Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone

Blue Moon, you saw me standing alone

Other urls found in this thread:



1. Where have you been all my life
2. In the shadow of the valley
3. Blue Moon
4. Stars of the midnight range
5. Sit and dream

>No mark morgan
cmon son



OP here

someone pls help

A ranger knows when it's time. Only I didn't. Somewhere along the way, something broke inside me. I couldn't find us a way out of this desert. I wrestled with it, and it took me down a dark road. I wish I could explain it to you. The old chief's finally at a loss for words. Send me all the Legion you can; I'll be waiting for them.

What are good songs to listen to besides the like, 3 that are on the radio? Is there a way to put more songs on the radio?

Check out that 12 pack


Conelrad + Waveradio
try this

I fucking hate this
Either I have to keep the radio off or suffer JANGLE JANGLE JANGLE for 15 minutes

already did
chaged nothing

Either stop browsing Sup Forums with this game dude it's a jealous mistress

What's the ideal ranged secondary for a melee focused character?



Quuaaid, start lifting.

Are both the file you downloaded in the data folder, dear?

I think I really fucked up.

Just started a playthrough with XRE Cars + Without fast travel and NCR CF

Somewhere I fucked up the male textures, but somehow not every male body is afflicted by it.

Nah recently I just use my phone when I'm playing new Vegas
Its not as comfy but the image.jpg triggers a lot of people and that makes me happy

Haven't played new vegas in quite a bit but that mysterious broadcast or whatever it's called was my favorite station. Blues for you and Begin again are just absolutely perfect!

I still have to understand what the chief was talking about.
Someone explain please, why the fuck he did such things.

That defeatist old jobber is why you don't let old people be Generals. It fucked France over, and it would have fucked the NCR over if I didn't get rid him. You need a certain level of desire to win up to be an effective General. Old people just want to die because they can't climb stairs or get erections no more.


throwing spears.


Wait, I just checked it, I didn't know there was an exe file. Will see if it has fixed it.

Appearently im amazing at blackjack.
Do you get banned if you win too much? And if so, can you get inside again?

Something something rangers are the only reason the NCR has a chance against the legion and the NCR is using them less and less

>Pronounced "Moe-huh-veh"

The fuck is up with this? The spelling clearly shows that it should be pronounced "Moe-jave"

Is this the game with jingle bells jingle bells song?


This and the survivalist get to me every time I go through the game.

>Do you get banned if you win too much?
>And if so, can you get inside again?
You can go into the casino, but you can't play any games there.

There's a certain cap for the chips you win in the casinos. They kick you out

This thread will die early because you suck at making OP's that identify what the fuck the thread is about.

Nice ENB, what is it

See those mountains?


Only in 1 go or in total?

What body replacer is that?
Blackjack takes no skill ya dingus. You can get banned yes, and each casino has it's own "win limit". Ultralux has the highest with 10,000, whereas Vicky and Vance is the lowest with 2500. You can enter the casino again, but you cannot play the games.
I thought it was Moe-Har-Vay

total which is 15,000


What are some good radio mods I can use?
>inb4 Conrad
90% of the songs don't even fit the game's theme.


That's real life right?

But why would he lie in the reports?
What was he trying to achive?

My personal favorite

>kill Queenie
>Cook Cook goes into an autistic fit of rage and kills his teammates
>finish him off with a flamer

>Not having a custom metal radio
fuck the lore friendly

If you installed a body replacer you should also find compatible armors, or the skin texture will look misaligned because the original armors still use the old body mesh

RACE is excellent.


i love americans when they used do this kind of music

I *think* that he was trying to get the NCR to use the rangers more liberally by having regular troops appear to be ineffective.

What ENB is that?


What is nut, what does it do?

He was tired of being under used by the NCR, he was tired of his men getting killed for no reason. He started to sabotage his men in the hope that they would see the futility in their current strategy, forcing them to reevaluate and change it.

He underestimated just how bloated and ineffective the NCR was, and he ended up doing more harm than he intended to. Basically he gambled with the lives of his men and the lives of the people he swore to protect.

If you didn't kill him right there and then, you had no sense of honor or justice.


It's from a sex mod, it measures how close you are to ejaculation

H2o is water level, thirst.
Nut is nutrition, for the hunger mechanic.
And if you're wondering SLP is sleep.

