Red Orchestra 3 when?

And why is the 2nd the best fps of the last 8 years?

Other urls found in this thread: orchestra

Because its realistic enough to satisfy skilled players yet arcade enough not to scare casuals away.

I would love a med/africa version because we all know "muh automatics muh rpg" will plague rising storm 2

Someone was making a Korean War mod, would've been fucking cash such a great untouched setting, plus all the best Korea propaganda is top notch a esthetically.

>The developers have stated that the game is a Windows exclusive and have no plans to bring it to consoles.

It's not fair.

How the fuck would RO work on a controller you dumb wojak poster.

western front game when?

It has been done ad nauseam already.

We're getting Rising Storm 2 next.

Look up "Heroes of the west" on steam. Its a western front mod for RO2

Can't fucking wait

Its the best because they focused on gunplay to a level that is beyond every other shooter ever made. No game gives you the satisfaction of a kill like this game. I can't even play CoD anymore because of Red Orchestra 2. Running and gunning is a retarded style of combat and this game permanently nails that thought process into your head

What is "Heroes of the West"


what, you can climb trees?

Nah I think that was just a really slanted one

is it good friends?

It's pretty darn good.

>And why is the 2nd the best fps of the last 8 years?

it has soul


That rear peep sight looks like it would be a bitch with how ro2 handles ironsights

I hope they announce a release date for the nam expansion at E3.

The sten was always designed in such a retarded way, in pretty much every single way for that matter. It looks unique but that's about it.

You can tell more thought went into every aspect of this game than any CoD since Modern Warfare

Real good fun at times. I've noticed Allies struggle on a few maps though.

>Red Orchestra 3 when?
When they finish KF2 :^)

Its not an Expansion.

>They focused on the gunplay
The guns sound like shit what are you talking about?



>Camping in a trench
What are you doing m8?

Heroes of the West is fucking great.

Had a blast playing on Caen. Only thing i think is that the allies need way more tickets for most maps. Port brest is just an allied death factory, especially those last 3 points.

Love the british, the voices are way better than they were when the mod was first released. Although the bren gun is a complete piece of shite. It needs to lose the ring around the sight, its really hard to find targets with the right half of your screen being taken up and the middle with that annoying ring that ironically makes it harder to hit the target your shooting at.

>not playing the superior fh2 instead
plebs all of you

it was designed as a cheap and nasty improvised weapon. and it was a huge success in both those aspects

Get the fuck out of here

Insurgency is well balanced for a game with tons of automatic weapons.

>What are you doing m8?

Roles were reversed

Has anyone tried the WW1 mods for this game? The one server that runs them is almost always dead every time I log on to play.

Sometimes you need to take cover, nigga

Doesn't matter
You go out there and flank or die trying

c'mon son, the game is a lot more strategic and fun that RO2

Bren gun sucks, but the Lee-Enfield is absolutely god-like, it's my favorite bolt-action in the game. Not sure what we're meant to do with the PIAT though, I always ended up using it like the knee mortar.


Actualy arma 2/3 is a good bit more advanced imo

I agree man, that lee enfield is gorgeous. Was sitting on the bridge of B on Caen outskirts just rifling germans left right and centre. Really satisfying weapon to use.

I only tried the PIAT once and couldn't get it to work.I think the class could do with a sten secondary or something.

I'm pretty sure the weapon was universally hated by the soldiers that had to use it. Although there was a story of a paratrooper disabling a tiger tank with one at Arnhem and another at Pegasus bridge on D-day halting a german tank convoy. Fuckin heroes man, spring loaded piece of shit.

Arma isn't the same kind of game though. I agree that Arma is more advanced but I still think it plays choppier

Sorry i got that wrong, it was a stug the man disabled but he maneuvred a 6 pounder into position to destroy a tiger. Check out his story if your interested, a great read.

It's good, but I have never seen Allies win a map ever. And I played about 50+ games for HotW

>CoD sounds
>Shitty voices
>Graphics are like old RO/DH on roids yet is an RO2 mod
>Possibly infested by 29th ID faggots

Keep it for yourself thank you

Yea, you havent played it since the d-day update. Sounds were much improved as were the textures.

>Red Orchestra 3 when

RO3 early access2 for 4 years? heck yeah.

