How did they do it? Everyone and their mother is eating this game up playing it like its the best game in history.
The game only has 3 real game modes, a handful of maps, and yet people are hooked on it like crack. Just how?
How did they do it? Everyone and their mother is eating this game up playing it like its the best game in history.
The game only has 3 real game modes, a handful of maps, and yet people are hooked on it like crack. Just how?
It's casual. You can pick it up whenever play a match and it's fun. This is not a bad thing
plebs and normies. league of legends basically ruined humanity
I don't get it either, I mean I play daily for like 40 minutes and get bored.
I would've been playing nonstop if i had any friends
viral marketing budget was asstronomical
>Take popular game (TF2)
>Casualize it more
>Give the characters a Disney Tangled/Frozen style aesthetic, especially the women
>Waifus out the ass
>Millions spent on advertising
It's pretty simple when you actually think about it.
Been playing nonstop and I got no friends
>"No one will play it," said Sup Forums, "It's full of SJW shit and a low tick rate."
>But fate had other plans.
Blizzard is great at gameplay and complete shit at everything else
Even when D3 released everyone said the core gameplay was fine, it's just that it was in the middle of a pile of complete dog shit.
western female characters are so ugly the field was ripe for someone to swoop in with relative qt3.14s and make bank off the non-weaboos who haven't masturbated in a really long time
Not sure what they did right. It's just a lot of fun, but I'm not sure why it's more fun than other pvp Fps games. It just is, for some reason.
blizzard always wins baby.
by being very professional in every steps from concepts to release
Yeah the game may lack content (for now) and pretty much a casual game, but it's still polished and play very well, you can still have "fun" without being an autist
Don't forget the memes
Game does a decent job of feeding you rewards for everything. Makes you want to play to get those votes, PotGs and lootboxes.
It's shilled religiously heres on Sup Forums, I'm hiding like 3-5 threds every other hour
They made a fun game, Blizzard is one of the few developers that remembers how to do this.
I couldn't justify spending money on a anime version of TF2. I'm glad stuff like this exists though because it keeps most of the casuals away from games like Red Orchestra, Squad, Insurgency etc.
Casual T for Teen team based shooter with pixar characters as your playable "heroes".
It's only FPS game that casuals can actually play because of the auto aim.
this, it's known that the norm will, and still like attractive characters over ugly block trannies other devs called women
see tumblr, they're infested with overwatch meme, even sjw can't cry about the game sex appeal anymore
>pick up and play a few rounds
>almost loot box
>play until then
>just mess around after that
>halfway to another loot box
>friends come on
>cycle starts anew
they did good marketing, and they understand that most players are casuals
It's just fun.
Also waifus.
I dunno heavy marketing and Blizzard already have a loyal consumer base I guess..... I've watched some streams of it and it looks boring but it must be more fun/competitive than it looks maybe
Because Valve successfully ruined TF2 over the past 5 years, and the market has been starved for a *good* team-based shooter.
Blizzard also has a good deal experience making likeable and attractive character designs.
This is me, but with no friends so I get a lootbox and quit.
>level 22 with 0 legendaries
feels shitty
its like a casino
the flashy lights, the random loot drop, the "always win" design
it's designed to be addictive and it's working
i mean, blizzard has mastered this stuff
>Disney Tangled/Frozen style aesthetic
It looks nothing like that. They don't have oversized heads. I hate that style and I like Overwatch's.
I play it like 1hour per evening and already played enough hours for the investment.
Stay mad poorfag
give it 3 months user
then 6
then 12
see where it is in those timeframes because, duh dumbass, ITS A FUCKING NEW GAME!
because waifus, and skins and poses and whatnot for your waifus
Some of us just want to be the little girl
I'm interested in Overwatch because of the porn, probably never gonna play it though.
The game is fine for the first few hours for me but after that you've pretty much experienced all the game had to offer. I get that Blizzard went for quality over quantity but in this case it's just not enough to keep me hooked. There are definitely better games out there at the minute for me anyway.
This. You faggots can keep spamming this shitty game all you want, as long as you post that qt evangelion character.
It's not though. It has significantly less skinner box mechanics than every current mainstream shooter I can think of
Alright you got me, it's not Frozen. It's Big Hero 6
Hype coupled with the 3D Pixar movie style characters that took over modern animation. Plus games aren't made for "gamers" (core audience) any more as making them accessible to dumdums is where all the big money is since they are the majority demographic.
>I'm interested in Overwatch because of the porn
>of the porn
>doesn't provide porn
The same exact way CoD does it. A massive advertising campaign that they likely spent as much or more on than the actual game itself.
We're already seeing interest die off because they've slowed their marketing and the people who are aware of the game have saturated it. It's been successful in terms of sales but a lot of the people who jumped in realized how shallow the game is.
Thank the new generation of retards:
Sup Forums
>the "50% win" design
Competitive multiplayer glossed over a casual game.
Oh fuck, I thought I was the only one.
Nice marketing shillzard :^)
>no words that can be filtered
Another trashy game made by trashy people played by trashy normies.
This but unironically.
Because it has good, fun, gameplay, and that's all people ask for in a video game sometimes.
number of maps and gamemodes dont matter
COD4 had 3 good maps and one good game mode (TDM)
Now that's just bullshit, the gameplay is shallow, slow, and barren.
Why do people ship these two together?
Why the fuck would you buy this game if you didn't have friends?
>it's another control points on bog
I agree, it'a not like Blizzard matchmaking forces you to play with literal retards half of the time :^)
Get the fuck good. 50% rate is a meme for shitters who want to justify being trash.
They have fight in video and widowmaker kiss tracer
They appeal to the lowest common denominator with their slow as hell gameplay, brain dead abilities that most hardly need aiming which they 'balance' by out of place cooldowns. And the shallow generic character designs.
