What would you do to improve Monster Hunter?
What would you do to improve Monster Hunter?
Fashion slots.
Remove it from shitty handhelds and make a good game instead of a CoD rehash for chinks
i dont know anymore, im sick of capcom milking their franchises to death, games feel old way too fast even with the minor changes, they need to reboot the movesets and monster attacks so it doesnt feel like you are playing the same game for the 10th time.
Put it on Vita.
Fashion slots are bad. Coming from a MH and WoW player.
publish it on STEAM.
I've been playing MHO recently and although the weapon controls and monsters are a step down there are a lot of changes that help convenience.
The big one is the inclusion of variations on a quest instead of simply having a separate one that goes on for more than just changing difficulty
It would be nice to include this in mainline but adjust it a bit. Like the option to choose, for example, a Kut Ku capture or a Kut Ku hunt from the same quest.
It would also be nice to simply remove high and g rank quests to add this feature since it's essentially meaningless
Put it on something with a good control scheme for the LOVE OF GOD FUCK
Add a hp bar for monsters
Put it back on console, and steam while we're at it. A better resolution, and more hardware to work with would do wonders for the series again. Focus on big additions instead of "This is the one new gimmick of the game!" style of iteration.
put it on PC or PS4
Bring mainline to modern hardware. The latest MH that's coming out isn't even running at 60fps.
Cut out all the levels that aren't bossfights, reduce the amount of farming required to make sets
home console
less loading screens
whip capcom until they stop being lazy and come up with some new shit instead of reskinning the same 5 monsters ad nauseam
Put on a real fucking console or PC. Fuck this handheld 240p bullshit.
bigger resolution
better hitboxes and more evasive moves for things that arent ds or lance
Bring back the ability to skip the tutorial. Why they removed this since FU and made it more intrusive than ever is disgusting. "Guild tradition" doesn't stand when "guild tradition" was completely avoidable in MHG and MH2
Fashion slots are good. Coming from good taste.
Put it on a console or PC that isn't fucking 240p
this thread is fucking awful
what about gameplay improvements you autists. not just
>hurr hurr put it on my system of choice
Remove gen 1 monsters or include all monsters so far instead of having to decide between gen 1 and their improved gen 3 versions
Basic gameplay is fucking good, I can't see how to improve on it.
Especially MH4, that game has the perfect mix of tedium and quality of life, while having a rock solid combat system.
Put it on PS4/PC or even the fucking Wii U
The game is trash on 3DS
new engine and update the clunky movement
how the fuck do you make an anniversary game and not include every fucking monster
>wanting to play a game where you hunt big, cool monsters on a screen with enough resolution to see the little details isn't an improvement
Fuck off.
Fashion slots are good, coming from an MH and GW2 player
>monster hunter
It's worse than saying "toon," I swear
Let me spend fuckign absurd amounts of armor stones to make LR/HR armor as strong as GRank armor.
I hate most GRank sets.
Put it on a system that has an actual screen. Or at least cross-play with something else.
Also let me hold O/A to keep gathering.
Monster Hunter has both levels and bosses.
Get it the fuck off of handhelds. They've been holding the series back for years.
Remove key gathering quests. We already have harvest tours.
Add more Arena equipment. Let people who want retard MMO loot grinding systems spend hundreds of hours farming Rathalos, and let people who are actually good at the game earn Arena coins to make something other than Black Belt equipment.
Remove Ancestral Steppe forever.
Put the SnS sword combo on X, and the shield combo on A. There is no reason why both weapons should have attacks on both buttons.
Give people a reason to pick switch axe ever. It's just a gimped CB now.
That's pretty much it.
Not much else to fix. They should gas gen 1 monsters, buff GL, removing mounting, add a weapon that doesn't go full animu, etc. but the most pressing concern is modernizing the series. There wont be any real cool improvements until we it happens.
>Give people a reason to pick switch axe ever. It's just a gimped CB now.
SA is better than CB in Generations.
Monster Hunter has quests and monsters.
