so this is gonna run at 30 FPS, right?
So this is gonna run at 30 FPS, right?
it cant
they said vr needs like 90 minimum or some shit to make it usable
It needs it to not feel horrible (for that particular reason.)
Usability is sort of a different matter.
Pic is from this year's GDC.
"Drop 60fps in PlayStation VR, We will not Certify your game, Period."
>linking to polygon
I know, but you can google the quote and find any other number of sites.
and out of all of them you chose polygon
even over the official playstation blog which has even more information
Jesus man does it really matter? The information is still the same.
why is it covering her entire head, that looks heavy as fuck. That can't be good for your neck
Seems pretty cosy to me
Yes it does matter, and their info isn't as comprehensive.
You want those precious Polygon hits, it's going to cost you.
>Sony thinks they can beat the master race meme
this much delusion.
>PS3 move controllers
lmfao oh boy
they were so incredibly accurate, I can't wait to use them again in VR now that it requires near perfect accuracy
>are the Birdos themselves rainbow colored or what?
lmao at console babies trying to catch up with PC
>I don't know how technology works
The move controllers were literally just tools for tracking, how accurate they are is up to the camera and hardware being used.
I know you're just shitposting but it's actually literally impossible for PSVR to ever EVER drop below 90Hz, but 90Hz will most likely be the exception, 120Hz is what the vast majority of games will look like (due to 60fps reprojected to 120 being the mininum)
To clarify, if the a game dips below the mandatory native 60fps to 30fps in a second (a large explosion or something), rather than noticing a framerate drop you'll see a more distorted image instead, but it will ALWAYS run at 120Hz still (which you perceive as 120fps)
Reprojection is always on and there is no way to turn it off, so framerates never drop for the user, the imagine simply gets more distorted instead. Which isn't the perfect solution, but is 10x better than actual perceivable FPS drops, which do happen on some PC indie VR games due to bad optimization, microstuttering or whatever other reason.
That might've been confusing, but this video illustrates a similar technique quite well
Most camera pans or 3D objects moving are at 24fps interpolated to 60fps, but character frame-by-frame animations vary wildly by as low as 4-6fps (mouth "movements") to 12fps in an action packed scene. All of those variable framerates are interpolated at the same 60fps, so lower framerates result in more distortion, with camera movements being the least affected to low framerate character animations being more distorted.
It's by far best most cozy HMD of the 3, since the height rests on your upper forehear (or just head) and it's balanced around that area too, so if you hold it with a single finger in the middle the back and front weigh the same.
Vive/Oculus have their weight in the front, and a lot of it rests on your nose bridge and cheeks, since it doesn't have a solid support on the forehead. The visor also has no friction on your face, unlike the other two which rely on that friction. in PSVR the visor simply slides to and from your eyes, it doesn't affect the stability of the thing because, once again, it's supported with your head/forehead
don't bullshit me those colourful balls aren't enough, they need to make new controllers if they want to come close to the accuracy of the Vive motion controllers
Framedrops are never "impossible", moron. Covering it up with motion blur or other shit doesn't magically prevent the framedrops.
Why the fuck do these idiots making commercials insist on using ugly ass bucktoothed bitches?
which causes tons of light to bleed through since it's just hovering in front of your face
unless you're playing in a pitch black room it's going to have tons of light bleed, way more than Oculus even
Probably 24 FPS as that is what real life runs at.
chinks have convinced themselves that fucked up teeth look good since biologically their teeth are too big for their skulls so everyone there has fucked up teeth
with a nose like that of course it is
Here's your (you)
They are. I just told you why. I'm not sure if you ever touched VR, but there is a huge difference between actually droped frames, and a distorted object at the same constant framerate. One makes your head hurt and may make you sick, the other looks weird and out of place, but doesn't make you ill.
Every headset has bleed, and its the least of their problems. People complain about godrays much more, between other quirks. No 1st gen headset is perfect.
yup, Moves are so innacurate, it's impossible to do precise sculpting with them
>anti-gay laws
>even fucking relevant in relation to a trans sexual
can you please stop shilling
you're playing up PSVR like as if it's the most advanced VR option when in reality it's just the budget friendly solution. The controllers are less accurate, the screen is lower res, the system is underpowered
I find it stupid that anyone could hope for VR on PS Neo to turn out good by 2017 when Oculus Rift and Vive demand for graphics that the Neo couldn't cope with and keep in mind that the video feed isn't streamed.
