Not playing elves

>not playing elves

lmao why are other races even allowed to exist?
>live like 2 weeks
>stone age technology
>look like apes at best

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In the next ES game I hope I can carve the name Talos into the forehead of every elf to teach them what happens when you fuck with your betters.

>be Nord
>muh ebil imperials
>worship Talos aka TIBER SEPTIM

Nords will be gassed in concentration camps alongside other humaniggers,

Sorry, I can't hear you behind my wall of spearmen, crossbowmen, steamtanks, rocket batteries, and Reiksguard waiting in the bushes, ready to fuck you in your edgy ass.

Mer fucking with Nords has never ended well for the merrish races.

They are not learning animals.
They have no respect but they will be taught fear.

We wuz divines and sheeit my ass.

>Draw Elric
>call it an elf

>liking filthy knife-ears

Is it time?

Can't wait for the inevitably Ulthuan/New World dlc to cut down lesser races.

Get back to your forest before I burn it, knife ears.

>live like 2 weeks
Shorter lifespan means more generations.

Have fun being greatly outnumbered.

>playing a fantasy game
>you can be any fantastical race like elves, dwarves, beast-folk, orcs, trolls
>and people still choose human
what is the point.

>dark elves

lmao dumb manlet cave nigger

rats outnumber people as well

>elves not living in a forest
That's even worse, literally useless.

>rats outnumber people as well
Rats don't have greater learning capacity than humans though, while humans learn a lot faster by the virtue of having shorter lifespan.

>Rats don't have greater learning capacity than humans though
>this is what humans actually believe

kek can't see the difference


>not playing elves
Sorry, I can't afford Gaea's Cradle :(

>while humans learn a lot faster by the virtue of having shorter lifespan.
That's not something set in stone.

Wood elves are most of the time the most boring and plain ones, only the ones in warhammer fantasy are great because they are the metal version of feys.

>he believes rats have greater learning capacity than humans
Knife ears confirmed to suffer from mental retardation.

lol at your stagnant and dying race

enjoying that Orcish cock up your ass fuckboy?


>That's not something set in stone.
True for most settings I know of though. Humans are almost universally the most adaptable and fast learning race.

>believes Skaven have greater learning capacity than humans
Skaven detected.

>allegedly super magic capable
>has ancient wisdom allegedly
>but cant stop sniffing their own farts to do anything really productive
>are always running away like pussies to hide somewhere
>never win in the end because they are busy sniffing farts and running like pussies
You literally have no chance ever in the long run versus mankind. You act like pandas and cant fuck to save your own race and spend hundreds of years training to learn what mortals learn in a year. Get gud.

>learning capacity
They are known for stealing tech from other races because they can't figure anything out themsleves.

And yet elves, or often some of the subraces, have an bonus on INT, while humans have always the normal amount.

What setting are you talking about? Please don't say your headcanon

Every setting ever. Prove me wrong.

Literally the fuccbois of every fantasy film or game.

Intelligence is a broad term.

Humans often get bonus skill points/feats/etc., broader class selection, ability do dual/multiclass and less severe penalties for learning things outside of their class.

Warhammer elves.

Consider yourself proven wrong. But you have to name one too in which your assumption is right.

The elves surely seem mighty OP, let us see the situation then
>Humans: Race that most of the times rules pretty much all of the known world and is progressivly advancing both in culture and technology. Their diplomatic abilities and war tactics allows the expansion of their dominion, striking deals that greatly help commerce with other races.
>Elves: Almost extinct treehuggers or edgelords hated by every other race. They are pussies to Dwarves, annoying to Humans and sluts to Orcs.

gee, I sure hope no elven dark lord will try to attack humanity while take a nap...


>Intelligence is a broad term.
Well, yes. But they have more INT most of the time.

>Humans often get bonus skill points/feats/etc
Must not come learning something. Being able to resist poison because you were born this way has nothing to do with INT.

It's time for you to read a book.

Skyrim ain't free. Whiterun gotta be littered with the blood of imperialists. Titus Mede aka "titty meat" is NOT my emperor. He is Thalmor agent and probabbly Cyridillian as well :DD. Ulthric and Dovahkiin, not Akatosh and Falmer, ok. Now praise Talos

Bonus skill points/feats and all other thnigs I mentioned do represent their greater learning capacity.

>headcanon again
People that know nothing about a thing should not talk about a thing.

Everyone hates elves, but just imagine this

>live long life
>Every single moment of that life is devoted to a study: magic, combat, or art.
>you literally have 10 lifetimes to master a skill, when other races have 1.
>Everyone says you are a snowflake and special, but ignore the fact that you spent 100 years in kindergarden perfecting basic skills only to spend 300 more years perfecting everything else
>By the time you are 600 you are so fucking skilled your muscle memory automatically does the perfect swings of your sword, senses are perfect, 100% muscle and dexterity
>plus you get to hit bomb ass hot pussy that spends eternity perfecting sex and atheletics
>Dwarves are more loved cause they get drunk and dig...

>High Elves
>Live on on island to hide from chaos
>Literally only send random warbands out to fuck with random scenarios but never fully wipe anything out
>get pushed back constantly to their shit island
>Wood Elves
>cucked in to a small forest that is constantly being besieged by beastmen, men and greenskins
>"lol we have great magic to make it a Tardis forest so no like... we don't HAVE to go outside anymore, we can hide here forever (winky face)"
>They are saved by their two lowly flesh gods constantly
>Have never mattered and rarely are spoken about because no one cares about them anymore
>because they are hiding like pussies
>Dark Elves
>the edge lords of fart sniffers
>lead by a guy who was so high on his own methane he was incinerated for trying to be king
>after nearly conquering the shitty hide and seek island, they suddenly lose and have to fuck off and hide in a place so edgy that edge lords dream of sniffing their farts there
>proceeds to send raiding vessels that never do anything significant and random assassins to "lol kill people because"
>the only thing mildly clever they did do was cause the War of the Beard
>but still failed to do anything valid
>because fart sniffing while hiding in raptor land

I don't know if they got rid of such things in the meantime, but as I said, some feats don't have anything to do with learning.