Considering it took a completely different dev team to fix RO2 and after KF2's horse shit I don't trust tripwire to release another game.

Aesthetically, retard

Rising Storm 2 will be at the E3 PC Gamer show.

who gives a shit

I really hate the G43 skin

Yes, its great, but you must be skillfull to win on the allied side on most maps.

Advance, cover, shoot, advance, cover, shoot... thats RO2 in a nutshell

Its the same story with Type 96 and Type 99, they are a fucking crap


You can't advance from the first points on A and B.

If you are defending obviously not

Can't wait for Rising Son 2: Fortunate Son

Love me some nam

Yes so why is he there


They really should add modularity to maps. Like, big field, and before the match starts the for example the other team gets to place foxholes and trenches and such.

Will do, thanks user!

It's gonna be groovy

I could see a system where the defending team's commander could decide where ammo dumps and mounted MG's were placed, along with where foxholes and trenches were dug. There would be a lot of opportunities to abuse and misuse this system, but I bet it could work with some polish

Because you haven't played Ostfront

this. kf2 was a mistake.


tripwire went to shit

Whats the problem?

KF2 was a failure, but RO has been succesful

KF2 was a failure because they adopted incredibly shitty business practices and they've been burning bridges and shitting on their customers non-stop.

having a year-long early access is unacceptable, witholding content your customers already paid for is unacceptable, trying to jew them off with item boxes and cosmetics before you've even finished the game is scummy as fuck.

It's not, it was a total fucking rip off. Tripwire totally abandoned this game 3 months in.

Killing Floor 2 is proof that the devs are trash tier "Idea" guys that just hires the real talent to make their games and then when the devs realize how shit the pay is and how it's not going to get better for them, they leave.

And you're a fucking delusional idiot for even thinking RO2 is anywhere fucking decent. The stats don't fucking lie. orchestra

Fuck you op.

2 games in one

Oh shit nigger, you didn't kill yourself last time I told you to.
Why the fuck not? Just do it.

I hate how HotW starts you with level 50 weapons. It feels good to work up and be rewarded for playing well.

I loved seeing the exact spots from Band of Brothers, made it even more intense

who the fuck are you? don't reply to me ever again.

who /dayofinfamy/ here?

sorry for the shitty quality pic, my PC is a toaster

shit map. push right and dont fall for the warehouse trap or lose: the game.

fucking love RO2.

like others have said, that nam game can't come soon enough.

I can't like RO2 after the disappointment I felt from the game.

Let me put on my fedora and *extinguish my cigarette on your forehead real quick by saying for Ostfront players and loyal fans the game is a disappointment.

We knew shit was going tits up the moment those fucks over at Tripwire said the game was going to appeal to both sides of the fence.

The lack of content compared to the original game is disappointing as hell. That and weapon unlock/levels. What the fuck were they thinking.


The previous game also varied classes, vehicles and availability dependent on the map as well. Didn't have 9001 fuckers running around with G41s and MP44s (Yeah I know in RO2 its the 42).

I can ramble on for ages but it would just be me pissing into the wind just to have it splash all over my M40 Ubermantel.

I miss smoking T34s in the Panther G.

Based Tripwire

I'm currently rewatching Band of Brothers and it's giving me feels. I've been away from the WW2 vidya genre for a while, what's the best game/populated at the moment famalam

I would have LOVED to fough in Vietnam.

Carrying around an M60 and having a Nazi flag on the back of my tank to scare off the gooks.

>played RO2 for 10h before giving up

>played Rising Storm for 1447h and still play it every day

Where my banzai bros at?

Enjoy falling in some Machiavellian Vietcog pitfall trap

Using the Japanese bolt action rifles and killing countless American piggus gave me such a hard on.


>tfw your commander is capable and so is your team, and you launch a giant banzaï charge

Punji sticks were nasty.

I played Battlefield: Vietnam and blasting music from the choppers was great.

But I'm 30 now and winter is coming,

>dat webm
fukin brootal

>RO has been succesful
Tripwire doesn't deserve praise for this, the community is the only thing keeping this game alive right now between HotW and bloodbath. There are hundreds of gamebreaking bugs tripwire knows about but they won't bother to fix. AMG are the only ones who still write any fucking code, Tripwire hasn't done fuck all in years.

RO is still the best ww2 and semi-realistic fps game ever made.