Games with world/town rebuilding?

Games with world/town rebuilding?


Bravely Default.

Sim City
Fallout 4

chrono trigger

>managing to make an aesthetically pleasing while also balanced town in Balance Valley

Dem feels. But also managing to make a decent looking Heim Rada was fresh.

Breath of Fire 2

I think BoFIV had it

Legend of mana

Is this the one everyone says is really complicated but awesome once you understand how it works?

I loved how you could completely fuck yourself if you put towns in the wrong place. Also has an amazing soundtrack.

I really hope Dark Cloud 3 gets announced at E3.

Terranigma for the SNES but no one in Sup Forums ever played that one

Kind of a given seeing as Soulblazer was listed.

Not just building.

Build back what once was. not never was.

You missed the massive thread about it a few days ago.

Good job.

>Dark Cloud 3
holy shit i didnt even know that was a thing. damn now im gonna have to replay 2 and 1

It isn't a thing.
He just hopes E3 would be so kind as to announce that there is a DC3.

Is Dark Cloud worth playing? Thinking about ordering it, looks pretty cosy

DC2 is better imo, grafix hold up better cause they're cell shaded.

It is fucking hard.
The first one has weapon breaking mechanics and Hydration mechanics. You break and weapon and it is fucking gone. That awesome weapon you spent all game making. Gone. you spent 10 mins in a dungeon and didn't drink anything? Dead.

Two is more lenient and you get the ability to invent things. The whole breaking thing is still an issue but staying hydrated isn't.

3rd user here for Dark Cloud 3!

I would become a sissy trap slave for anyone would could get Dark Cloud 3 made.

nigga you would become a sissy trap slave if you fat ass had the build and a stronger person than you slapped you on the ass.

It wouldn't take no fucking dark cloud 3.

Stop kidding yourself.

Im already a sissy trap, but I have many lovers, Id become a slave for one if I could get Dark Cloud 3.

So is playing the first game a must? Or should I just go ahead and buy DC2 instead?

This meme again.

They don't have anything in common story wise really.

Play whichever.

the breaking thing is a little more lenient, you "just" permanently reduce max weapon durability if you allow the durability to reach 0

>tfw monica's monster badges are grindy as fuck and useless as fuck

>a sissy trap, but I have many lovers
Get poz'd you slut.

I thought fishing was better in the first one, since you could see the fish in the water. Pretty sure that wasn't in 2. You also play as more characters with different weapon types in the first one.

A shame how pointless it was. Especially compared to the ridepod. Hover platform with the missile pods was a lot of fun to use.

Sweet, cheers. I never realised the games had anything to do with town building, it pretty much sold me on that aspect

You open orbs or eggs or whatever and you put prebuilt houses down in a empty lot. You put people and items you find in those orbs into the houses. Putting the correct people and things in the correct buildings gives events and grants rewards.

Protection fucker, Its 2016 not 1916.