ITT we redesign and balance our favorite heros in OW

ITT we redesign and balance our favorite heros in OW

>Shield now has double the amount of energy
>Shied also now regenerates 2x as fast
>His blast tackle now leaves a trail of fire that does 20 damage per second
>He no longer does a ranged attack, but instead it's been replaced with an ability that causes his shield to reflect projectiles (same cooldown)
>There's are now auto-torrets attached to his shoulders
>Turrets can still fire even when stunned
>His ultimate now effects entire stage
>Reinhardt now dual wields hammers

>ITT we redesign and make our favorite heroes so ungodly overpowered that OW isn't even fun any more

the only way to fix this guy is to deplete the shield bar during use

>Give her a bathing suit or a cute négligée skin


>removed the charge gimmick
>can fire as fast as you can click
>can now place up to 3 mines, they slow and blind in addition to the poison
>lower spread on SMG
>recon vision is now a permanent passive
>new ult is similar to 76's, but it locks onto heads
>now third person perspective outside of scoped

>Ult is replaced by a nuclear strike
>Game automatically ends
>Game closes itself
>Game is automatically uninstalled from everyone in the match

Congratulations, you got the joke OP was making about all the shitty "buff my class" posts.

It isn't fun in the first place because of reaper of whom your description matches perfectly.


>flashbang now causes your screen to go white and high pitched noise to play
>only way to get out is for you to slowly fade back in and have someone yell "user! user! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"
>double flashbang duration
>double fan damage
>instead of an ult, give him dead eye from red dead redemption
>make him say "I'll see what I can do" at the start of every match
>add Edgar Ross as a hard counter

>don't change anything

Fucking Reinhardt mains are cancerous children.

Junk rat


He's perfect

Also, you have shit design ideas

>Can switch between dual wielding shotguns and dual wielding sniper rifles at will
>Shade form grants invinciblity while being able to act
>The teleport now has invincible frames during start up
>The ult now drains ult meter and is toggable
>One of his voice lines now plays "All of Me" in its entirety

I would make McCree the ultimate skill based character instead of the biggest crutch character in the game

You'd make him Genji?

Genji isn't very difficult to play.

McCree without a 12 second stun, roll reloading, and fan the hammer 1 shots would still be a very powerful character for players who can aim.

Genji is literally point and press a button: the class. His difficulty comes purely from strategy, hence why he spews strategic memes all the time in pre-match

>hook is instant and hitscan
>alt-fire shoots a slug that deals the same damage but has no max distance
>kills reset Hook
>E can overheal and restores 600 health
>ult reflects projectiles while it's active

>One of his voice lines now plays "All of Me" in its entirety
I don't get it.

>500 HP
>in turret form can fire rockets
>heals twice as fast
>can heal self while taking damage
>reload is faster
>has shield in turret form
>can move in turret form, but slower

Best in thread

>Shotgun replaced with Spear that instakills when you hit a hook, impaling the enemy
>Hook is heat-guidance now, cannot miss
>Health increased to 1000
>Take a Breather can be held down to heal up fully instead of just 300
>2x speed
>Voiced by Beetlejuice

I agree. He should just do nothing but quote the song, and have earbuds in that play it at an earsplitting volume so that allies nearby can hear it.

Which Beetlejuice though?

Mei needs to have her health doubled, and the time it takes to freeze halved, and the damage of her right click doubled, this would make her a viable character.


Kills reset hook would be a nice addition though, like genji's dash strike.

I don't think that will fix Mei at all.

Instead, when Mei freezes a player, every tick from her gun should lower the framerate by 15fps and then freeze their computer completely.


>Shield goes up for 5 seconds, not 3 seconds or 50 damage
>Maximum charge can go past 100, up to 1000
>Shield generates a gravity pull so enemies are FORCED to aim at you while your shield is up
>Same for shields you give to your allies
>Alt-fire grenades also have a gravity well effect, pulling all enemies in the area of the explosion in towards the grenades
>M1 has infinite range and can hit multiple characters at once
>Cybergoth and Industrial skins cause you to die the moment you leave the spawn

There, now she's perfect.

Is this a "make this character overpowered" episode?

Give Reaper a model swap of Zarya's cyber goth costume.

Overwatch desperately needs a character that represents the (very large) furry fan base.

>not using Industrial for the sole purpose of pissing people off while you save their asses

I forgot to add


Why does this even happen? Is it intended?

Or at least have an indicator where they're going to fucking land. Shit pisses me off.

