a joke vid where he pretended to go mad and the fucking gaming media took it that he was actually crazy.

Just from these comments he comes across as a totally unstable nutter though

>commits career suicide by acting like a nutcase in a video because MUH FRUIT FLIES
>haha it was just a prank guys

He lost his Hollywood career and blames it on people targeting him but he really does like playing David Sarif


The new Sarif voice in the 18 minute gameplay video sounds better anyway.


He sounds really bland and generic in that trailer. the old Sarif had this charm.

>multiple spelling mistakes
>seems erratic
>goes off on weird tangents about someone beating his wife (?)
>conspiratorial attitude
>'I won't trash talk about Eidos'
>entire paragraph trash talking Eidos

Can't really blame them. Probably worried he'd set fire to their studio or something

>Complains about getting fired because people think he's crazy
>Does it like a complete maniac

When you do crazy and stupid shit as a public figure, of course it's career suicide. Not the first time stuff this has happened:

People seriously thought that video was legitimate? Are people too autistic to understand dry humour?

What video caused Eidos to freak out?

They recasted Sarif? Oh sweet christ that's awful.

>Sarif has this little dialogue
>implying he's probably not major
>recasting him instead of just writing him out

Was an unedited (no music and less cuts) version of this

you could easily find a hobo in the street to say 50 lines in a mic
you're worthless
that money should go to other aspect of the game
like a GAMEPLAY aspect or something
learn to read you fucking kids

400 dollars is 400 dollars, I'd have done it.

>whining about making 400 dollars in a couple hours

what a faggot
deus ex is garbage anyway

Ofcourse you would you fucking whore

thanks for posting this. I was going to preorder but now I'm gonna wait for sale

who wouldn't take 400 dollars just to say things into a microphone

who the fuck is that?

>granted i did smoke a little weed tonight

i mean that line alone should solidify he was just improving and fucking around, how anyone is autistic enough to take it seriously is beyond me

I wonder though, if he had to pay for the plane ticket there, if the end cost wouldn't be worth it. Might cost $300 for him to fly out there and back.

So that's why Sariff's voice sounded so weird in the DX2 demo?

Huh. This and Denuvo, way to lose my sale I guess.


what the FUCK?!

I felt bad for him but then I saw his facebook feed and he comes off as a total lunatic

Nope, MD looks good but that new Sarif sounds flat and terrible

he seems pretty mad atm

F It probably took him all of three hours of work!

>comes off as a total lunatic

Even if he does, I don't see why that's a problem unless he was actually causing trouble. If I had to screen media I liked through the facebooks of everyone involved I'd probably watch and read nothing ever again.

literally on his page:

514 look it up
Price Range: $$$$

basically he'd do it for 1000+ did they wanted to insult him for some reason or what?

>makes a video that by todays standards looks like typical youtube teenager quality
>nothing to strange
>gets black listed

So I am having a hard time understanding this. Was it because of this video alone? Its seems pretty innocent by todays standards.

you're retarded. it takes time, it cost money to eat there, stay in hotel if they fuck something up and won't be able to do it in one day, plane tickets cost money too etc etc

The blacklisting is to do with when he was an actor in the early 90s, some people attacked his wife or something and he tried to find out who.

I suppose the video made things worse

Gee, it's almost as if doing VA is more of a labor of love than a high-paying career, and anyone who goes into the industry thinking they'll get rich off it is an idiot.

This is why I have no sympathy for the hacks who tried to make the VA strike (apart from the fact that it comprised of talentless maggots like Wheaton). Even if I only ended up making a net sun of 50 bucks after all the expenses were subtracted, I'd jump at the chance to have my voice in a video game.

That doesn't mean they should work for peanuts.

No hobo

>people think he's a loon because of some video
>he overreacts and tries to drag Eidos into it even though they have nothing to do with it
>they want nothing to do with it
>still offer more voice work but are simply too jewish to pay him a fair price for a role reprisal
Nobody comes off well here

Why were they trying to blacklist him in the first place before that video?

I agree that VAs are often overpayed, but $400 is chump change for VA work.
I mean what the fuck else are they going to do out in Montreal? Not to mention they'd have to buy their own plane fare and living expenses, which would cost half that already.

Eidos are just being bitches really.

Regardless of how much you like what you do, in the real world you should reasonably expect to be paid a suitable/sustaining sum for your work. Especially when it's a renewal, leaving aside shit like downsizing due to outside economic factors.

From the IMDB forums and his facebook posts, some thug cut his son's hands up and beat his wife, and so Sarif was pissed as hell and probably publicly threatened to kill this guy.

However, someone else on the forums said "yeah no, his blacklist is because he has a long history of being an unstable alcoholic, nothing to do with threats" so who knows.

>Eidos dindu nuffin
They literally didn't include his name in the credits despite him being probably the 5th or 6th most important character in the game.

He's right that the entertainment industry is rife with serious scum who would denounce somebody for saying mean words while protecting paedophiles.

