There are people out there who actually, legitimately, unironically think that this giant turd was the best phase of WoW

>there are people out there who actually, legitimately, unironically think that this giant turd was the best phase of WoW

Panda was the best expansion objectively.
Nostalgia will blind many though.

you seem to be nostalgic towards pandas

This. I came upon WoW during WotLK. Older buddies of mine hated burning crusade

It wasnt but it wasnt bad either. Worse shit followed it. Reminder to not get sucked in for Legion. let wow rest in peace

Get out furry

It may have had it's strong points, but WoTLK was the beginning of the age of cancer in WoW, as it began all of the things we now revile about the game today, including dungeon finder, stat bloat, rehashing content, downgrading content and cutting huge swathes of content.

MoP had a lot of flaws
>goofy fat pandaren obsessed about their bellies
>quite a few retarded lore retcons
>chinese setting feels really out of place
>complete removal of everything japanese-inspired in the pandas
>LFR being a piece as shit
>everything is cross realm
>a ton more cash shop shit in a p2p game
>effective removal of the threat system in PvE
>PvP power
>raids prior to ToT being boring and uninspired
>no worgen monks
>Garrosh going full Disney cartoons bad guy evil
>story focusing on Anduin
>the dungeons were pretty shit too
>world bosses having a ridiculously short respawn cooldown so that everyone can kill them once a week
>more welfare epics through Timeless Isle(somewhat understandable though)
>Legendary being mandatory for heroic raiding
That said I enjoyed MoP and it was my second favourite time to play WoW, right after BC

That's because Ulduar is the best raid that Blizzard has ever designed, and it just so happens to be in Wrath.

BC was the point at which the potential of the game exploded, which means it was simultaneously the best, and the downfall of the game, the point at which it began to turn to shit, because of homogenization and the developers going out of touch with the players

wotlk was the last breath, the last bit of excitement being squeezed out by all the new conveniences and all the new viable specs

cata and panda were just a continuation of all the terrible decisions that were made starting with BC

But user threat was removed in the firelands patch of cata.