VR with that bundle of cords absolutely sucks for the living room, never mind the fact that it's an experience only for a single person. I only hope that the console VR isn't going to be like how it's like for me to use the Vive with my PC.
Oculus and Vive marketers are worried that when PSVR brings affordable VR to the mainstream everyone will realize that VR absolutely fucking sucks.
You are just assuming shit I never said and being conspiratorial.
You said Move controllers were innacurate and I showed evidence to the contrary, where someone is sculpting a hard surface with precision, something I've yet to see on TiltBrush (which I know is not Vive's controllers fault, but rather the program itself not being all that good)
No need to be butthurt, if anything it's you who's speculating on stuff you have no idea about. Sorry if I do my research. Stuff like
>the screen is lower res
also makes me smirk a bit.
Just calm down, no VR headset is superior in any meaningful way to any other, they are all mediocre first gen products.
>I find it stupid that anyone could hope for VR on PS Neo to turn out good
You are aware that the base PS4 runs PSVR, right? Not just the Neo
>when Oculus Rift and Vive demand for graphics that the Neo couldn't cope with and keep in mind that the video feed isn't streamed.
There is video evidence right now on youtube of PSVR running perfectly well on base PS4's. Simply watch GDC2016 footage, or the guys at TESTED and their impressions. Unless you think every devkit wasn't a PS4 but a computer instead and ignore everything devs have said.
>VR with that bundle of cords absolutely sucks for the living room
PSVR only has 1 cord, not 4 comming out of the headset like Vive. It does split into more cords but that's closer to the base station
>never mind the fact that it's an experience only for a single person.
pic related. Yes it's casual shit but isn't that the market you're worried about?
> I only hope that the console VR isn't going to be like how it's like for me to use the Vive with my PC.
It won't have all the set-up time, or making room for roomscale and setting up the sensors, or adjusting a game to run better, or other types of troubleshooting. It'll be more convenient, if that's what you were asking
What's ironic is that it still might well be optimized for the better overall experience.
>that image
Wow, it'll be just like what the Wii U does, only at three times the price! Can't wait.
>using the Yahtzee PC Master race screenshot in a business presentation
Please tell me sony didn't actually do this
Once again, some uninformed person says a blatant lie like "VR can't be social", gets proven wrong, and then is triggered and comes up with excuses and moving goal posts
For all the shittalking towards PSVR, I don't see many local co-op Vive games either. Why the double standard?
Well, is my only addition to this discussion.
Someone else must be doing them double standards.
Don't get what the joke is as pc users said 90 fps is necessary native for vr and they're using timewarp from 60
Not to mention they still have games running at 15 fps on their pc and with the neo all but admitted the ps4 isn't enough for good vr.
righty-o, no harm no foul.
*on their ps4
>You are aware that the base PS4 runs PSVR, right? Not just the Neo
Not him but it's patently obvious that PSVR games after the first wave are going to target the Neo. There's no way VR games aren't going to be gimped on the original PS4 especially when current devs struggle to hit 60fps without drops, the minimum requirement for PSVR games.
What i want is waifus and intercourses.
I don't give a fuck about vr games because i care most about gameplay, waggling will remain waggling even in vr.
Those are the reason i'll go vr on pc when the time is right.
90hz is required for head movement/tracking, techincally the world/game could update at whatever speed.. especially since movement hasn't been completely figured out
Cumming on unsuspecting qts using VR is my new fetish.
>60Hz rendering with 120Hz scanout
I will too.
You can kiss your chances of that on the PSVR goodbye
At best you'll get fully clothed waifus.
you do realize that PS4 games struggle to reach 1080p 30fps right
there's no fucking way it's going to manage to do double the frame rate and double the resolution at the same time
No. Games will generally target 45 or 60 and get interpolated to 90 or 120.
They will have shit graphics of course.
There's likely to just be visually downgraded versions of games for the original PS4 though.
Nope, not useable at 30fps. Will cause motion sickness.
