Why was Allison Road cancelled? I know one of you fuckers knows the answer, so just tell us already!
Why was Allison Road cancelled? I know one of you fuckers knows the answer, so just tell us already!
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Cause Metal Gear Hills in Space is coming.
Seriously though.
>Statement to come in the next few days
it's been a week!
>it's real
holy fucking dog dick
>E3 2016 PC conference
>Last game of conference
>Chris Kesler walks out and a huge Allison Road logo fades into the background
>Surprise! It's not cancelled - not only that, but it's coming out today!
>audience member: when's it out for PS4/XBONE?
>Chris: fuck off? kthxbai
>Allison Road was made as a response to PT being cancelled
>Allison Road is cancelled itself
It's like poetry - it rhymes!
I wouldn't be surprised if the reason truly was related to Kojima and P.T. or whatever became of it.
If Kojima and Del Toro are really working together on a "game that totally isn't P.T." but looks like it very much, the guys of Allison Road might have been "asked" to step back, since their game is basically a copy of that one.
>Allison Road was made as a response to PT being cancelled
>Allison Road is cancelled itself
>because Kojima is making non-PT and their game is too similar to his
It's more like bitter irony.
thats like if Activation asked DICE to step back because Battlefield is too much like COD. It's stupid.
you have to go back
It's literally not. Kojima said the game he is making is an action game for people who enjoy The Division and Uncharted.
damn your post made me cringe
He actually said that though
Because Silent Hills is coming out.
says who?
>the division
That's not how that works. I would know. I have 200 hours in that shitfest.
Quit masturbating to PT, it's got LESS gameplay than Gone Home.
Silent Hills with Kojima would be shit
and yet it was still better, at least you can walk faster than a fucking sloth in PT
Why do retards not get PT wasn't going to be a thing like Silent Hills?
I think the more important question is why won't the media stop jizzing over this game when shit like Layers of Fear exists and is actually good?
But nobody enjoyed The Division
>nose isn't in the same place
>mouth isn't in the same place
>ears aren't in the same place
I love the ruse cruise, but not this time. Feel like the constant straw grasping as a joke is being taken seriously now.
It's over.
The teaser trailer to AR was scarier than LoF
Is anyone else glad that Silent Hills was cancelled? A Kojima-headed Silent Hill sounds like a fucking disaster.
seriously? i thought it sounded awesome
A good Silent Hill game needs subtly, which Kojima isn't exactly known for.
think of all the possibilities he could have brought to the typical Silent Hill formula though. Could have been amazing.
Overwrought cutscenes? Some meta-narrative about video games and his own experience making them? 4th wall jokes?
Enjoy Kojima's shitty game then!
wow, the Kojima haters are out in full force today
Honestly, I want to think thats the reason. So far the only game that's come out that was similar in style to PT was Layers of Fear and that felt very flat and not scary at all.
It was gunna have multiple environments, including outside ones, so that would'nt have been the problem
Did you play P.T.? He can handle it.
>He can handle it.
Because it was a shitty rip-off of a concept demo.
Yes, I did play PT. It was interesting, but it wasn't Silent Hill.
Kill yourself
Stay mad, Kojima drone.
>I didn't play PT
I'd feel bad for you if you weren't such a faggot
Look at
seeYour asspain gives me life energy.
Because it is being rebranded and presented at E3 as a console exclusive.
Probably Sony, but wouldn't surprise me if Microsoft got it.
Well yeah it was an interactive teaser trailer you dunce. The actual game would have been 3rd person and like an actual Silent Hill game.
It was a con job from the start. They took advantage of the disappointment surrounding Konami's cancellation of Silent Hills and their discontinuation of P.T. for easy monies by getting dumbasses to fund their ripoff.
It's page taken straight from Inafune.
Well we'll never know that for sure, now will we?