>True PGR successor
>Photoreal gorgeous graphics
>Best rain effects of all time
>Great simcade handling
>Hardcore difficulty (drifting now e is a blast)
>Devs support with constant free updates
>Tracks\tours\cars free for all every month, for 16 months
>Cheap season pass with fuckton of content
>Bikes expansion
How did DRIVECLUB become one of the best arcade racer of last decade?
Other urls found in this thread:
>no japanese cars
>Doesn't even have real landmarks
>drifiting is shit
still stuck in 2014?
>no japanese cars
Lets be honest here, the last great nip cars were the Supra, the Rx-7 and the R-34, nothing really lost there.
i bought this with the season pass on sale and i was pleasantly surprised, it's very good and has a shit ton of content. it's more difficult than i imagined though, i don't really play racing games.
>hurr durr it had a shitty launch
>hurr durr ps4 only
Glad I've been waiting for this, time to get it. I love racing games and was disappointed with GT6
Because it nailed the sensation of speed
How do you expect me to play it when it's not on pc?
Is it really that good now? Im pretty sure copies for it are dirt cheap. How's the single player content?
you're right user. since they are now with codemasters, hopefully their next racing will be multi
Really???? they all left evolution studios or what?
>On 23 March 2015, 55 staff members were cut from Evolution Studio, which sources say is approximately half the studio. The redundancies have been described by Sony as a way to focus the studio on developing Driveclub as a service.On 22 March 2016, Sony announced that Evolution Studios was closed. On 11 April 2016, the development team joined Codemasters.[4] Codemasters’ CEO Frank Sagnier said that acquisition of the fifteen year-long development practice of Evolution Studios allows the two racing game developers to pool their ‘shared DNA, passion and talents.’ Codemasters is keen on allowing the previous employees of Evolution Studios to retain their own unique style, rather than assimilating them into the Codemasters fold.
Wow, and people defend sony. Mean while sony is destroying everything their fanbase loves.
Sony closed Evo a couple of month ago, The entire core team now work for Codemasters who is smart enough to recognize talent. They're already working on a new racing
How good is the drifting actually? I wanna go fast but have fun while not being the best at driving.
Jesus how long are they paying you to shill this garbage?
With Hardcore handling enabled? Great. Take a look at this video I've already posted
Until your butt still hurts
Graphic yes, gameplay? Nah.
You keep pushing this thread, we all know the moment you shit at dirt, it was all already over.
you're confusing me with someone else, unless it was for falsefalggin my tube channel has 70% content from dirt rally. DC and DR are my favourite racing games of last years
Well I guess I did. Sorry mate.
using Until and Still in the same statement is invalid
try again
>no NSX-R
>no datsun fairlady 250z
but user, this is not how you spell forza horizon series.
no prob familia :*
That car is sex on wheels.
>no japanese cars
Why the fuck would you want jap cars?
>Racing game
Absolutely not.
>Racing game
I don't care what platform you prefer, there's no excuse to have a racing game that's 30fps. I just can't believe the dev team sat around a table and seriously decided "yup, let's make our racing game 30 frames per second".
God damn straight it is,essentially japanese muscle car imo,almost bought one recently,sadly things didn't work out how i hoped and well yeah,oh well,wouldn't mind getting a mustang lx GT 5.0
>that pop-in
>silky smooth 5 frames per second
still stuck in 2004?
Nice game