How come nobody ever complains about Pokémon's horrible translation and localization?

How come nobody ever complains about Pokémon's horrible translation and localization?

Other urls found in this thread:

because the games are literally meant for children

like their target/core fanbase are children who dont give a shit

Because Pokemon doesn't pander to autistic 20-30 year old virgins like games like Fire Emblem and Persona do so there is nothing in them to localize.

Die you degenerate Barneyfag
That's from Two Best Sisters Play Pokemon

So yes, it's another OP is a faggot thread.

i am 1 with the forest at night like this 5

Because nobody gives a fuck about dialogue quality for that kind of game.

How the fuck...?

Make them all die

I'm sorry my show cuts into yours

how in the fuck did you know this?

he has an RSS to know when a pony thread is on

You're not even trying anymore, Barneyfag. Everyone knows you're a hack making your own thread. There's plenty of mlp related shit there and here on Sup Forums, and you failed horribly.

Execute their shit

He makes these threads himself.

He's fast...!

if Sup Forums hates something it must be popular and cool
should i start watching mlp (^:

It's time to blacklist the word barney.

Then do your part to call them out on your shit.
Or at least alert me to them.


Because it's translated mostly fine, and not everybody is a fucking weeaboo

What... the fuck

You have to be setting up these threads, it's the only explanation

Gotcha. Thanks, furfagposter.

>implying Sup Forums hates ponies

You may think that, but that's never the case.

Die, fag.

Anyone got that image where they show the trainer saying "it's over 9000" and the next image is the 3DS in a bin?

Nope, RSS feed.

>You may think that, but that's never the case.
Yeah yeah. Whatever you say.

I actually like barneyfag

Does anyone know if Cloptopia is still being develop?

>furry avatarfag

ok bui

The only thing that ever bugs me is the name changes, but even then it's just me being a weeb more than anything else.

This is what it looks like.


You're so much more pathetic than bronies. Goddamn.

That thing exists? Jesus Christ.

Heh. Thanks.

Oh hey, you again! What's up?

You wouldn't if you knew anything about him.

At least I'm not the one who likes watching shitty toddlers' shows.

Holy fuck you got this down to a science

Just remember to sleep and eat mang


He's a sentinel of justice standing tall in an ocean of ponies, and no amount of salt tears can erode the foundation of which he stands. He's a true patriot

What's the name of this app?

But ponies love salt.

But you watch MLP and Littlest Pet Shop.

>b-but I don't enjoy it!
That makes it worse.

Nothing much. Watched the Warcraft movie yesterday. Couldn't follow it.

Yeah, I still do that. Gotta keep the essentials together.

I thought they liked sugar? On the way home from school when I was young there were some horses in a field and I used to feed them snickers and they went mad for it

it's not a titty game so no one cares

>ocean of ponies
Literally where.

The dead sea once barneyfag is done

There's an entire fucking board for them and they still don't keep it in their cesspit

Is that ACTUALLY him?

RSS Notifier. It's on the Mac App Store, but you can find your own alternatives for PC.

Well, I gotta be able to recognize whenever someone's shilling their shit here.

i have a question:why did barneyfag never got banned ?