Valve fell for the VR fad

What a waste of fucking R&D and marketing money that could have gone into Half-Life 3.

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Shut up idiot. You wanna stare at a monitor forever?

VR is just another tinier monitor.

With 3d, head tracking, hand controls etc....



You can post those in a monitor too. Won't make it any better though.

everything that can be done with a mouse and keyboard with no strain on the body and in every relaxed position of your body

I tried plenty of VR at uni because we need to develop some VR games in a course and it adds absolutely nothing to the experience. It's fun for one hour but that's about it

Half Life 3 is never coming out, Cox. You need to accept that valve isn't a video game developer, it's a distributor and publisher. They also have retarded amounts of money to blow on this shit, just like their controller and steamOS and steam machines. They can afford to do this shit because even if it fails it's no big loss, not with the billions it earns off of idiots willing to buy loot crates and $600 knives in CSGO.


Are you pretending to be retarded? The reason it's on your head is to block out everything else so you're more immersed.


what's happening there?

Half Life 3 is coming out at this year's E3. Mark my words, and screencap this post

I will not be providing a source.

He dieded
Got sucked through a steel roller pair.

VR is pretty much going to be in the future, deal with it. Its really not a gimmick, it actually plays functionally different and adds some level of depth for some games,

Dont be sad though because its kinda shit for 3rd person games so Classic games will still be a thing.

Yes it will be thing, you would have to be retarded to think it wouldnt.
But you dont have to do anything about it because it doesnt affect you other than it existing.

delte thisssssssssssssssssssss

How fast did he die?

When I saw that VR ad I was like, oh shit, looks like technology has finally caught up with me. It's over, I'm done. I thought I'd be the guy that always keeps up with technology. But if this is the direction gaming is taking that's it, it's over. Fucking strapping a fucking box to my head is the one place I'm not going.


oh wow what an argument.

Is he ok?

You are seriously so retarded I dont know where to start. You dont even have any frame of reference to see how ridiculous you sound because you get all your information from Sup Forums probably.

Let me guarantee you that valve does not make "billions" off of loot crates and knives

>They can afford to do this shit because even if it fails it's no big loss

They could afford to do that with SteamOS because it literally didnt cost that much to make I'm assuming. Thats not the case with their other products, especially the HTC Vive.

I dont know why you think Valve is some super rich supernatural company that can afford to fuck up on huge RND projects and not be broke

People are still somewhat conscious for 15 seconds after beheading. Don't know about squished heads though.

>Zarya will never do this to you

Why live

Facebook/John Carmack you need to fuck off. VR sales are shit, just check Steam VR games section. No one is buying these.

You're somewhat conscious after a beheading because the blood hasn't fully drained from your skull yet in those seconds and your brain is "alive."

In the event of a total skull compression like that, you die instantly.

i bet

VR Will replace normal computer screens when they're perfect.

Literally not a fad bu the next big thing.

Never said its doing well now, but you are fucking stupid if you dont think its going to be a thing, pretty much everything in video games leads up to having an immersive expirence. Fucking duckhunt and lightguns is where this shit started

VR is a gimmick. For now. Until you can get 8k 120fps with no screen door effect, and the ability to move around a room without being tethered to a stationary PC (either via a super laptop in a backpack or some not yet invented technology that allows that kind of streaming to the headset), it will remain a gimmick. One that makes a lot of people very nauseous very fast.

why would you stick your hand in there
>oh look at this twirling death machine, look what happens when i stick my hand in there lol


I work in plant safety and training. Showing videos like this to Hispanics is the only way to get them to give a shit. People getting caught in wood chippers is top tier spooks.

Yeah, it'll be a thing once we get the holo deck from star trek, untill then it's just too much trouble to make it worth your while.


At first I would have laughed at this suggestion, but then I tried VR and was appalled at just how atrocious the resolution is. Shits not clear at all, especially when you're dealing with 360 real life video or anything that's very detailed.

Takes you out of the experience almost immediately.

Did you forget to take your autism medication, user?

I'm glad they did this. It's in its infancy and not worth it right now, but after using the vive, I definitely see the potential here. Hand/head tracking is scarily one to one and the tech is really cool. It makes high detail 3d models not just seem like tiny things on a monitor. They're actually full 1 to 1 standing there in front of you. It helps a ton with scale and any game that actually looks good is a joy to be in. That being said, there's barely any games you can make with this room teleporting thing. Until omni directional treadmills become something people can get and use in games too, then we're not really going to see all this may stuff used to its fullest yet.

