Silver hell

roast me Sup Forums


ill roast your dick

op here

its hard, okay?

>rank 24
>silver II


i know, ive been like.. playing for 7 months now?

You obviously don't try/care enough to git gud. Only got yourself to blame. If you want to rank up hit the dm servers.

A true player, playing for fun and not win

i mean it isn't. I'm an alcoholic and i'm supreme. I can't even see straight OP, what're you doin'?

only rank 4 man

With a service medal.

Ignore that

i find it funny how i want to smurf silvers
even though i would be fighting the same players again

lol noobs

What is that 5 thing?

You're the reason why cheat codes existed.

i overwatched a game earlier i presume was silver

people were throwing smokes randomly on sites and mollying and HE nading themselves repeatedly, in a 4v4 one guy would plant B and the other Ts would run all over the map looking for the CTs

it was kind of adorable

i'm thinking about buying esea again, smfc-globe has too many boosted retards and cheaters

op here
i played face-it before
only to get yelled at..
its a 5 year veteran badge, i think
been bothering me for months..

5 year veteran coin

That isnt Silver hell, you just suck

getting supreme in matchmaking isn't hard if you queue with a friend or two who actually understand the meta

if you're actually supreme then you know vision or being a wino aren't that relevant in determining your skill in cs, having a complex understanding fot the meta game is what

you can have gold nova aim but still win clutches, be a useless entry fragger for your team and open up a trade, get plant in an open spot and die, etc., play off contact with a ct you're holding site with, all of these are super useful roles and do not require good aim

>get to MGE
>stop playing for months
>come back to game
>lost my rank due to inactivity
>starting from silver again

that's just stupid why is the game keeping us hostage? If someone wants to take a break he shouldn't be fucking punished for it.

Buy a gaming mouse, set sensitivity to low and set dpi to 400 and youvalready will see progress. Alao, listen to enemy footsteps and move smart, not fast.

So he's playing for 5 years and bragging about being nova 2?

>get silver
>go 40+ kills every game

You should be happy user.

I wish i could start in silver again, be fuck as fuck i think. I was MGE too and lost rank but after 1 game i started at nova 2 again.

Currently I just play for fun and mess around with a few friends, other than aim training maps what could I do to get better?

Playing 1v9 is hardly fun can you believe people are unironically leaving the goddamn bomb and look for kills?

I wasn't bragging about being nova 2, also the 5 years are from 1.6 and source. I suck at go

Try going from global to DMG. I had to explain what an anti eco round was pretty much every game.

>tfw CT side you watch your team buy m4s 2nd round after we win the pistols, then push close angles, getting tec9'd in the face
>tfw 2v5 , with 3 Ts now having m4s and i have a fucking mp9

Being a god among men is not fun for you?

If someone wanted to be a god among men they would play TF2 valve servers

what the fuck. how.
I have 47 wins and I'm DMG

If I wanted that I would play Heavy on any 2fort only server.

less losses than him i presume

I'm sure that bots do a better job of it than I could ever.

yeah no shit

..wait meta? what the fuck are you talking about.

All you need to do to get supreme is just aim; that's all i do

>bads telling you, you need to know smokes/flashes

What the fuck is even the meta? Really there's only three weapons, ak, m4, awp (i use the aug/auto cause i'm cancer though).

>only three weapons
>forgetting based Negev that carried me to Global

this is exactly why you will always be Nova

Negev is a good "morality destroyer" weapon (free global elite tip there for ya), but otherwise insanely cost ineffective.

and faggot, i've been global when the game first came out and there was mass cheating.

eat my ass.

>morality destroyer

lmao your silver is showing stop making up new terms

"making new terms"

You never heard of those words before? Here pupper, i'll break it down for ya.

mo·rale: the confidence, enthusiasm, and discipline of a person or group at a particular time.
"their morale was high"

Destroyer: one that destroys

So, you or the negev are one that destroys their confidence.


Because so many pro players talk about morale destroying weapons right? This terminology has fuck all to do with CS you silver.

what kind of pro players give a fuck about MM in the first place?

You realize no one who actually cares about getting good gives a fuck about MM right? You can't go to even an intermediate team and say, "hey i'm global" and get on it, because it means absolutely nothing, yet you're sitting here talking to me as if it the end all, be all.

Also, no shit you haven't heard of high level tactics, because you're some shitter.

I'm still waiting for some proof of any CS player calling any weapon a fucking morale destroyer. How would that even work anyway?

Does the concept of Morale not make sense to you?

Someone gets his morale destroyed because his enemy bought Negev are you retarded? would that work? I even spelled it out to you, gave you definitions and an example how to use it here So, i'm actually teaching you a new word I guess?

So, the negev is a weapon that is incredibly expensive while also being incredibly ineffective; so if the enemy buys that weapon and mows down my team, i'm likely to think, "fuck we're getting owned so hard, my team blows" vs. someone using a traditional weapon.

How does this concept elude so?

If you have enough money to blow on a negev you are already BTFOing the enemy team, Its makes them feel even further down a trench that they dont think they can get out of. that and getting a site wipe with one just makes some people give up

>knowing smokes and flashes = meta

top kek, are you sure you're supreme?

>calls people noobs
>has every operation coin at bronze

Yeah, it would be the same thing if I just used a glock and owned everyone.

It would destroy their morale. Their confidence.

Go tell your mom you learned a new word.

well i have absolutely no fucking clue what they mean by meta. Can you explain what they mean by meta?

