What does Sup Forums think of Benedict from the Battleborn series?

What does Sup Forums think of Benedict from the Battleborn series?

Cool design, ruined by his "dude bruh" surfer voice.

Who? from what?

I'd suck his bird cock, if that is what you mean.

Is this a Pharah skin?

Literally who?

Would you stuff his cloaca?

what do you mean by this?


>Overwatch 1.2 update
>every character gets a furry skin ala Street Fighter 4
Heck, Hanzo already has one!

Like everything regarding Battleborn, nothing.

Would suck a mean dick for
>Turtle Roadhog
>Frill Neck Junkrat
>Bearded Dragon McCree

I think he is a bird in a dead game.

Who from what?



who? anthony burch pls go

I think the game is dead.

Animal themed skins can be cool though
I want zarya wearing a bear pelt

and nothing else

i have never seen a player base so delusional

wew, lad

What are the chances that Blizzard buys the rights to Battleborn and ports Benny to a good game?

I think video games need more [cool] bird characters. And you know what I mean by cool.