Who can I play to get good? Not the user you're responding to but I'm just not getting overwatch, can't find a character that can actually pubroll if someone picks a hard counter.
Is there any evidence out there that your chances of getting epic or legendary stuff increases when you buy boxes as opposed to leveling up? I swear it feels like I'm getting most of my legendaries through bought boxes.
World of Warcraft still has millions of players and it's literally garbage. Why be surprised when overweatch has a big following?
All you do in wow is literally smash keys in a rotation as fast as possible and call it skill.
It's like League of Legends but as a shooter, obviously you have to play it, you don't wanna be left out right?
You just answered your own question with that pic
McCree or Widow until nerf
play as a tank, the majority of the shitty playerbase plays dps classes.
I play McCree and do alright but I mean, if your team is getting facerolled McCree can't turn it around on his own unless I'm just missing something super obvious? Seems like having six-twelve readily available shots holds him back from being able to stop a push without ult?
Welcome to Orange Box release.
Casual + fun + waifus + Blizzard + huge marketing
But the orange box release everyone was amazed at how much you got for the price...
shut the fuck up Shinji
>Take genre people are fond of but thats full of boring similar games
>Make something slightly different with a decent amount of polish
You know Sup Forums sucks Blizzard dick
Less emphasis on twitch skills, more on situational awareness, good composition and teamwork. Thus a bunch of shitters go into a game they can get kills and still have fun that way (though sometimes at the expense of winning the actual round).. Sup Forums just shitting itself over inconsequential shit to "pro" level play as if anyone around here would ever be playing at that tier or that it ever mattered to the actual meat of players so who gives an actual shit if hitboxes aren't pixel fucking perfect.
>How did they do it?
Sex and PotG.
I don't care about Overwatch but I go into every thread with this image as the OP
only care about the waifus desu senpai
Well, first off, Blizzard has a lot of cache and multiplayer shooters are a popular genre.
You've got your collection and experience systems in there for people who need a sense of progression
You've got enough characters and combinations thereof to provide some depth and strategy, even if the individual characters are pretty simple.
But most importantly: it's polished as fuck. This is the aspect a lot of "hardcore" gamers ignore. The menus, the sound effects, the design - it's all cohesive and fully realized out of the box. I guarantee you that this game is mostly successful because of its aesthetics.
shit taste kiddos
Same. Blizzard should just make OW porn instead of games.
Only shitters underage and tumble plays this shit
Stop spamming
Use the catalog
Better than me, bro. I have friends, but half the time they just would rather play solo for some unknown fucking reason. I guess they think their chances of winning are higher solo. And they're all at fucking 40% like a bunch of dipshits. Pisses me off. I've got to the point where I'm actually mad about it. Like they log in, and see I'm playing, and then just go into their own match, while avoiding the voice service that I fucking pay for. And these people, I've known them and played with them for about a decade. We've played hundreds of games together, just for some reason, with Overwatch, they're all being niggers. They don't even play with each other, and exclude me, they legit just play solo. I don't fucking get it. I mean, I'm not the best at shooters, to be certain, but I do enjoy playing support, and I'm not bad at it. Fucking assholes.
You could try to make friends on the game maybe? I've had people do that with me after I spend a game being their pocket healer and damage booster. For a while, I thought maybe it was because they wanted to play Mercy, but we call compared our stats, and none of them ever play her. Or support. Now I'm fucking pissed again.
It's the definition of a pandering, casual shit show. It's easy to play, it's easy to do well, there's incentives to keep playing, but there's systems in place to keep good players from shitting all over bad players. Just look at Hearthstone, it's the same game design.
When I picked Genji, climbed a wall, and hit an invisible wall to keep me from flanking TOO much, it was pretty clear what kind of game this was.
fuck blizz
it's fun
Sounds like shitty friends desu, I want friends to play mainly so I keep playing, otherwise I lose interest and browse Sup Forums again.
It's caters to the normies getting their first taste of entry-level waifus, while also being a sufficiently enjoyable FPS experience (kinda like TF2) that also slightly borrows the hero concept from the already popular MOBAs.
Is the first point popular? Check.
Is the second point popular? Check.
Is the third point popular? Check.
Does it result in a popular game?
Maybe you are just a shit person, m8. Ever thought about this?
I ran into the same shit with Pharah "Oh man if I get on that roof I'll be able to rain justice on their whole team, oh wait there's a skybox preventing me from reaching that point.... What is the point of a mobility character if I'm limited to the same corridors as everyone else?"
Just like Splatoon.
was meant for
Simplicity gets people hooked, the depth of some of the characters keeps people there.
Blizzard polish.
Consistent reward mechanisms, e.g PotG, loot boxes, medals.
Like any team game, it becomes exponentially more rewarding when playing with friends rather than solo queueing.
Fills a niche that doesn't really exist anymore on PC, TF2 is long dead and the CS family is seen as incredibly tryhard and cancerous.
It isn't difficult man.
It's just really fucking good
I still don't get why so many SJWs love this game.
The game has Punch-Out tier stereotypes, and half the cast are racist.
Sounds like you're an entitled shitter who would bitch about any mistake they'd do in game. They probably just want to have some dumb fun without ridiculing themselves.
Because then skilled players would have an advantage over those that can't be as mobile. We can't let the solider rocket jump, because everyone might not be good at rocket jumping. Casuals would get mad if someone flanked them on a route they themselves can't take, because "that's not fair".
Soldier needs a nerf tho
Literally the only thing that could possible pander to SJWs in this game is Zarya for being big, strong, and man-faced.
Every other female character has a classic Blizzard ass and are traditionally attractive.
I never got the people shouting SJW at this game, and I'm not convinced it's a game that that community flocks to either.