E3 2016

>E3 2016
>Sony's press conference is almost over
>Andrew House walks on stage
>"I'd like to welcome a very special guess on stage now."
>Based Phil Spencer walks out and both shake hands
>"We'd like to announce that Xbox and PlayStation are coming together to allow cross-platform multiplayer, starting with Rocket League, which will be playable right after the show."
>Years from now, most multiplayer games will have cross-platform multiplayer

What are the chances, Sup Forums?

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would be GOAT, but there's a .0001% chance of it happening.

Because of business decisions, 0%.
Let's say cross platform is intergrated. I own an xbox and all my other friends have ps4. We can rocket league together. See where the problem is underligned? Because I can play with my friends, that would totally prevent from buying a ps4. Sont doesn't want that. It's all business, not because they're in a "console war"

>sony proudly annoucing they're being cucked by microsoft

I could see this happening

I'd be the guy throwing oranges and tomatoes at the stage.

You know that cross platform already existed since PS2 right? Hell it might have existed with the dreamcast but I'm not sure if PSO was cross platform

>Sony doesn't want that

But Sony have publicly stated they allow it. I thought the issue was Microsoft barring it and Devs hitting their head against the wall? Hell, Sony did it with the PS2 and Phantasy Star I thought.

Also, it's not a console war at this point mate. It's the furthest thing. It's like someone kicking a hobo in the nuts before getting bored and backing over him in a truck.

>Frederick Playstation walks on stage

Cross Platform has only existed between a console and PC, there hasn't been cross-console multiplayer support.

I guess I wasn't playing with FFXI PS2 players on my 360 then

MS announced support of it a couple of months ago. The ball is in Sony's court.

Last we heard from Psyonix, Microsoft had given the green light and Sony said no.

That doesn't sound right. For example, Sony has no problem connecting their multiplayers to PC machines, whereas Microsoft has that closed shut.

The problem is on Microsoft's end.

No, user. MS really did give a greenlight for it.

MS support cross console gameplay, but Sony haven't agreed to it yet.

I dont know about the official servers but funny enough with the same game (PSO) I played GC x Dreamcast on Private servers

>Although Microsoft has extended an invitation to other platforms and networks to connect with Xbox Live, Sony has not yet committed to opening up the PlayStation Network to Xbox players.


Xbone already has crossplat with RL.

semi related

Just a thought. If you wanted to play Rocket League with the larger online community, maybe you shouldn't have bought an Xbox.

No difference to Playstation, only a bigger community on their cause it's been on that longer plus it was free.

I'd rather play on Xbone cause the controller is better.

I don't see why this isn't a thing, because while I could see it being an issue in the past because PS3 had free online and maybe Microsoft didn't want consumers to see that as a reason to play WITH your Xbox friends but not have to pay for Xbox Live, they are both paid now so everyone is getting fucked either way

In the past, the PS3 was 85 million, and the 360 was 85 million, it would have been an equal playfield, but Microsoft refused.

Now Microsoft is weaker, the Xbox is weaker, and they expect Sony to help their weaker online communities staying alive.

The problem as I see it: too little too late. The online communitiy's size has become a selling point to the PS4 now. Micosoft should have acted sooner.