The Division's Player Count Has Dropped 93% Since Launch
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Probably because the game is shit
I heard is because it was full of cheaters.
Woah it's almost like it's another mediocre AAA western game that only sold on marketing
Oh my god I never seen this coming
lol who cares? The game is still very alive on consoles where it matters.
lol i predicted this game will fail
but some ubisoft shills on Sup Forums will never learn
the same thing will happen to WD2, forgotten in 2 weeks just watch
what was the last good Ubisoft game? AC2?
>Another Ubisoft game sells because of launch hype and marketing turns out to be shallow shit
What a surprise.
Ewww Ubisoft shills, thats worst than all others shills combined imo... FUCK UPLAY
I've got some friends who played it, and they've all quit. From watching them play it, it looks like the most boring game fucking ever. A stiff Uncharted-esque third-person shooter that revolves around filling little progression bars instead of a story.
I'm hoping the average person is starting to realize these games fucking suck.
Rayman Legends was okay
I heard Child of light was too but I haven't played it yet
Rainbow Six Siege
It's standard Ubisoft formula.
Massive open area, enemies in sparse amounts between areas, set-piece missions with lots of wow factor, collectibles out the ass, and a slightly less tacked on multiplayer mode.
Didn't help Division has bullet sponge enemies and is fond of making you around 7x squisher than the average enemy. Shotgun scouts are legitimately annoying shit and bosses boil down to wars of attrition (where you always have the advantage because of sticky bomb cooldowns).
I hope no-one falls for Watchdogs 2.
I recently finished Child of Light on Vita. Steam apparently requires you to have Uplay as well so keep that in mind.
It's alright leaning towards good. A bit too easy and the story is shit. It's short but the music is okay (and the music gets old fast). Also really short.
Ever went to Watch_Dogs2 steam community forum, ever seen their belief?
Literally, the only good Ubisoft title released within the last few years has been Siege, and even then, that was a fluke. Especially considering what was originally intended to be that Rainbow Six game.
I love that people were interested in this game ever. Even people on Sup Forums seemed to care.
It always looked utterly and completely bland and terrible.
Oh, did an stats based, grinding, leveling game fail, that only sold because of rampant marketing and lies?
>Meanwhile Warframe survives.
>It's alright leaning towards good. A bit too easy and the story is shit. It's short but the music is okay (and the music gets old fast). Also really short.
>leaning towards good
>mentions nothing but cons
>the same thing will happen to WD2, forgotten in 2 weeks just watch
tell me more in your infinite wisdom
is rain really wet?
how about mobs that do stuff
95% of mobs only stand in cover and shoot at you
occasionally someone will lob some red circle at your feet
as you watch their lifebar slowly drain their humongous pool of hp
fucking please stop
>uplay title
>steam statistics
So Overwatch was dead on arrival.
>he actually bought a Ubisoft game in CURRENT YEAR
It's your fucking fault. There is a point where it's shame on publishers for tricking you. But then there is the utter retardation of buying the games from the same publisher that fucks you over and over again. You deserve it. Don't come to Sup Forums and whine that Ubishit lied to you. We warned. We've warned you for years. Don't claim ignorance. You're a just a retard enabling one of the most detrimental forces in gaming right now.
it's the plat jewing that keeps people playing
doesn't matter, they already made the money. They could care less how player count dropped like crazy. Probably gonna close the servers too after 1-2 more years.
>implying people ever buy from uplay
lol i never bought it senpai
im just watching it die
i will be sure to buy the next Halo/Bethesda/Cod/Bf/Souls/weebshit rehash
It is a ubisoft game
Its hilarious how this one barely got attention and is the one who is actually surviving
Wet is a mindset. You know how sometimes you have a shower and you feel more wet coming out than usual?
watch at least a good half of them coming back when the expansion drops
This game solely sold thanks to fags with too much disposable income feeling peer pressure from their gaming entourage, not wanting to be the guy that does not play the next big thing and be left out
>Woah it's almost like it's another Ubisoft game.
Brevity, my friend.
Why are you still being a whiny bitch? You bought a Ubishit game. It's your fucking fault. Don't come here and cry about it. How old are you? For your sake I hope you're underage because heaven forbid an actual adult would fall for Ubishit scamming.
>ANY fps post overwatch
i think everyone suffered even MOBA, and there is still no sign where OW fad will fade
It launched with mediocre game play and no end game. The dev promised it wouldn't ALL be DLC and still didn't deliver in a timely manner. Ubi failed to stop cheaters in any meaningful way for a long time, but took the effort to nerf grind assists into the ground.
When word got out that the developers made engine design mistakes that should have never left the 90's, it was the final nail in the coffin for this game.
I got my money's worth out of it when it come out during a dead release period, but hell if I'm going to pick it up again.
Overwatch ain't got shit on cs. Been going strong for 16 years.
i didnt whine
check who you are replying to faggot
at least Ubi tries something new
Endgame is a worse Diablo 3. Completely unrewarding grind.