Then I got gud and learned to predict offset better. Managed to 1-shot a tracer that got yanked all the way around me even.

anyone can think of mercy? i know this is pathetic but i can't think how to redesign her i want her to buff


Reinhardt should have cooler looking gun hammer

She doesnt need a buff, but she needs to not be such an easy kill

Give symmetra her 50 shields and 3 second turrets back. She is so god awful as a solo support that she always needs backup from Mercy & Lucio.

>No longer uses a dildo for healing, now uses magic
>Heals instantly on click from across the map
>Damage boost works like Zenyattas orbs, increase damage by 3x
>Replaced model with Nude model
>Married to me
>Added a second ultimate, works exactly like her normal one except it kills all enemies in an AoE radius instantly

>gets raped by aliens
>get turn on to be there overqueen

It's always the Genjis where this happens for me.

>heal+hurt beam affects Mercy as well
>switching to pistol locks your beam to your patient until they're out of range
>beam is not blocked by LOS and has 50% linger range
>Ult revives everyone, regardless of position, and can be used while dead


>Heal beam and buff beam combined to streamline Mercy play
>Healing occurs much faster, roughly to make it on-par with Roadhog's Take a Breather
>Only needs line of sight to establish a connection, not to maintain healing
>Unable to be damaged while flying to a teammate
>Pathfinding for flying corrected so small spaces no longer cause you to stop short
>Headshots with the pistol are instant kills

>flashbang can be avoid if player just look backwards

Give her bigger boobs and full body awareness when you're playing her, like ArmA.

>reaper is ungodly powerful

His dps is strong but he gotta by literally in people's faces to make use of it

4 and 5 are good suggestions though.

Just buff her health and regen so that it's better than fucking Lucio's.

>Game gives you a $200 per hour job where all you do is sit and play Overwatch
>Game gives you a woman to marry and fuck
>Game pays for expenses
>When old and brittle game gives you a mercy death
>Game buries you
>Game cries

>yell "user! user! WE HAVE TO GET OUT OF HERE!"
What is this referencing?


>can now store 5 blinks
>blink charges twice as fast
>recall is a toggle passive skill and you can hold it or cancel it
>blink instantly reloads your guns
>sticky bomb is now an ability on 15sec cooldown
>Ult now stops time for everyone but your team for 10 sec

No, furries don't like gorillas. They only like cute things like foxes and cats.

>sidearm now has an m2 that heals for 120hp, works like 76's rockets
>beams are invisible to the opponent
>ult also gives damage boost to anyone that's alive and in range for three seconds
>ult voice line is no longer enemy global, like Widowmaker's
>invincible during dash

>shuriken are now hitscan
>reflect does 1.75x damage
>dash damage increased by 25
>ult melee to the back crits
>dash gets two stocks
>m2 fans the hammer
>reflect is 360
>ult damage increased to 150

>McCree can now wall climb
>He can also teleport
>His bullets bounce off walls
>If he tea bags you before he respawns, all his cooldowns will reset and gun will instantly reload
>His PotGs will repeat 3 times and can't be skipped.

>projected barrier now only has a cooldown for each separate teammember, can shield enter team
>barriers now rip ammo right out the enemies guns using gravitational force, forcing them to shoot at you
>barriers now last longer than their cooldowns
>ult now just sucks all enemies into a black hole and instantly kills them
>full charge does x4 damage instead of x2
>just to balance things out a bit, remove 5 points of health

Soldier 76

>Helix rockets is now is baseline M1, same fire rate.
>Healing field is constant aoe around him, activating it places a triple strength one on the ground
>Sprint is always active and allows you to shoot during it. Hitting shift lets him dodge roll.
>Ult has 3x duration and causes his shots to track targets. Ult is consumed on use so it can begin building immediately instead of after the current ult duration is finished.

I'd main.

>Picking mei now uninstalls your game.

this has to be the worst redesign in the history of redesigning

>bastion now has a reinhart bubble shield around him at all times, it has no minimum cover distance.
>his ultimate is no longer a tank mode, but a mobile turret mode that deals 3 times as much damage, no ammo limit.
>when repairing he is indestructible

on a serious note, I wish bastion's recon mode had about 10 more ammo. That's really it.

Living Armor now lasts the full duration regardless of damage block charges.

Leech Seed cast range increased from 350 to 700.

Nature's Guise fade delay from 2 seconds to 2/1.5/1/1

I figured out how to balance him.

>no limits on how many turrets he can make
>all turrets are level 3 forever
>for each new turret he creates, he gains 200 scrap
>he can only give himself amor, but the armor can stack forever as high as he is able
>his shotgun bullets all home in on the nearest target's head
>if he kills a female character, that character shows up IRL to give you a blowjob, if she is not finished before the next female kill they can take turns or co-op

I think we can all agree that this is the correct balance-choice.