It's from Project Nevada.

It identifies user's on Sup Forums that talk like black people.

What if I went Independent or House, and allowed him to stay so he could get a Medal of Honor for holding off the Dam, and maintaining relations with the courier for a safe retreat back west?

Dont get me wrong, I kill him when I play NCR, but otherwise, I totally know where he's coming from.

>the survivalist


secret stash, not on nexus tho


You literally already asked this.

>Why are melee and unarmed weapons so shit in New Vegas?
that's why you spam ranger takedown

Wheres the fine line in INT that separates retarded from uneducated.

they ban you once you reach a payout limit. That's why you always play blackjack until you are 1 chip away from that limit and play slots so you can maximize your winnings when they finally ban you.


NCR or no, he's a cowardly fool and even allowing him to redeem himself doesn't undo the harm he caused. Just go to the listening posts, look at all the dead rangers, listen to the holotapes of their struggle, and remind yourself he got them all killed.

Utility is utility, I guess leaving him alive to serve a purpose is practical, but it's not justice.

>unarmed weapons shit
>literally best build in the game is unarmed
>get 10 luck and stunlock and 1 or 2-shot every enemy in the game with 100% crit chance

fuck are you talking about?

>New Vegas

Half of the perks benefit it, and if you dont take unarmed LITERALLY, and LITERALLY dont use any weapons instead of even Brass Knuckles, then you can 2 or 3 shot a lot of enemies while ignoring their armor.

Unarmed was probably the most faceroll playthrough I ever had in NV, arguably better than Melee in every way.

It's fantasy.


Did NV have any weird cults?
Fuck Hubologists btw
>Hey PC,don't you want to kill this man?
They attack you for saying no

Dead Money, Old World Blues
Point Lookout
The Pitt, Honest Hearts
Broken Steel, Lonesome Road,
Operation Anchorage
Mothership Zeta

Not played F4's DLCs, so I have no idea where they'd list.


>wasteland justice

If you want justice, you wouldn't be siding with House or Independent Vegas in the first place.

I'm a man who believes that the ends justify the means in a world as cruel as theirs. He had a plan, it was a good plan, but he didn't gauge the long run far enough, and good men and women died.

These things happen, in the wastes. Good men and women die.

Yeah, Legion.

is this a ruse


>100% crit chance

Don't over exaggerate.

Why do you keep posting these?

That asshole..
and what was his point when he said that turning him in would be bad, and about someone not listening to him.. wtf was that about.

Why was that discussion so hard to understand to me.

I still dont see the point about talking about tamed deathclaws and such.

then again couldnt that whore who sent me to the chief ask explanations to the other ranger sites through radio instead of sending me there.

Dead Money gets its own teir.

>Literally play it once for the good story then never play it again because you don't get any good items or good exp from it Tier.
Dead Money


Does this guy ever start making sense or is he really just batshit crazy blaming you for the Divide? His dialogue was so boring I started skipping through it halfway through LR.

Go ahead and try 10 luck with unarmed and relevant perks then and see if you get any non-crit hits

>Basically he gambled with the lives of his men and the lives of the people he swore to protect.
Or not. He falsified reports that were bland and routine, to make it seem like more shit was going down than there actually was.

He never once did anything that actually put someone into harms way or lead to the death of the Rangers under his command.

>you don't get any good items
What is the best energy weapon, infinite stimpaks and more gold than anyone can buy?

Nah, he's insane. He does have some good dialogue at the very end though.
Basically you delivered a package without knowing it was a bomb.

>replaying honest hearts
>cave fungus is rare outside of the DLC but each one weighs fucking 1
>going to have to spend the rest of the DLC scrounging around for xander roots and broc flowers so I can make as many poultices as possible without being overencumbered by 90 pounds of fucking mushrooms
fucking christ

Give me a good character to play through the NCR quest line.

His point was to make the Nevada Wasteland seem impossible to hold, and to make it appear that there was NO reason to ever hold it. He tried to scare the NCR out of the wastes so people would stop dying.

It backfired in one of the camps however, involving a lot of landmines and bear traps, and a lot of people died, and the NCR hold was forever weakened because of his actions, especially if you don't go NCR ending.

Mojave Music Radio - Extended (
Secret Stash (
Radio Free wasteland (