Name one stage more annoying than this one.
Name one stage more annoying than this one
I'm starting to see a pattern.
Holy fuck i hated this shit
that one wasn't so bad
Was going to post this. Fuck this level REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>that fucking music
It managed to make me feel nauseous.
The fly levels from the first game were worse.
The entirety of Enter the Gungeon, ESPECIALLY this dickhead.
I had forgotten about this. Fucking triggered.
Havent you played punch out before?
>do this
>turns out it doesn't count for the Punch Out! bottle cap
They really fucking dropped the ball on some of those caps, man. I'm THIS close to having 101% on that game though, just need to platinum a few more levels to get Bayonetta and I'll be done.
How cool must a boss be to attack you by performing suplex to a t-rex.
What game is this? Looks super familiar
Ape Escape 2
This was one of my favorite parts
I loved the entire fucking game, so amazing.