>"take it off 3ds"
never ever
>4U has G-Rank Arena
>No G-Rank Black Belt set
how did they even screw up that badly
nah, ruins the feeling of being molded by the monsters you hunt, makes your skills feel artificial and removes the style component
Monster Hunter has levels, bosses and autistic pedantic fans.
>Get it the fuck off of handhelds. They've been holding the series back for years.
zoom the camera out just a bit
never put swimming in ever again
don't instantly teleport me out of a zone when I touch the boundary, let me confirm
put more information in the monster books so I don't have to look at the MH wiki for everything...I really do try to only use the in-game info but I would really like to be able to learn what a monster's weakness is just from doing research in-game
I'm not even a platform-warring faggot but I don't understand why anyone wouldn't want MonHun to get off handhelds. There's just so much more you could do with the game from a visual perspective with significantly higher resolution and computing power.
It's not better, it's absolutely fucking broken. With the right HA combos and Striker style, you can stay in sword mode indefinitely, with damage buffs active all the while.
>don't instantly teleport me out of a zone when I touch the boundary, let me confirm
kill yourself
Shit graphics
>you can stay in sword mode indefinitely, with damage buffs active all the while
Yeah I know all that, that's why I said it was better, I didn't say it was balanced.
They nerfed the fuck out of CB to be honest, I don't see many people playing it anymore.
put it on anything besides a nintendo console.
I would buy a vita if it had a new monster hunter on it.
30fps, for one.
Of course I want it on a console already, but it's quite literally a "never ever" situation because hand helds are king in Japan.
Yeah but then you have low rank armor with g rank defense and low rank skills. Unless you want it to gradually get better in that department as well.
>muh graphics
Legitimate reason. Isn't it 60 or close to it on New 3DS though?
>he bought a vita
This man gets it.
You can transmog equipment within its own family. Make overforged low or high rank equipment look like g-rank equipment if you prefer its skill points, make g-rank equipment look like low or high rank equipment if you don't like the overdesigned look.
Bring back relic equipment as an option to transmog to alternative designs within the same monster armour family, both for unique equipment looks and for older designs from prior entries in the series.
They nerfed it, but it's not useless. I like to run that Phial increasing HA and use that Laser HA that scales on the number if phials filled. Instant stagger on almost everything i've hit it with.
MH has always been like 30-40FPS no matter the console faggot
>Unless you want it to gradually get better in that department as well.
I don't really care, I've got hundreds of hours in MH, I don't need skills to play proficiently. I'd use my buffed LR gear for single player and switch to an ugly GRank set for online.
I think more thought should have been put into the Urgents.
For example, in X when the Ferocious Monster mechanic is introduced you aren't forced to fight them period, instead the urgent is a Seregios.
When Deviants are introduced you aren't forced to fight one.
If it was my call, the true urgent into high rank would have been Crimson Arzuros level 1 after repelling Osuto and the Urgent into HR7 would have been an Outraged Seregios.
4 also pulls this by doing things like Black Gravios as an urgent which makes little to no sense since Pink Rathian already covered an urgent that is a subspecies.
Make it a PC exclusive.
BAM, it's now a good game with amazing graphics, amazing online and potential for growth.
Stop making them and make Dragon's Dogma 2 instead.
>not wanting 240p with today's technology means you're a graphix whore
Kill yourself.
MHX is locked 30fps literally because of MUH GRAPHICS. It still looks like shit but the producers thought they should rice the visuals up with lens flare and tacky particles.
Why the fuck is Gigginox STILL not back in favor of the fucking KHEZU?
MH5 is probably gonna be an NX launch title in Japan, or at least announced alongside the NX for very close release to NX launch.
>Everyone pirates it and hacks
>Series dies
You're a graphics whore, stop whining.
>all the SA stuff in Generations is stuff for sword mode
Just give me a reason to use the axe mode. Maybe make it so that attacking a monster in axe mode "charges" the phial to make it more potent.
>add a weapon that doesn't go full animu
GS and LS have existed since the beginning, friend.
go play frontier, and try not to drag doqn mainline with it
That's why we want it on better hardware, you dumbshit
Same reason we'll never get swimming back, because people have shit taste and no skill.
>Just give me a reason to use the axe mode
No, Capcom realized SA's axe mode was a mistake that no one uses, so they gave people the ability to just stay in sword mode forever.
