>requiring skill

pick one

Other urls found in this thread:

>>requiring skill
>pick one

>specifying LoL when all Moba games are identical


>>>requiring skill
>>pick one

Starcraft is dead, stop being mad at casuals

No ones stupid enough to actually think league requires skill, its just a fun game to kill time with friends

That's clearly two different tiers of players, very casual league player and professional SC2 player
Competitive LoL at the pro level required APM upwards of 600

It does require skill, a challenger will beat a bronze faggot any time, thus proving skill.

>Select group

Nice APM padding, this is why Starcraft is a joke and dead. Worry about gameplay over looking badass.

>moving a lot of fingers in outdated UI is skill

>>>>requiring skill
>>>pick one

>apms v game play

Everything requires some sort of skill user

the only things that don't are breathing and fucking your mother

I was looking to post this. Most of the "actions per minute" players just do random button clicks that don't do anything. Selecting and deselecting, or moving a unit with 10 clicks along a straight line is literally nothing. Show me a player micromanaging several groups of independent units to actually form a certain advantage than simply selecting them all and targeting the enemy, and I'll be impressed.

>upwards of 600
>10 actions per second >League of Losers


They do micromanage them which requires that high APM.
APM spam like that isn't to inflate some number it's to keep your hands and brain warmed up to that level for when you do actually need it.

So when Game A requires more skill than Game B, that means that Game B requires no skill at all.

And yet instead you could be outside making lifelong memories and meeting new people with them instead of sitting inside for five hours a night playing the exact same thing and talking shit to each other because someone misclicked and the other team snowballed.

LoL is a girl version of Dota. you wont be keyboard mashing in Dota as much as in an RTS but the skill is mental rather than skill with fingers

People like this will never understand the importance of pacing. Also just because of APM padding he assumed there is absolutely no real value in the keys he is pressing

No, he's moving his camera to those groups to have eyes on the entire map every few seconds

Fucking no skill noobs cry more.

the thing is 80% of the APM of SC2 isn't really that needed, the whole thing is a fucking meme. Half the time they are just moving the camera and selecting units over and over like gigantic faggots

And league is a shit with a shit community, but at least hes not clicking and mashing my keyboard for no reason

>APM spam like that isn't to inflate some number it's to keep your hands and brain warmed up

Oh fucking hell, you cannot be serious. HAHAHAHA

Do CS players shoot walls as they move between objectives to keep their trigger fingers and brains warmed up too?

How often to LoL players blow ults in empty lanes to keep their fingers warmed up?


i fucking masturbate because i need to keep my sex life warmed up

Right and I assume you think professional soccer players just stand still when the ball isn't near them because IT'S USELESS TO MOVE AROUND

Anybody who's played any variation of RTS knows pacing is very important. You can't expect to be playing at 40 APM then suddenly jump to 250 APM in a sudden encounter like it's nothing. But then again 98% of this board has no skill and prefers to play single player games and league of legends so they wouldn't understand a damn thing.

I'm not defending mobashit, but 90% of the "totally leet check my apms brah" Starcraft shit is pointless. Hooray I clicked attack move 50 times in the same spot I'm the greatest this is a deep and meaningful exercise.

>StarCraft 2 is ded gaem
>Guy playing league was clearing a jungle camp
>Don't act like ASSFAGGOTS aren't all the same shit


Maybe not all Pro LoL players
but ADC's usually have decent APM

What a shit comparison at least try

In soccer they move to get to a certain point, oftne times trying to take it a bit slower so they dont fucking over exert themselves when not needed

If you truly think you need to be selecting your units over and over and flicking the camera around to warm up you need to stop being dellusional.

but I'm probably being baited arent I?

Except when you run into an enemy in RTS you suddenly have to jump to superhuman finger spam. In csgo you just need superhuman reaction time which is better achieved by doing nothing but focusing quietly. League requires no skill relative to either, also a better analogy would be spamming shield on karma on URF even when not in battle to stay fast and fast paced with your fingers

>apm is skill meme

Guess that means nothing takes skill except typing.

Yeah cuz u have to kite like a motherfucker it's all about that kiting essentially any decent player in starcraft? I mean, what're you saying, the guy in the vid is bad? So, even bad starcraft players take more skill to be just bad than it is to play LoL.

I mean don't be mad that you have to stare at the screen without doing anything for 10 mins. It's okay.

back and forth right clicking, man

Except that selecting and deselecting units costs nothing, while shooting walls in CS or using spells in LoL would cost in game resources, nice analogy you fucking imbecile.

...okay, and you realize there's nerds here talking about APM inflation; wherein that 'high APM' has to be nothing, but inflation? They're not doing anything, but spamming.


Assuming we're talking about insanely high levels of play, than yes, it does matter, there isn't a game out there right now that needs you to be able to do that many actions, that fast. It's more about thinking, say in Dota 2 vs. Starcraft which is thinking and mechanical ability.

Watch Flash play.



>talking about sc2 on Sup Forums

you realize that anyone here that plays the game is some silver league faggot that knows nothing about the game and only plays team games because they are shit right? they wouldn't know how apm correlates almost directly with level of play. the best sc2 player of all time had to quit because his wrists were destroyed. why didn't he just play at 50 apm like Sup Forums seems to think is all you need? i am a master league player which puts me in the top 2% of all players, and i have intentionally tried to get as high as possible with under 150 apm and i can't even get close to masters. its not possible.

>doing nothing but spamming
a fundamental skill required to play sc2 is learning how to quickly get through a macro cycle.

here is what your average micro cycle looks like
>build workers
>build units from building 1
>build units from building 2
>build units from building 3
>go to your drop ship/dts/warp prism etc
>go to your army
>micro it if you are fighting
>do it again

this doesn't include going through your camera hotkeys or upgrades or building the buildings themselves

they are doing all of this within 5 seconds at the very max

>but m-muh international kickstarter money reward!

Too bad none of that matters anymore when the game is dead.

t. person who's never played starcaft

yeah the game is dead but i will never let retarded silver league redditors on Sup Forums talk shit about my favorite game

>you're all silver
>nice assumption to win an argument
And then you throw out that you're masters and you need a high apm to last hit things. I'm sorry, but your baseless assumptions are fucking retarded.

Also, you quoted me defending SC2, telling me that SC2 is the harder game.

Well, no shit.

>you need a high apm to last hit

no you don't lol. you literally just click on the creep when its low. at the very worst if you are in a hard lane, you have to click the creep then click back. i often last hit with one hand while i eat/drink at the start of a game because its nothing but one or two clicks. i'm 5100 mmr so i'm sure i'm better at the game than you as well too.

...No...Shit. Holy fuck, I'm responding to the other person making that claim. Can you please learn to read at a high apm? Speed read clifford the big red dog.

Yea cause the challenger paid to win

sure, that's absolutely true, but what's being argued is that there is a much lower skill ceiling in comparison to another game. Which is also true.

>Do CS players shoot walls as they move between objectives to keep their trigger fingers and brains warmed up too?
I practice my spray pattern on walls with ak and m4 after the round is over

I'll also practice stutter steps, peeks, and prefires

Generation Z doesn't even know what the fuck Starcraft even is, let alone play it.

>Do CS players shoot walls as they move between objectives

Yeah I do, faggot.