>There's likely to just be gimped versions of games for the original PS4
Yes thank you for saying what I just posted
How do you interpolate output reacting to headtracking though?
Just display the last drawn frame again, but moved x pixels to the right/left/up/down according to the input data?
That just kind of implies that they're unplayable though.
>~console~ game with VR support
>play the regular version because fuck VR
>silky smooth 60fps because devs had to make an effort for the VR support
>all but admitted the ps4 isn't enough for good vr.
ONE devs from ONE company, all anonymous, thinks PS4 isn't good enough.
And other devs who are actually developing for PSVR and put a face to their name quickly called him on his bullshit, but I guess I can't blame you for not following up on the news, since it doesn't go with the narrative.
Who in the right mind would ignore 60-80million users (once the PS4neo is out) in order to target a small 5million (at best) Neo market?
No one.
We have known for months that PS4 and PS4neo share all of their games, there won't be exclusives and yesterday it was officially comfirmed as fact, but there are STILL pepole like you fear mongering.
Porn games aren't allowed.
3DPD VR videos, MMD VR videos, captures of VR hentai scat NTR abortion games are all allowed since there will be a VR media player.
There is video proof and 1st hand accounts (well, second hand to us) that they do work. Go search for 5 seconds on youtube for once.
>you do realize that PS4 games struggle to reach 1080p 30fps right
There are plenty of 1080p60fps games. There is absolutely no framerate limit on the PS4, you could run a game at 200fps if it looks shitty enough
This is . I don't think roomscale VR is going to work easily for social. If it's the kind comparable to sitting by yourself as with Oculus Rift, then maybe it's ok.
It's not fun to try running VR on a low spec machine. I had a HD 7970 and it's headache inducing. You want smooth delivery with few frames dropped off for this.
That's 30 interpolated to 120, mind you.
Yes, that's what i wrote.
No, it implies that they are gimped versions of games. It doesn't imply whatever bullshit you're twisting my words into.
PSVR games will be playable on the original PS4 in the same way Oculus/Vine are playable on a budget graphics card.
>half the frames aren't even real
timewarp; interpolating/shifting the previous frame by the head movement doesn't actually render anything new
>30fps to 120Hz
what are you guys talking about?
also, it's reprojected, not interpolated, there is a difference
It's just not a word I usually use for describing what it is you're describing.
I think we're otherwise perfectly in agreement here.
I know, and that's what I was asking. So, thank you, I guess.
not 90, but it MUST have a solid 60 fps, else people can (and I can confirm this, they most likely will) get motion sickness, and that shit aint fun
t. some faggot that went to Unite 2016 to fuck around with shitty VR demos made in Unity
rendering 60fps isn't hard; just the the console market prefers 30fps with image quality makes for sweet screenshots combined with last gen usage of heavy shaders
>Games will generally target 45
No such thing
90Hz games require actual 90fps on PS4
Here are all the options:
-60fps reprojected to 120hz
-90fps reprojected to 90Hz
-120fps reprojected to 120Hz
The guy who said 45fps was Norm from Tested, which was a bad assumption on his part during the GDC2016 first impressions video, he corrected himself in the following podcast, it was a mistake on his part.
>Psst... Goy! The PSVR is only 399$ That's 200$ cheaper than the Rift! You should buy one.
>Ok, i'll do it. Thanks Sony!
>Oh, goy, I'm sorry. Forgot to mention that you need the motion controller. Two in fact. But that's only 79$ more
>well, it's still cheaper, no worry Sony.
>Oh, and the camera too. Just 59$ more.
>Ok Sony.
>Are you excited to experience VR goy?
Ok, goy. Just one final step, you also need the new PS4K or only 499$!
wonder if neo will just render the games at 120fps because upgrading the graphics/assets might be harder to do
>ps4 price drop to $199
>complete vr bundle at $499
Half the experience of VR gaming is the visuals.
The lower the fidelity of the game the lesser experience you're getting and the more likely you'll be pulled out of VR "presence"
A VR game downgraded to run on lower end hardware is gimped by defintion
Again, you might as well be arguing that you don't need a 980 card or higher to play VR games on PC.
