Am i the only one here on Sup Forums that hates all ths weeb shit everywhere?

Am i the only one here on Sup Forums that hates all ths weeb shit everywhere?

It's some of the most cringe worthy stuff i have ever seen

Late teens and grown ass men addicted to cartoon characters and little girls

that shit makes my blood boil

Heres some advice, go lift, get a grip on life, and play some normal video games and quit jerking off and get laid? do something?

No, there's plenty of normies, I wouldn't be surprised if they were both vocal and the majority here.

why are you using Sup Forums


its pretty pathetic to me op, anime is nothing but an excuse to still watch cartoons instead of labeling it as an actual "Cartoon" its the same as watching spongebob.

for /fit/ and to see what new games are out?

sorry its not jerking off like some sad fuck.

sounds like you'd be much better off on reddit
anyway enjoy your ban

Lurk for two years before posting.

You're really just in the wrong place.
You're a very vocal and embarassing minority and Sup Forums would be a better place if you left and used reddit, neogaf or gamefaqs to discuss video games

i lurk and post all the time

wont cahnge the fact that weebs are just people with some mental disorder

you fellas are triggered

You're the one that made a thread about "your blood boiling", so Id say you're triggered honestly


>Posts a Tom Clancy game
>hate anime

>Am i the only one here on Sup Forums that hates all ths weeb shit everywhere?

No but you're in a minority. A really cute minority. Keep whining.


>average redditor.jpg

I just want overwatch to die

The Virgins are triggered

This too, why are there so many females in games these days, the world is flipping inside out

Bitches need to know their place

i've got a well paying job, lift everyday, dont have a gf cause i love all this money and i watch anime.

are you enraged brethren?


Same, me too here.
What's the appeal of some random chinese cartoons?

more like you dont have a gf because you probably spaghetti all over the floor from just the thought. Also benching 135 isnt anything to brag about.

Lurk more


Am i the only one here on Sup Forums that hates all ths tacticool shit everywhere?

It's some of the most cringe worthy stuff i have ever seen

Late teens and grown ass men pretending to be marines and super soldiers

that shit makes my blood boil

Heres some advice, go lift, get a grip on life, and play some normal video games and join the army? do something?

since im the minority

heres a pic of the majority

I think anime is worse bud

At least that will make them think twice before they fuck another human being into existence.

hes so triggered he actually went through to write that LOOOOL

gamefaqs is packed to the brim with weebs.

Yeah but the army dosent accept pic related, sooo looks like ill just go jerk off to 7 year old cartoon characters whose language i cant even speak