>Tracer has her asspose back
>damage is increased 200%
>blink has no cooldown
>ult has three mines that automatically attach to the nearest enemies


>super jump has no cooldown at all and can be done in mid-air
>fires rockets as fast as you can click
>24 ammo instead of 6
>pulse ability has such extreme knockback that heroes will go through walls and fly straight off the map entirely
>ult makes pharah invincible for it's duration, can be cancelled at any time, and she can teleport to enemies locations while she does it
>pharah now has 300 armor

The second someone picks Widwomaker is the second the player's screen detonates violently. Glass will always shatter towards your face at high velocity.

>Genji's Ultimate turns his whole HP bar into armor for its duration
>Gains a right click in which he can launch a horizontal beam from his sword similar to reinhardts E ability
>increase duration by 2 seconds with the ability to press Q to sheath the sword and you are refunded a % of the ult meter based on how much time you had left when you sheathed it.

>Widowmaker players now must aim using a controller
Game balanced when can I expect my check?


What is this, 1995?

Fuck off to /vg/ you spamming faggots

>He now has a highlight intro where he goes, "Pshhh nothing personal... Kid."

Thats all I ever wanted

All the shitty cinematic moments from the CoD campaigns

>Genji's Ultimate turns his whole HP bar into armor

Why doesn't he have any shields or armor anyway? Isn't he a robot?

>walkspeed penalty removed
>can now fire while using the jetpack
>jetpack cooldown replaced with pharah fuel bar
>can exit and re enter mech at any time
>gets a jetpack out of mech that doesnt regenerate fuel
>out of mech health increased to 250
>half of current healthbar changed to shields
>ult explosion now can hit through walls for reduced damage

I know this is a laff but I'd actually like it if Genji's ult gave him autoreflect for the duration.

He'd be 100% pick rate if it did

He does say "Heh...too easy", it's so close.

there's nothing wrong with his ult as it is. maybe make deflect increase damage during it

holy shit, is this summer Sup Forums? the fuck is this underage gamefaqs shit threads

>Frag Launcher shots can be held for 1 second, causing them to detonate in the gun for an explosive jump at cost of health
>Rip Tire can drift to reduce height and allow tighter turns

>>out of mech health increased to 250

Out of all the ridiculous shit you posted this is the one that earned a (You).

>primary fire now continually fires hanzo's twin dragons
>alt fire now fires junkrat tires
>self-shield now works like reinhardt's shield with 2000 health and lasts as long as you hold the button
>ally-shield similarly gives whichever ally you select a fully covering reinhardt shield for the rest of the game or until it runs out of health
>hat on the siberian/arctic skins removed to let zarya's hair flow free

I think this will help Zarya's tiny pick rate a bit.

Is that the tree from paladins?

Minus the healing thing and shift dodge roll this is so close to just being doom guy.

half of the time a reaper is in your face.

>tighter turns
Consolefag detected.

straight into a mccreed flashbang and melted down into free ult meter

I'd add a cute boy healer

the only thing i want to change for reinhardt is that his ult turned into a hyper mode.

>remove everyone except Tracer, Winston, Junkrat, Pariah, and Zenyetta

The game is now perfect.


>Give him a passive that makes him give less ults to the team
>Longer hook range
>Make it undeflectable, it goes through winstons shield (but not reinhardt)
>people who are hooked go in front of roadhog regardless.
>disable enemy abilities for a second after hook pulls them in

>walkspeed penalty removed
This either needs to happen or she needs to do way more damage. The only other classes that deal with crippling movespeed penalties while firing are snipers and they don't have to be under three feet away from their target to deal decent damage.

>now has a penis

literally just fix his fucking hook is all I would want

I've had every possible combination of fuckups happen with his hook:

gets jerked beside me
gets jerked completely BEHIND me
doesnt even fucking MOVE
actually had one guy get pushed AHEAD of me

this shit is maximum retarded, I'm starting to think it has to do with the shit ticrate and lag compensation

There's a lot of good suggestions here but I think I'm about to break the meta with this one:

>Increase HP to 200
>All HP is shields

100% Pickrate guaranteed

>Ult can resurrect herself and any ally on the map
>Pistol is now hit scan and double fire rate
>Remove staff
>Healing stream come out automatically of her right wing to any ally near her. Right wing looks angelic.
>Damage boost comes out of her left wing to any ally near her. Left wing looks demonic
>Now had armored bikini.



>When I pick her in the character select screen, this doesn't mean I want to play as her. It means I want to stick my tiny rancid weener in her tight vagina and ejaculate within 5 seconds while squeeling like the fat virgin piggy that I am. The game should take note of this and act accordingly.