Will Ibuki save SFV?

Will Ibuki save SFV?

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No but them finally being done with the pointless story mode hopefully allowing them time to fix the fucking online and implement other basic features might.

Why they opted for MKX-like retarded story instead of a simple VN with some battles is beyond me. They obviously don't have the resources to pull it off.

Because the retarded casual base. Not one of them is concerned about the fighting part of the game, it's just an inconvenience to get to story bits.

>story in street fighter

Hey man, don't look at me. Just check any comment section anywhere in regards to the announcement. MK9 and X's story mode was mind-numbing to me. I doubt this will be any different. It's not like I need the fight money. Swimming in that shit thanks to 1-round survival.

I doubt even the casual base wanted something like this. Seems like most of the complaints were lack of SP content, not a cinematic mode specifically. Capcom needs to find ways to add more value to the SP content without making expensive cutscene-heavy modes that will drain resources dry.

Oh well, atleast we get to try out Urien now.

Not without her ninja outfit.

It'll show up on PC soon enough.

No, SFV is a blight on the franchise and is only played by the pro scene because they all want Pro Tour money.

Still a better game than SF4.

Nope, Capcom fucked up and let the game go to shit by not punishing quitters.

I don't think PC datamining is even necessary, aren't all the premium costumes finally coming this month with the Zenny store? That's assuming her ninja outfit is her "battle costume".

Urien will.

>Zenny store
Sorry, Steam/PSN purchase intergration

>pointless story mode

>make all these cool characters with personalitiy and designs and backstory

>but never use it

>only ever just fight other people online.

yes, and juri too. all the new characters will be revealed at E3

man, coop did some workout

Ibuki looks like the best part of the game, but the game still looks shit

She probably could if she didn't look so creepy.

It is pointless, if it had just been there on release I wouldn't mind, but it's been getting in the way of really basic shit like dinput support or the stats in your profile actually updating.

Okay so the story """"art"""" was meant to be shit because of time restraints or whatever, why is the art still shit?

That's what the comics are for.
It's stupid and pointless to put a story mode in a fighting game. That's like putting a story mode in Mario Kart or something.
That would be like

What do you gain from posting these photoshops in every SF thread? Will someone suck your two inch dick for it?

This. I enjoy playing the game, but the online experience is shit. I hope they can be adressed now.

Mods, user. Been some quality ones so far.

Juri will

and Abel

>Will Ibuki save SFM?
That's a better question


If I buy a video game, it should have everything innit.

It shouldn't have to buy or use any other form of media, it should



TEH :3


hahaha JUST! XD

>get 2-3f delay on Xrd PC
>get massive rollback on whatever match on SFV

What the hell is going on? Recent patches have made it worse. It used to be fine a few weeks ago.



who says she has shoes? i really hope not.

with her thick thighs, of course



The story mode art.

Thank god the game won't freeze mid animation to let you stare at a character stuck in an awkward pose.

Why aren't there more fighting games like SF where you learn as you play instead of having to spend hundreds of hours memorizing 20 hit combos in training mode?

where? i dont remember it ever showing below the waist

Only Makoto can save SFV

You'd be surprised how many people want story in SF. It came up in every interview pre release, and I honestly think it was just a matter of timing. Everyone was coming off MKX's story mode and thought "why doesn't SF have this?" Eventually it just got to the point that Capcom announced they had something in store for story and now it's too late to go back on something they promised.

Sorry, my post was meant to read "I don't think PC mods or datamining is even necessary..."

Fuck youre retarded

>Story art
>Story mode costume
based retardbro

yea doesnt show her feet


Fuck this waifu shit.
Give me Balrog and then thats all I need for this season.

Because SF is the most basic fighting game out there? Even beyond that, your question is dumb because you CAN figure out how to play almost any fighting game just by playing it.

Fuck off Eduardo

Shame articles about Jynx lips when!?

ibukifaggots BLOWN THE FUCK OUT

Not with that face

Why can't people accept that black people have bigger lips on average?

Do people get shit for drawing Asians with slanted eyes?

