Just got out of prison.
Anyone here still play this City of Heroes? What's new?
Just got out of prison.
Anyone here still play this City of Heroes? What's new?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why were you in prison
For lying on the internet.
Seriously though I wonder if there are any private servers or if this game has just evaporated into the cloud.
He robbed a bank and Positron put him in prison.
are you trying to make this a meme? it ain't working man
It actually worked. I'll make a similar thread soon.
>all these newfags not knowing this is classic posting
I hate you all so god damned much.
Newfag phoneposter FUCKOFF
Holy shit he actually deleted his post
Fucking hate these newfags
>Blizz was going to make a CoH type mmo with Titan
>Instead we got a tf2 clone that will die before the end of the year
The closest thing you'll get to private servers is Paragon Chat. It lets you make your character, fly around all of the maps, talk with others, etc. There's just no combat or NPCs in it, but it's better than nothing
There are supposedly negotiations happening with NCSoft since mid 2014 i believe, but i lost faith in that shit. The game will never come back and it's a shame really, it was my first MMO and I miss it dearly
>first MMO
you gotta be 18 to post here kid
It came out in 2004, get with the times, gramps
Was this actually necessary?
Why would you do this to me?
>A small glimmer of hope that CoH might some day return.
Please don't do this to me.
weird doggo
>TFW only superhero MMO left is Champions Online
in the next ~20 to 30 years at least one of them should release, promise
DCU online is pretty good.
Champions Online is glitchy and limited even if you decide to buy everything.
has anyone attempted recreating City of Heroes in Second Life?
For those new to Paragon Chat, you need to have City of Heroes installed to use it.
Fucking loved this game. Had a lot of fun.
Ice/energy tank here.
What's your build?
Easy way to check is to log in and search Paragon, maybe something comes up but idk
All i know is that people have imported CoH sound files into the game tho
mate.. i've just managed to stop drinkin, why you do this to me..why you do?
fuck u
Weather controlling mastermind