>yeah no, his blacklist is because he has a long history of being an unstable alcoholic, nothing to do with threats
I'm feeling this might be the case. Take this shit with a grain of salt Sup Forums, don't go supporting another potentially insane idiot.

>Eidos dindu nuffin
Not what I was saying, I was saying they had no reason to get involved with that fruit flies video. They clearly did something wrong, even by virtue of only offering him 400 fucking dollars.

>his blacklist is because he has a long history of being an unstable alcoholic

People have done worse and still get work.

>don't go supporting another potentially insane idiot.

oh come on, Sup Forums is the one hyped for M no.9 and vote for trump

Yeah, but they're jewish.

Which explains why Atlus dubs sound like shit with people like you around.

>400 dollars
Dude, I'd suck dick for 400 dollars.
(no homo)

>comparing what you do on a nightly basis to voice acting

They should have just paid the man more for fuck's sake. Everyone loved his voice as Sarif. I hate when they recast actors.

Well fuck, I just left him a supportive comment and linked him to the recent Mankind Divided gameplay video (the one with all the comments about how the new Sarif VA is generic as hell) and he wrote me this paragraph in response, was not expecting that at all. So now we have his full story on what happened, it's a neat read.

Man, being left out of the pre-patch credits is insane, that had to be intentional for Edios. But maybe based Sarif can voice act in Kojima's new IP?

If only Konami didn't go to shit we could live through the hilarious circumstance that is David Sariff voicing Snake while David Hayter actually does goes crazy about fruit flies in response.

You'd do it for free.

I can't be the only one who thinks he gave a good performance as David Sarif, right?
And $400? Jesus really? Is that all?

He totally didn't deserve to get blacklisted for a joke video either

>"yeah no, his blacklist is because he has a long history of being an unstable alcoholic, nothing to do with threats"
To be fair he does have the raspy kind of voice for it, and he looks the type. Know what I mean? Yeah.

Neat. Someone send this to Kotaku

Bernout detected, why do you want to steal from your neighbors?

Kotaku is bankrupt, it's not gonna exist anymore soon

>He owned a production company that became LionsGate

How old are you, seriously?

God damn, have you guys heard the new VA for Sarif? Starts at 1:24, he sounds generic as absolute fuck. They should have just paid the first guy what he wanted, look at all the disappointed comments on how they butchered Sarif. I mean for fuck's sake he sounds like five years YOUNGER now and yet this game is set years after the events of HR.

his VA in deus ex was just as good as elias toufexis

this is a damn shame, but i believe him about all the hollywood weirdness

If they were really unwilling to pay him more than 400 fucking dollars they should have just not used the character.

>Adam Jensen has been caught in a turrist attack and now turdy hours later

King of Sup Forums

based. tell him he has more fans and support than he thinks

Dude does seem crazy but I'm upset that they didn't get him to do the voice for David anyway, they should just not put him in the game if they can't get the same voice actor.

>Actor plays a crazy conspiracy guy
>Makes a video pretending to be a crazy conspiracy guy
>Gets shitcanned because the industry thinks he's onto something

fuck this world

To be fair he's still not making any sense.

maybe the illuminati is really real and they decided to fuck him up because he's getting close to the truth

How long would 50 lines of dialog take to record? If its like an hour then 400 dollars is totally fine.

Saif ending best ending.

Feel free to debate me, you will lose.

>they should just not put him in the game if they can't get the same voice actor

Nah. Actors aren't the characters, the are just pretending to be them.

Acting is a skilled labor, they are just as replaceable as programmers or stonemasons or any other skilled laborers out there.

>got 400 bucks for 50 lines
>this is somehow a travesty

>Hey bro wanna fly up here to Montreal, maybe stay a night and rent a car while you do some voicework? Oh it's on you btw. What's that? Oh yeah, no, we can MoneyGram you some change.

I don't give a shit, I play a dubbed version and the VA will be the same.

That's peanuts, especially considering the investment in travelling to Montreal (plane tickets and hotels alone would make it essentially worthless). There are other considerations as well other than "400 dollars for an hour dude bro", it's a totally insulting amount of money in these circumstances - that's what you'd expect to give a rando off the street.


I think you'd have to be a financially independent adult to understand it dude, don't bother.

Yup, no, that decides it.
Unless I can get a discount on the game I'm pirating it.
If it uses Denuvo I'll buy it from Amazon or Gamestop. That way they take a cut, as well as steam, and Eidos gets as little as possible.

Do these companies not pay for travel expenses if they ask you to come to their studio? Is this normal?

Steam doesn't get a cut if you buy it elsewhere.

What store takes the absolute biggest cut possible?

>If it uses Denuvo
Is there a doubt in anybody's mind?

cdkeys, since they are pre-purchased in bulk and redistributed

Man, it's a shame. His AAADAAAAAAAAAMM! was pretty distinctive.

why are western voice actors so egotistical?

Wtf anyone can see this is a joke.

>just have to speak 50 lines
>400 dollars isn't enough

Jesus Christ these voice actors are ridiculous

I don't give a fuck, I play my games on mute with subtitles. Voice actors don't make a game play well.