>Division is something new
>Destiny set in New York
Wow, so fucking innovative. I bet you're impressed by Ass Creed and Watch Dogs aswell.
You mean Patriots? That looked like trash.
Cheaters are still ruining the game though.The reason I quit 2 months ago, FairFight Anti cheat doesnt do shit. Though I read they are implementing a new anti cheat to go with fairfight like how Battlefield 4 does it. I might hop back in when they implement it.
You made a tom clancy game
And it's not a semi-realistic high-fatality FPS, you're asking for doom and fucking failure
>Have fucking 223 LMG
>Enemy eats 20 fucking bullets
Yeah, nah.
GRAW 1 & 2 back pls.
More Vegas.
>Wet is a mindset
No, it is a sensory perception, variations in the intensity can have many causes from body salt level to room temperature.
I play it, and would like to see it become something better. A few things they should consider:
>improving boss encounters to more than just lobbing grenades and ad waves
>balance weapons(which is coming)
>add a lot more talents and skills to promote build diversity
>add more armor sets
>encourage players to build towards tanking, healing and supporting, instead of having everyone wear 4/3 sent-striker sets, with 300k toughness
>make light zone the same as dark zone where you have everyone out in the world(keep dark zone pvp)
>add more incursions and include some that are 8 player
>add more named elites out in the world
>add random pockets of 32-34 elites in the light zone
>add more perks to join dark zone without making light zone feel like a waste of time
>stash space increase to 150(also coming)
>fix AI to behave more "strategic" with their attacks
>fix RNG so it's not just lonestar, lonestar, lonestar
>make it a lot easier to find players to group with(think of rift with the way it ask if you want to group up when near an event)
>make gun talents better so that people aren't just looking for god-rolls
>make dark zone fully pvp by making everyone rogue the second they enter
>fix the vendor since phoenix credits are a waste of currency at the moment
>give a JTF system that lets us hire bodyguards to accompany us on tougher missions
>remove gearscore and replace with color system that lets the group know if a person has a good amount of toughness and damage(filter out idiots with 220+ GS that dump everything in firearms and have less than 100k toughness. my current GS is 208 and I'm constantly having to pick up 220+ idiots that clearly don't have enough armor to be in incursions)
game needs a lot of fixing. I was hoping the DLC would come a lot later, but we'll see if things change for the better later this month.
A friend of mine recently got banned from the game. He didn't even hack because I know he'd never do that, simply put he's too stupid for it. He had a long discussion with the support and in the end the result was:
>we don't know why you were banned in the first place, there are no informations other than "this guy is banned"
>we can't give you reasons why we won't unban you, that's classified
>please stop your illegal activities
the support seems pretty damn pissed with all the hacking going on
>even MOBA
Not dota
both great games
a lot of bans are aimed at cheat engine players, while some are from using shield to glitch through walls.
there's also a lot of false positives happening, so I feel for your friend if he was legit not cheating.
I got it for free with my GPU and some friends persuaded into playing it. I still regret not playing good video games in that time.
I bought the Gold Edition. Fuck me. Still got 115 hours out of it, I guess.
LOL wut? I ain't even that guy but Destiny is fucking trash. And that's coming from a bungie fan since Marathon.
Only now are Ubishit throwing the ban hammer at them all after seeing what Blizz did with OW and how people then bought second copies only to find they're banned on them too. Ubishit probably thought "might as well ban these cheaters now they might go out and buy a 2nd copy"
The damage has already been done to this game time to bury it and move on.
the game itself is not that bad but the community sucks ass
yes destiny is trash
i meant that asscreed and watchdogs are great games
I thought it was impossible.
>shit game loses its playerbase, more at 11
Like rats fleeing a sinking ship.
>predicting AAA games will fail
>implying we're impressed by this at all
>know Ubisoft is lying to me and releasing only trash
>still bought into the Division hype for some reason
>never again
Driver San Francisco
>The Division
>Big AAA games supported by big companies
>Outlived and Outplayed by Warframe a Canadian developed F2P game
You can't make this shit up
watch dogs is not a good game at all
and the recent ac games are awful
you sir, are a normie
>the recent ac games are awful
how to spot a memeposter and/or a poorfag/consolefag
Unity is one of the best if not the best AC game
best everything except the story, also great coop
and if you care about the story more than actual assassinations then you shouldnt be playing ASSASSIN'S creed
im sure you play hitman for the story too
It was at least decent when it launched, then they got super butt hurt no one used dark zone, and reccent patches nerfed the single player grind into the ground to force players into the Dark Zone. The Dark Zone has High Risk and Low rewards for no reason and all npc enemies are super elites that dropped nothing.
Because there's fuck all games on consoles so wanky shit like this has a longer life.
P.S you're a filthy poor peasant
I bought this game and will honestly admit that I made a huge mistake.
Huge grindfest with no endgame or purpose. All weapons play basically the same. Getting more gear just means you get to see bigger numbers.