They'll never make axe mode worthwhile.
you mean that game which is japan-only, has microtransactions and 1/1000000 drop rates?
do egg quests exist in still? they are in mh4u, and they should have stopped being a thing in the second game.
Home console or PC release. I'm sick of 300p and hand cramp due to the 3DS.
I have no idea how I put so many hours in Freedom Unite since the PSP hand an even lower res screen and more retarded control scheme
Necessary changes:
>Console/PC only release, no mobile downgrade
>Good fps
>Accurate hitboxes
Would be nice to see:
>Better arena design
>Aerial combat
Honestly not that much needs to be done to make it a great franchise. Just keep it off these shitty handhelds.
No more Apex.
Let me color my armor. I just want a black Nibelsnarf set. Capcom plz.
Sand Barrioth armor comes back..
Gigginox can stay go. At least Khezu doesn't shit on itself.
>and 1/1000000 drop rates?
That shit gets the Nips rock hard though.
did i stutter?
sorry I don't like getting catapulted ten miles away because the monster knocked me into a corner
it doesn't make any sense
I just want some HD Monhun, tired of playing on the 3DS. I'm never "on the go" so what's the point.
The psp actually had a higher res than the 3ds
>psp = 480 x 272 pixels
>new 3ds/old 3ds = 400 x 240 pixels
A easy mode.
They did this in MHX/G by making tutorial quests available but optional.
For you.
I don't care if it had PS2 graphics. I just want it at a decent resolution.
That's LR and HR, friend.
Make Switch Axe a weapon based on combo finishers from Axe Mode
Make the Gauge work in reverse
4U went in the right direction by giving the new finisher but didn't expand on it enough
I'm playing the game right now. No they didn't. In previous titles you could completely skip 1 star and go straight to low-tier monsters. As stated before, this was removed in MHFU onwards
Didn't Tri have HR restrictions in the lobbies? I want that back. I like making new characters and hate when HR:99999999 joins a room full of HR:5s. I don't want the game to be a fucking cakewalk.
Put it on PS4 or any other handheld besides the eyeraping weak 3DS
platform with better controls
style points
maybe fashion
2 or 3 balance patches
more level or basin shaped zones - coming from MH4U
fewer attacks that are garbage - cblade up-swing
monster stats available in game
more secrets and/or unlockables
The only reason no one uses axe mode is because sword mode has gotten all the benefits ever since the beginning. 4 has been the closest to making axe mode worthwhile in forever.
That's an idea I've never thought of. To be honest I was always sort of in love with the idea of the phial coming in four quarters rather than two halves, and Axe Mode getting "burst charges" that let you boost a move by either:
1) holding the button down as you queue in the next move
2) holding the R button causing something to switch open in the middle of any animation and triggering the next attack while open to be a burst attack
Burst moves would be like, the forward axe lunge turning into a real distance-closer, moving you forward about a roll's distance with more damage to boot, or the side chop turning into a roundswing, or the overhead chop becoming a high-speed guillotine cleave, or the upswing becoming a jumping upswing that reaches super high and can be combo into an enhanced overhead chop that does mounting damage, and each burst would eat a quarter of the phial.
Not even joking, put it on Vita. Have a 3ds with 3U and 4U, played thousands of hours on both. I recently got FU on PSN, and I can sincerely say that MH plays waaay better on Vita.
PS4/Xbox/PC only release
No chopping the game up into multiple versions
Yian Garuga
2+ years dev time.
Fuck this handheld aids, capcom is shitting out monster hunter games like they are fucking CoD and the games run and look even worse than P3rd.
You don't even have to fix anything gameplay related, just stop hamstringing the games.
>hur hur like PC amirite
Nobody would stop you from dressing like a clown.
>add a weapon that doesn't go full animu
nigga, MH is shonen as fuck
Optional download play style online mode, where I can join an online quest and temporarily use another player's stored equipment.
Don't want to grind for hours, just want to occasionally play fun MH co-op.
Wasn't 4 released on the WiiU in Japan? I wouldn't hope for a home console release for 5 in the west.