There are people who think custom sprays are a good thing

>There are people who think custom sprays are a good thing


It's a shame there are so few good sprays, the only one I got so far that I like is the high noon poster

All the Cute sprays are perfect.

There are no custom sprays in OW though

I bet you use W10

>Implyng this isn't the only one you need

>look at all those sprays to choose!
>only use cute sprays

I can't figure out what this image is supposed to show.

>put your spray on the blackboard
>spin that shit


The best sprays were when TF2 introduced image fading and a million bait designs popped up

They aren't.

Pfft, no.

>not the pixel ones
kys yourself

>playing Attack
>entire team puts their sprays on the payload

Pretty sure that has been a thing since CS 1.6

Post best sprays

Forcing people to use pre-made sprays is the worst fucking thing in this game. Fucking retarded devs perpetrating the shitty hugbox nanny mentality that is the cancer of modern vidya. Its like I'm actually playing in Hitler's Nazi Germany I hope whoever thought about this bullshit gets cancer and steps in a lego

>artificially padding out the carrot-on-a-stick item acquisition with total dogshit
>not being able to distract idiots with meatspin gifs
sprays in overwatch are shit

Oh yeah because custom sprays doesn't always end up with porn and gore sprayed everywhere.

Literally nothing wrong with that


Yeah, whats the problem?
>waaah few people use evil custom sprays ban them all
Guess gonna deport all muslims as well now

Lucio's and Soldier's are shit compared to their pixel sprays.

Though I like my HEAL UP spray.

Too lazy to cap, but Mei's ice cream spray is GOAT.

Cute and Pixel sprays are garbage and you people should feel bad for liking them

I saw my first pornographic image as a custom cs:source spray

Wait, there are Rare sprays?

you realize this is the same argument people use to remove voice chat from games, which is also stupid

I think all-class sprays are rare.

Huh. I never noticed, will check next time I turn the game on.
If that's the case, that's some horse shit.

It's especially horseshit because all-class sprays are garbage.

What's the big deal? They still drop like candy.

This I agree with, I NEVER use any of them, there's one or two I considered, but class-specific are outright better.
Two reasons.
1. see above.
2. If they're rare, they're potentially eating ANOTHER slot of your CONSTANT SHITTY BOXES.
>Out of ~24 boxes, I have gotten 1 Legendary, 5 Epics, and the rest were whites and blues, with exactly (1) box having 2 Blues
>Some people have gotten 6+ legendaries in the same amount of boxes
>Instead of getting some of those mediocre, but at least different Blue Skins I might get stuck with MORE shitty sprays or 15 coins
The system is horribly flawed.

>crying about loot boxes
>you get one every few games and you can get them infinitely

Fucking hell m8. Just fucking buy them if you're that desperate for skins and sprays.

Try every 6 games, assuming you win them all with at least 3 silver+ medals.

>implying this isn't the best spray
Winston's banana peel is a close second though.

I'm not, I just hate seeing a box and thinking "Oh hey, 5 Sprays." when I was already bored as shit of that garbage system with "Oh hey, 4 Sprays and some trash."
The game is fun, but the loot system is so painfully undesirable, it just kills a bit of the fun I was having hearing this "epic fanfare" for a pile of digital trash.

Only aceptable cute spray is D.Va's

Every other character has better sprays except maybe Winston whos sprays are all kinda boring IMO.

Every six games isn't even a lot. Overwatch games are short, like 10 minutes at the longest. A loot box every hour, the struggle.

>Mercy's Cute isn't acceptable

You still get a ton of lootboxes. Stop crying like an entitled child. They don't add anything but cosmetics, they are quite generous with how often you get them (yes, they are if you compare it to other games) and the chance of dropping a legendary is quite acceptable (I believe it's 1 in 10 or something).

And yet you still cry because RNG didn't favour you. This is the definition of entitlement. I'd agree you'd need lootboxes for gameplay elements like heroes, but it's 100% cosmetic.

>games have got to a point where people care more about meaningless cosmetic shit as 'content' instead of actual gameplay like heroes, maps and game modes.

God damn, everyone wanting to be a special snowflake in games sure has been the way to print free money.

You play the game for the gameplay, which isn't affected by loot. Nobody even looks at your skins or sprays you autist.

so what you fuck? You're going to be triggered?

I'd like every aspect of the game to be exciting not
"RNG Fest that always fucks you" with good gameplay.
It also incentivizes shitters who don't play a character to try new characters if they get a nice skin.
But if they get nothing but trash...
I also enjoy the game, but I can't handle more than a few hours a day, and since my win/loss overall is about 30/70, I net about 1.5 loot boxes a day. Artificially a lot of work for "oh hey, it's nothing."

whats even more depressing is people are willing to pay hundreds of dollars for a color pallet swap

something which you could do for nothing in literally every game just a few short years ago.

I think it has more to do with people being used to progression systems that gives them rewards for each level. Then comes Overwatch which rewards you but it's random, has no real effect on gameplay and it usually doesn't give you what you want, which frustrates people overshadowing the fun they are having in game because they don't feel like they've earned anything for their invested time. It's stupid but most games these days have conditioned us to expected a reward for playing, instead of entertainment being its own reward.