I haven't played recently, but in the early life of the game, you literally had to exploit farm the same bosses for hours to avoid falling behind the gear curve. I literally just said fuck it and quit.
>Unity is one of the best if not the best AC game
which room is actually bigger trash but? destiny or the division
I personally prefer the division's gritty pseudo-realism to Destiny' generic space fantasy myself.
>Shit that surely doesn't exist, the post.
Guys, how can we improve the west developers, they can't just release cast grab after cash grab like this
>don't buy their game nerd
but normies will be, and still are tricked by marketing, it's like you just pump money into marketing and that ensure your profit
>no arguments
as i said
easy to spot memeposters
Destiny only for the amount of content thats out for it and its gameplay.
There is literally nothing I can say about the division that is good to me.
watch dogs 2 will go the same way
watch dogs is now one of the cheapest games you can buy for any console (because no one wants it)
>best everything except the story
You mean the story that no longer exists because they decided to shit on it after AC2 and it's spinoffs?
Story is the only thing that matters in AC, Unity is trash.
>they can't
But they will. Its a sound buisness model
>normies will buy it
You pointed out marketing
>marketing is the real culprit
It sells shitty games, so then I refer you to the top
Its a vicious cycle user and it will realistically never end happily.
>Supposedly the best loot is going to come from The DZ
>Actually the best loot is crafted
>All DZ loot is junk compared to crafted shit
>Crafted shit is bottlenecked by an item you can only pick up from boxes that havent been looted if youre lucky
I mean this was back when I was playing but I heard it got worse. The game was literally more fun in the beta where everyone was stuck in 1 area basically.
>Story is the only thing that matters in AC
Yeah, i also play Hitman and Dark Souls for the story.
Oh wait, no im not a retard, thats you.
>Destiny only for the amount of content thats out for it
you mean everything they cut from the base game so they could sell it as dlc
What are you playing AC for? The gameplay that's the exact same in every game barring the new gimmick?
These types of comments are weird. It's just toys dude.
Ya. I dont like it at all and I think its a completely under handed move by activision to chop up the story for a more prolonged story across three games and dlc.
But as it stands it at least has more to do then the division.
Fucking Ubisoft, their two biggest franchises are literally the same shit over and over
>Played Far Cry 3, enjoyed it
>Far Cry 4 is exactly the fucking same
>Far Cry Primal is exactly the same but with less to do
>Played Assassin's Creed 2, enjoyed it
>The 10 or 20 sequels or whatever have been the exact same bullshit
>The gameplay that's the exact same in every game barring the new gimmick
AC1, AC3 and Unity all play exactly the same.
I mean, someone who didnt play them sure would say that.
You obviously didnt.
Gameplay is similar but improved and new stuff is added in each one.
And what if its similar?
Same goes for Dark Souls, i dont see anyone complaining, neither do i.
Too bad its only improved in BB.
>I'm retarded for enjoying a coherent story
>You're obviously superior and not autistic for enjoying the same gameplay over and over with the added convenience of any good story elements being removed
>You're also a soulsfag
Suddenly it all makes sense
>Same goes for Dark Souls, i dont see anyone complaining
Dark Souls is actually a good game.
>they add boats
>everyone loves it because it's something to do aside from the same shit as every other game
>they remove it from the next game and add a shitton of bugs and glitches
for what purpose
>i play games for the story
>my subjective opinions means more than yours!
Watch Dogs sold more than all Souls games together.
I guess we can clearly say that the general consensus then is that WD is a better game with better gameplay.
>s-sales dont matter!
>other people's opinions doesnt matter! ONLY MINE IS THE TRUTH! REEEE
They already got your money.
I know right. I picked up 4, even though I was burned out by Brotherhood and Revelations being the same game then 3 sucking fat dick.
It was still the same old shit, little boring, but the boats were a sweet addition.
Then they decided that was enough innovation
the best loot is DZ since crafted loot stops at 182/214, while DZ goes up to 240.
it's all based on rolls.
Maybe they should have released a game with more than three hours worth of content.
>I play story games for the gameplay
because the other options on consoles are shit too
Spotted the amd user
>trade in an old wii u game that I bought for $2 at a garage sale into fucking GameStop for trade credit towards the Division
>trade in 3DS game that I had leftover after selling 3DS
>ended up getting $50 off
>buy game for like $15
>play it for a day, realize it's shit, hate friends for recommending it so hard
>trade it back in for $35 before it started being worth nothing
wew lad that was close
Sales in the first week/few days don't matter. What matters is the sales during the course if it's lifetime. That's how we know if the public likes it or not. If the sales are extremely high during early release but completely drop off after that, we know that game was probably not well received, but hyped well, you faggot.
>assassins creed games
>story games
Must be shit being wrong and not being able to admit it.
But i guess being as retard as you are you must think that COD is the best selling ARPG of all time, since it has story, classes, stats and sometimes even branching storyline.