>All these poorfags upset that they can't enjoy their waifus and vidya in VR
>i-it's just a monitor strapped to your head!!!!
It's okay guys, the price will come down in 2-3 years.

The argument was immersion, you just don't have a response.

Wait until Vive 2 with 4K panels and foveated rendering

We're already getting 4K @ 50FPS on current gen GPUs. It's only a matter of time.

Someone at work told me that they worked at a place that had a machine for cutting steel rods or whatever it was. Some idiot said "I bet I can stick my finger in there and pull it out before the cutter comes down" and stuck his finger in and got the end of it cut off, not knowing that the machine was designed to grab whatever you put in there to hold it firmly for the cut.

Some people are just dumb.

>pay less for more advanced tech with actual games out if its a success
will do user

Yeah. Up close things look good, but that portal demo when the walls fell just made me realize how painful pixely far off stuff looks. Your eyes keep wanting to readjust to see it better but the tech won't let you.

Hispanic co worker at my old mcdonalds job had a second job at a place like this. Left us one day and just heard he lost his legs to a box cutting machine. At least he lived but feel bad because he was already on shit income.

seriously though, I thought VR was a meme until I had the chance to tryout an actual headset at a friend's house
holy fuck I want one

how do you lose your legs to a box cutting machine

Story was he slipped. Tom foolery was probably involved though.

>be excited for VR so that I could replay my favorite games in complete immersion
>it turns out that it doesn't work that way and the game has to have been designed with it in mind to support it
>the """""""""""""games""""""""""""""""" that do are tech demos with no actual gameplay feauring any mechanical systems besides gimmicky mini-games that are charged the full price of actual games

Face it. We've been tricked. Nogames.

wouldnt you have to climb on top of it
you dont just slip on the floor and fall in a box cutting machine

>We're already getting 4K @ 50FPS on current gen GPUs.*

>*with games built assuming the Titan X and 980 Ti were the fastest cards in the world, and max settings should push them only hard enough to manage 1080p 60fps.

Now that new generation of cards are out, what the fuck do you think will happen with brand new games released over the next 6-12 months? Guess what, that shiny new GTX 1080 and 480x are going to get shit on at 1080p 60fps, just like every past generation of cards for all time has. Game developers get paid to push the GPUs to their limit for no reasons other than to make faster cards more appealing. "Look at these bar graphs! Look how fast the 1080 is in this new game when playing on Super Duper Ultra Pooper settings! Yay my money was well spent!" It's a fucking sham and we're still a decade at LEAST away from 4k taking hold and being the standard that game developers build for.

are u serious?

They're not short on money and resources probably

kys cuck ty

and steam machines? steam controller?

all fucking garbage and a total waste

it's amazing how stupid they are

I have no clue what the machine in question looked like but like I said, I don't doubt he was probably being an idiot.

Hahahaha what the fuck kind of price point is that.

I think about VR in the same way i thought about motion controls when the Wii came out.

The medium that delivers the experience is secondary to the actual content being delivered. A book can be extremely entertaining and engaging, it has everything to do with how the book is written and the story being told. Strapping a monitor to your face and giving an extra element of immersion is a complete waste of time and effort if the content isn't good.

It might be the "future", but that entirely remains to be seen.

Software doesn't make enough money for Gabe. Hardware is where it's at. It's time to accept that Valve is not a software company anymore.

Feels good owning a vive, showed a mate today he loved it.

Been playing chair in the room and soon some RPG. Shit is a lot of fun.

Poorfags gonna poorfag.

>he wrote with tears of regret trickling down his fat cheeks

Its actually sweat, some audioshield gets me soaked. Shit gives the greatest workouts.

Jokes on you, I'm a skellington

>everything that can be done with a mouse and keyboard

Even someone that does CAD work knows this isn't true.

so a tard with a starving brain


>and adds some level of depth for some games
I don't see how that's the case when most companies are advising to remove almost all gameplay and only make target shooters where movement is only possible by teleporting on a grid because VR fundamentally causes motion sickness. Seems like the complete removal of depth.

That is hilarious coming from a post like that.

Audioshield is my new favorite game. These guys don't know what they're missing.

You can do everything with M/KB? Ha. That game would be pointless without motion controls.

HL3 is going to be VR exclusive, dingus.
It's all part of his master plan.

The only things I've seen VR actually do well are flight simulators and racing games, but for them you need a full HOTAS setup that you never move your hands off of because the disparity of where your controls actually are versus where they are in the simulated world gets really fucky.