Ah yes, here's the people who come in to make smug posts despite knowing nothing about the game. The cosmetics in Overwatch are 100% free. As will be new heroes and maps. We've already got 21 heroes and 12 maps so I'd say that's a pretty damn good start.

She looks sassy.

You're basically the kind of person that caused the entire "unlock" system.

You crave progression and loot, even in a game where it doesn't matter at all. It activates your pleasure centre.

Please be aware of this and help yourself.

Sad, but true. a recent, not so much talked about example is Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare 2. You earn Coins from doing just about anything and you buy "Sticker packs" with all those coins, which they give out in extreme amounts, but you can choose to buy packs that guarantee character parts for new characters or customization items, etc.
And there's 0 duplicates, so you don't have to waste even more time like that.
That's a "good" incentive system in one form of the word.

Overwatch is very similar except you can't use an in-game currency you earn for doing anything to buy boxes, you just get 1 every level for a set amount of EXP, which you only earn from FINISHING a match, so Skirmish and leaving early net you (0) EXP and the latter runs you the risk of getting a 3-game -75% EXP mod if you do it often enough.
That and you can't choose to have "better" boxes that simply cost more that exclusively produce a specific type of item.

Blah blah blah, good post.

>The cosmetics in Overwatch are 100% free.

Did I mention anything about the cost?

>We've already got 21 heroes and 12 maps so I'd say that's a pretty damn good start.

And yet a majority of discussions I see here are about playing le ebin dress up with muh favourite waifus.

I would have preferred more heroes and maps at the cost of none of this cosmetic shit, but Blizzard wouldn't have been able to set up a micotransaction for loot boxes that way.

>a lot of work

If you see the game as "work" then you've already got a big problem. You should be playing Overwatch because it's a damn fun game and then be like "Oh hey, free stuff" every so often as a bonus. This shouldn't be something you have to "handle."

>It activates your pleasure centre.
Then how have I not bought boxes?
Epics and Legendaries don't get me excited. I just enjoy a little variety once in a while that is nonexistant in those boxes, I see it and get disgusted at "Oh hey, 4 more pieces of shit I'll never use" with the occasional "Oh hey, something passable... for a character I don't play."
Have a wonderful day, user. Cause I just like the idea of customizations in general, not the gating portion.

>Playing Mei

>Twisting my words
Notice the word "Artificially" and the win/loss rate.
I'm not a good player, but it's a pain in the ass to deal with players equally if not more shit and win 3 in every 10 games.
It's fun, but tiring when you do all that and still lose, sometimes a total stomp because the enemy team is a 6-man premade of 40-100 level players with me still in the 30s.

Assuming you're the first poster, you mentioned "printing free money" even though cosmetics are free. And then the second post said "pay hundreds of dollars for a color pallet[sic] swap". So yes, both posts mentioned cost.

At any rate, cosmetics did not take development time away from heroes and maps. This shit is on the level of whining about Dark Pit "taking a slot."

I don't understand why they complain about sprays. You get custom sprays in TF2 but I see nobody ever using them. For the last couple of months I haven't had a game where anyone used a custom spray. Is it just because overwatch features sprays that people bitch?

Then get better. Goddamn. I'm not good either but I've slowly become more confident and my W/L ratio has improved significantly. Whatever happened to people playing to improve themselves instead of always blaming their team?

>More changing the point
I am attempting to improve, somehow, when I play Symmetra, I almost always get PoTG, but who honestly wants to play the designated shitting street every game?
The point is, the game is fun, but it detracts from the fun slightly when I hear this glorious fanfare marking I got a loot box, go to open it to more glorious fanfare and
>voice line
>Duplicate of that one Torbjorn Riding his Turret Victory Pose
I've gotten at least 6 of those fucking things.

Custom sprays in TF2 were disabled on official servers so that's probably why you haven't been seeing any. The people bitching are likely people who haven't played TF2 in years and have nothing better to do than shitpost on Sup Forums about the new game that annoys them.

I gradually came to the realization that the people who complain about Overwatch threads do not actually play any games, else they'd be in the threads for the games they enjoy.

It shouldn't "detract" from the fun considering it's literally just a bonus on top of, you know, the actual game. Why is this such a big deal for you? You think that shark skin is magically gonna make you a Roadhog god?

>Nazi Germany
>Step on a Lego
Please go back to pleddit until summer is over and 9th grade starts up.

Why would a skin make me better at a character?
Are you retarded?
It's not a big deal, it's there and I'm going to try and enjoy it a tiny bit, why else would it be in the game if you weren't meant to enjoy it?
>Get dog shit instead of something mildly nice
I would have been fine with a coin based unlock system or really anything you could do to at least guarantee decent drops, makes boxes more rare and the loot inside outright better, something. As is, I left that match to open a box in the (dead and gone) hope of getting something decent and met with garbage, so now I gotta requeue for another 3 hours waiting for a match.
Okay, the queues aren't that long, but they're still retardedly long

I miss porn sprays

if custom sprays were I thing I would personally make it my mission to spray ponies every game
would you be ok with that?

my man