>buy a gaming mouse

You're fucking retarded. I'm using a 5 dollar Microsoft laser mouse I bought back in 2010 with 2 buttons and a wheel (sometimes the LMB is a little unresponsive now, it's on its last legs) and I got up to LEM before the matchmaking changes. If you're garbage it has nothing to do with your mouse.

desu csgo unlike lol is one of those games where if you're good you can carry the whole game to victory, so it's pretty much your fault for being shit

>orginally rank at Nova 2
>work up to whopping MG2
>stop playing
>rank rebalance happens
>win match, rank silver elite
>afterwards stop playing for 4 MONTHS
>play 2 matches today
>first against silver 2, one dude doing slightly better than me, the other 8 being absolute garbage, loss
>second, everyone does absolutely garbage, tie and rank silver 3

So I guess the thing I should do right now is grab a few friends and wreck shit until I get to a rank where I face people of similar skill level and the game becomes fun again, right?

>When the T left won't plant and instead hunts for the remaining CT until they run out of time
How can anyone be so stupid

you probably do have an understanding for the metagame if you're supreme, even if you don't know what it exactly refers to.

in CS, the "game" (separate from the metagame) is your in-game resources and the knowledge how to use them. the AK, the flashbang, the smoke, the m4, the AWP, these are your resources within the game. Knowing how to use them is your mastery of in game mechanics. you're manipulating the map to bounce a flashbang, you're manipulating the recoil pattern to effectively spray your AK accurately from a medium distance.

the meta-game is the game above the game. it's how you manipulate and read and adapt to your opponents, and play off your teammates. it's how you play a site with a teammate. it's how you peek, when you peek, it's how you hold a site, it's how you take a site. it' how and when you rotate. it's how you act in a 1v2, in a 1v1. it's how you play on an eco round, it's how you play on an anti-eco round.

the low end of the metagame is basic stuff, it's like whether your team is playing 2-1-2 or 1-3-1 or example, the high end of the meta game is the "mind games" you hear casters talk about in tournaments. it's the weird shit people do. dropping their pistol for a fake flash, taking a gamble and pushing smoke when they shouldn't, playing off your opponent's expectations, adapting to your opponent's playstyle

so what i'm saying is in a 1v1 post-plant situation, you can have the greatest aim in the world but you'll get rekt every time by someone who knows how to clutch and has a better understanding of when/how to peek even if their aim is worse

Okay, well I mean the only thing to me that stands as meta then would be the 2-1-2 or 3-1-1, because that's something you're expected to know outside of them game, also i guess basic positions, but even then I'd say you'd have to be reactive to the what the other team is doing.

Even your other examples, "how to peek" "how to play a site" should be a reactive thing to what the other team is doing.

I don't really agree that those skills are a meta, but just understanding basic positioning, which by definition are in game.

And sure, someone can really fuck someone up in a post-plant situation, because then the terrorist has the advantage of time. Time management comes into play then and it's not necessarily just about skill, I agree.

But, I would say that someone who can aim better will best someone who stays in any static position.

>48 wins
>reach gold nova master
>stopped playing
>came back a month later
>no rank
It's a fun game.

>just jump in some random or clan sever and have fun
>meet people pulling off all kind of shit
>tryhards everywhere
>get flamed if i dont buy m4/ak/awp

you can have a shitty understanding for how the meta is played but still get far with aim alone

but it'll show, you'll see people fail to trade, hang back and not push with their team onto a site, they'll bait their teammates, etc.

trading is very important, a 1for1 trade is a trade the Ts want, again, this is part of the metagame. it's a basic thing to understand but you'll see CTs rush out and get a kill and die and think they did a good job on a rifle round when they didn't. or you'll see a CT rush out with an m4 on an anti-eco round, get 2 or 3 picks, then die. Now the Ts have an AWP or M4 and the rest of the CTs have to fight it with their mp7s and mp9s.

How you make footsteps in clutch situations is also a part of the metagame, how you reload, how you push with your team, it all adds up even if it only makes 5% of a difference.

For instance people don't understand even if your teammate is making a push you don't think he should, you generally need to push with him. because even if it's a bad idea, it's a worse idea to be put in a 4v5. sometimes your teammates make bad decisions, but you (generally) have to support them. generally it's the best course of action because you at least have a chance to open up a site and make picks and trade.

who /can't get out of silver/ here
no matter how hard I try I just can't git gud
Sup Forums tells me I should be carrying my entire team and getting most kills every round but I just can't do it, I can't git that gud and I am giving up

You were a GN scrub last time I saw you play, how much did you pay?

Recent 5 matches, 2 wallers, 2 spin-bot, 1 match with afk.
Kill me

>tfw you get multiple matches in a row with team mates that just try to epic troll (like just stacking up on top of each other for every round)
>tfw you're doing the best in your team but you fail to clutch once so your team kicks you
>tfw somebody teamkills somebody else which then leads to a massive teamkilling spree and then everyone gets kicked but you
>tfw smurfs on the other team
>tfw hackers on the other team

>Two Polacks who will never shut the fuck up
>Mute them
>Instantly go to the top
It never ends with these fucking slavs.

wow that's how it's like in silver?

Try 700 hours in Dota and I've only ever played ranked once.

I agree!
Ever since I bought a Steelseries™ mouse,the one my favorite player n0thing uses,and set the sensitivity exactly like his,I became godlike.
After that I bought a Benq™ monitor,again the same kind n0thing uses,I became even better. It goes along nicely with my GamingFood™ Food for real Gamers.

>buttblasted poorfag detected