>mfw you will never have a cutie turkish ninja

it hurts, lads

We don't know yet if that outfit is actually leotard-like, right? Cause if it is my dick will explode.

which baba video is this even from

Because casuals complained about wanting a MK style story mode in SF since MK 9 came out.

You would actually be surprised.

Shit that isn't even offensive gets looked down on tumblr happens all the time.

I don't even know, I just made the shitty edit that's all.

Might be a photo.

I hope everyone reports this memespamming cocksucker. In every fucking SF thread. How many times a day do you reset your IP?

>I just made the shitty edit
Have you seriously been posting this in every SFV thread by yourself

I haven't been posting it since the first night it was announced.

Others have been actually posting it, I kid you not. I even saw it posted in another board.

I'm glad you enjoy it.

He has. I keep reporting him but I assume he must be dodging bans somehow.

I'll admit, even as an Ibuki main, I'm still confused as to how Ibuki made it in over Makoto. Everyone played Makoto. I'm sure if story wasn't a factor for characters this time around, Makoto would've easily made it in over Ibuki.

I honestly haven't. Did it the first night of the trailer but stopped after that. I don't even know why people saved it lol.

If only the shitball game models looked as good as the promo art here.

I'm nervous on how Urien is going to turn out.

If Ken looked the way he does, then fucking Urien might look like a grandma.

Boxer is going to look amazing tho. I love that they are going for a similar look like his godly alt costume from sf4

All the facial hair has been good so far
except Giefs win pose

Urien's never been the most beautiful person, so I don't mind if he's Alex-tier in looks. That said, I would be worrying more about how he plays since unblockables aren't a thing in this game.

ken looks great, every character looks great except rashid. its just the person who models smiles that cant seem to do it properly.

SFV models look fine. Stop obsessing over loading screen Ken. It's gotten old by now. The problem is the PS2-tier backgrounds.

Guess they'll now have to design a working character that got more going on for him than retarded unblockables.

I'm guessing he will just be a weaker SF3 Urien with a dumbed down Aegis Reflector as a common projectile and simple charge attacks.

He's either going to be incredibly dull or incredibly exciting.

epic joke

I still laugh that he was released on 9/11

Based Capcom

>mfw Dhalsim animations

Ken looks objectively superior in SFV than he did in SF4. Just pick the right alt costume.

>shitty mullet

I actually think that this alt doesnt look good on him in this.
The SFV outfit is alright.

The DLC costume is absolute garbage.

I hate how Gief looks in this game.

He was perfect in SF4. Now he has a smushed dog face.

>having such a shit taste
must be bad being you, user

I've lost all hope for Capcom fighting games. The only thing Capcom can do to redeem themselves is to make another "versus capcom" style game.

Not with that design she isn't.

Mullets are objectively shit, hillbilly trash.

If he lost the long hair it would look good.

i like how thay gave kitana something like that in mkx

They had to change her model and look because she was underage.

Either completely remove her from North American versions or modify her look. Thanks USA...

Why the fuck is ryu in the DLC promo? I hope to god they dont plan to "secretly" bring Evil Ryu in

nice meme

Anyone up for a EU lobby? I'm super silver.

it's dead jim

People need Ryu in the picture to understand that its Street Fighter.

Still the most active fighting game out there. If it's dead, then so is the entire genre.

Ibuki? Won't really change much

Story mode? It will get them a little boost especially if there is something at E3, but not a hugely significant amount

She looks like this Mexican dude I work with. In fact, she looks like a few of them.

You mean the big STREET FIGHTER V logo isn't enough?

there's still smash, injustice 2, anime-niche

Didnt help SF3.

can't wait for a panty-less mod

Nintendo party game. Same way Mario kart isn't compared to Gran Turismo and Forza

>Injustice 2
Not out yet. And NRS games die very quickly in multiplayer since the netcode is always shit and games are boring to play in long-term

You said it, it's a niche. A niche that should be bigger given the quality of recent anime fighters really.

>tfw she no longer has the easy access holes

>16 characters didn't do it
>1 character somehow will
Fat chance.