Not once did I ever say that games would be exclusive to the PS4. Nobody is fear mongering, you're just too stupid to grasp basic concepts and running damage control after the NEO's existence was confirmed as fact.
ok enjoy those PS1 level graphics then
>>ps4 price drop to $199
>>ps4neo sold at over $350
>Who in the right mind would ignore 60-80million users (once the PS4neo is out)
If you honestly believe the PS4neo is going to push anywhere close to 60-80 million users into buying a PSVR then you are literally delusional.
You seem to think there won't be any meaningful difference between PS4 and PS4neo versions of PSVR games
>A VR game downgraded to run on lower end hardware is gimped by defintion
So ANYTHING we'll be playing the next ten years in VR is by definition "gimped" because of what we'll be playing twenty years from now.
Got ya.
Remember. We're not in disagreement. I'm just enamoured with your wording here.
>Half the experience of VR gaming is the visuals.
not really one of the better demos on oculus uses rather simple graphics like the polygon animal/forest and
most early games are going to be seated/stationary type anyways
Even a few million could be good for the idea of VR alone.
Remember that Kinect sold insane numbers.
The right marketing can make almost anyone buy something they don't need or want.
thanks I will
Good luck selling VR games to people based on tech demo-tier graphics after promising stuff like this in VR
Any shooter you play on your Wii was necessarily graphically gimped compared to its counterparts on other systems. Any vr game played on standard ps4 will be gimped compared to its neo settings.
gear vr is selling like hotcakes
I find it easier to forgive the fidelity issue if you have a good degree of freedom that you get in roomscale setup. If you sit still, you will notice.
Kinect might not be a good example of how initial sales helped establish a foothold for a technology, but I get what you're saying.
PSVR has the potential to sell considerably better than any of the other current consumer sets.
even 90hz would hurt my eyes after being used to 120hz.
120 should be the actual minimum.
Again we can point to Kinect games that were on the whole also extremely primitive looking compared to other 360 games.
I understand what you're saying. But it's a stupid word to use for that.
Has there been an actual demo of this yet?
Perhaps the stationary cockpit view of a plane can let you get away with more.
High hopes.
Why? Because you disagree with it?
It's a perfectly fine word to describe how PS4 games will turn out compared to its neo counterparts.
It will be literally unplayable (or only Ipad-level games) on vanilla PS4 m8
That's not even close to what I said or the point I was making. There's an obvious difference between a game getting two different versions of the same game with different performance on the same platform vs a new game released 20 years from now on an entirely different one.
You're just grasping at straws and twisting my words at this point.
>I know this because the internet told me so
I think 90% of PS4neo versions will simply run smoother, devs won't want to waste too much time on better assets/effects/etc for a relatively lower playerbase. So yes probably PS4neo VR will mostly be native 90fps or native 120fps, instead of PS4's native 60fps to the rare native 90/120fps game
The only confirmed current PSVR game that runs on native 120fps is the one that comes for free with the HMD. BattleZone, RIGS & Driveclubs are confirmed to run at 60fps. Some others at 90fps but I don't remember which.
>Not once did I ever say that games would be exclusive to the PS4.
I didn't assume that you implied that. I know what you meant. It's still a silly thing to do. Why would a dev go through the effort of appeasing a 15x to 10x smaller consumer base, and then going through the effort of retrograding their game to run with the standard PS4, instead of just aiming for the base model and running it better on PS4neo with little to no effort?
Backwards compatibility is harder than the opposite, and not justifiable in this case.
VR games on all platforms are mostly targeting low specs, even on PC, to grab a bigger market. Once PSVR comes out devs will continue to aim for the lowest common denomitor, AKA making their games look shit enough to be able to run on PSVR, which will affect PC VR graphics also. Great looking PC VR games are mostly games modded/ported to VR after the fact, not designed from the ground up for VR.
Of course there will always be exceptions, but for this 1st gen the vast majority of VR games will look like indie titles on all platforms.
I said the base PS4 model will have 60-80m by the time PS4neo comes out. That's the whole point of my argument. Why would a dev work his ass off for PS4neo's 3m-5m year1 market instead of the already established 60-80m PS4 market?
hopefuly we get to see more this E3