I can't imagine how you'd make a good first person shooter in VR without some kind of incredibly expensive omni-directional treadmill.

This. If you're not into simulators you're basically stuck with overpriced tech-demos

They're interested in VR. They seem to have no interest in HL3. Can't exactly put resources into something that no one wants to work on

>tfw you saw a video of linustechtips were they literally tell you to support the devs because it's a niche


Alright, now let's see him walking around outside the car with that set up.

How much did this nigga pay overall.. jesus.

Delete your post.

Let's see you walking around outside your mother's basement first.

>stuck with tech demos

>gun floating in the air
so immersive

None of those things are VR though. VR is strapping a small monitor to your head.

The things you VR shitters nitpick make me laugh. All because you're too poor to afford it.

I've tried the Vive, and it was pretty cool, but I'm really curious how they will tackle the walking aspect in VR games. You're basically stuck in a cube and can only walk within that box, so all the demo's ive tried did not have the player walk anywhere. There's no way you wont be walking in Half Life 3, so I wonder how Valve will solve that. Another thing is that not many consumers actually have the space for the box itself. The physical room you play in must be big enough for you to have at least some space to walk around in.

Here's my main criticisms for the hardware itself:
1. The VR really does make you feel like you're in that world, but the resolution is still pretty low and you can see the pixels if you focus on them (needs an HD version)
2. There is sometimes a glare, i guess from the backlight
3.The wire attached to the headset can get annoying. I get tangled with it and you need to be aware of it at all times so you dont pull the wire or trip. They need a wireless version.

If they fix all 3 issues it would definitely be worth the price, but I feel like this is the beta version and the next iteration will be much better (but that isnt surprising at all).

u trying to bait us, son?

holy FUCK this is good

You seem a little defensive.

That's a cool scene, but he can't walk away from the car or hop in it and drive or actually play the game other than sit in that spot and shoot at cops.

There's a lot of individually neat pieces of a game that are possible in VR, but right now you can't get a full FPS experience out of VR.

Maybe when shit like this finally hit the market,, but that's another $700 (plus another $90+ for shipping) on top of the cost of the computer and VR gear.

>y-you're just too poor to afford it
amazing arguments

valve doesn't make games anymore. if it wasn't vr it'd be steam cellphones or some shit

Why do people still regard Valve as a good company?
Same thing with Nintendo, they just turned into shit, but the drones don't wanna face it.

Because Valve are building a matrix, how about that?

They should just give you the ability to walk your self instead of just portal pop else where.

The resolution isn't the issue senpai, its the pixel density on the screen.


Isn't the meme just a meme though.

>but he can't walk away from the car or hop in it and drive or actually play the game other than sit in that spot and shoot at cops.

With room scale and a wheel you can.

There's a disconnect with that though. Wih a monitor you are moving your hands to move something else on a screen several feet away. With VR you are just moving your hands.

It is an amazing one because it's the truth, otherwise you'd have tried it already and realize how meaningless that post is.

>Half-Life 3
Just let go already. It's never gonna happen. In fact, you don't want it to happen, because if it ever happens it'll only be a huge disappointment.

>With room scale and a wheel you can.
And how big of a room would he need to effectively play GTA?

>and a wheel
And what, keep it hanging on your wrist along with a solid mount and a chair so you can switch to it whenever you hop in a car at various spots in your room?

Keep in mind, the omni-directional treadmill will only work with a perfectly flat game world. Any disagreement between the shape of the treadmill (effectively flat) and the appearance of the game world will make most people stumble.
Apart from racing and flight games, having played The Lab on a friend's Vive, I feel like I've now played all possible HMD games. And they were terrible as games. Apart from racing and flight sims, HMDs simply are not gaming peripherals, and owners and developers are going to have a rude awakening at some point.

Ideally you want it as large as possible but it's not like it's unplayable standing as the webm shows. It works on a scale so the larger the space the more space you have for immersion. Also you just put it on your lap when you sit down you dingus, just like he has in the drive by webm.

>it'll only be a huge disappointment.

Literally impossible. It's going to be good and we all know it.

They made a huge mistake in the beginning when they showed the family configuring it on a computer. Nobody wants to do that for a toy.

Sure, but we know R&D money isn't an issue for Valve. If they wanted to fund Half-Life 3, they would have done it a decade ago.

Your real room would be too smal and having the characetr walk when you aren't causes nausea.