But fine then, humans learn more different things, but will never excell at them. Typical jack-of-all-trades.

What's the best game that I can play an elitist elf in?

You know what is canon? The real world.
Try to guess how many elves are in the real world

I imagine they are also quite good at fucking.

>implying this isn't the case for most fantasy settings

Off the top of my head:



Nigga we got a teenage that lasts centuries...

Literally 50 years of puberty...

Also Chaos killed or imprisoned all of their gods sans the lesser ones that don't even register on their radar. Nurgle has one that can heal anything, and he tests all his new and delightful plagues on her. Seriously. Worst faction Ever.

Yet humans never have limits on any stat, while Elves do.
Human will survive anything, Elven forest , he is ready, Dwarven Mountain, he IS ready, swamps and canyons of rabid Orkz, human is ready.

Specialization is first step into extinction and that's why we dont talk neither Dwarwen nor Elvish, but Common tongue .

We are the bastard child of all the elder races, one and only to whom world was promised, so we can devise in peace artificial being that will surpass us and create God.

>But fine then, humans learn more different things, but will never excell at them. Typical jack-of-all-trades.
And that's exactly why they are amongst the most succesful species in settings where this is the case.

>50 years

>>High Elves
Despite often appearing arrogant, they are always ready to fight with the empire against chaos. And they taught them magic. They don't hide, I don't know where you got this from.

>>Wood Elves
Grow up. If anyone is cuked then it's Bretonnia.

>>Dark Elves
Eh, I don't know much about them to say something.

>Be the only people keeping the eye of chaos shut and contained...
>Constantly get shit on..
>dwarves jacking off in an old book of "times that dude called me a fag, im totally gonna get him!"
>Dwarves so dumb they swear oaths to go die in combat then somehow fail at that even..
>Elves are the problem...

Which makes them the most boring one too.

Your women are made for raping so


God Damn, I really hate post-LOTR (2001) fan-art.
Now everything looks the same, when people just read the books , it was opened to interpretation.

The elves aren't out yet so your gonna be sitting in those bushes a nice long time. Enjoy being there a year or more.

>pointy ears
why didn't you just say you liked being cucked, OP?

>being well-rounded and successful is boring
You keep telling yourself that, I bet you are very interesting.

>Waiting in the bushes

Bad news human, the bushes are on our side...

Jesus what a fucking cuckold.

Well yes, it is. Something that has strengths and weaknesses is more interesting that just some middle ground.

Not if we set them on fire.

High Elves have always been arrogant. Because they are. They treat mankind like they are pieces of shit, and only help when its beneficiary to them. Otherwise, they are okay with humanity continuing to act as a buffer while they sniff farts and hide, yes hide. Do you not know about the constant spells to HIDE the island?
Wood Elves are cucks. Shut up. I won't grow up, you can't make me. It's an appropriate statement. Despite Bretonnia worshiping a dumb soggy cunt elf that throws cutlery at men and say its magical, they are at least in a constant state of improvement. Wood elves are a one trick pony. Hiding, and having woodland entities save them because they are frail and die in droves when they do fight. Cucked to monsters and daemons.

>don't wanna be a furry
>don't wanna be a lanky sharp eared faggot
>don't wannna bee an ugly ass green man
>still wanna explore skyrim
Not too hard to see why

Yes they are trying to keep the only thing keeping the eye of chaos shut secure, and they are literally the only peoples capable of maintaining it and guarding it. They tend to find keeping the world alive more important then getting involved in petty squabbles between the retard fungus people and the retard man peoples

Speaking of rats, the Skaven single-handedly killed the Slann, the dwarves with almost no help and were a huge part of killing the humans in the End Times.
Just sayin'.

>setting the forest on fire
Guess what happened to the last group that did that?

The forest ate them.

>Keep an eye on chaos
>Send a warband to kill it
>never actually accomplish their end goals
>rely on humanity because you gotta go back to your panic room island
>get shit on for being smug cunts who pretend you are doing anything for anyone other than yourself
>dwarves write shit down to have a history and show how many times cunty elves were cunts
>"so dumb that anyone has any honor and value oaths"
Should expect that from someone backing elves.

>implying you need to get close to the forest to set it on fire
Your inability to understand technology is showing, knife ear.

>knowing the difference between keeping AN eye on chaos and THE eye of chaos..

I should have known...

One is watching chaos, the other is literally keeping the warp from overtaking the earth using elven magic to keep the proverbial maelstorm shut.

>all this insecurity
This is why no one likes you, user. And before you come back saying you have tons of friends, don't bother. I know the truth.

Just do what you like. Stop caring about what everyone on an anonymous Tibetan tapestry-weaving board thinks.

>What are the lizard men
>btfo by lizard magics all day erryday
>claims alliances but refuses to aid because it's a "petty squabble"
>not arrogant
Okay, thanks for proving me right?

>fantasy setting

End Times was garbage.

Remember that time you spawned a whole God of Chaos and basically doomed your race? Good times.

>Not keeping an eye on the eye of chaos
Shittier at that gig than I thought.

>fantasy means no technology
You wish it worked that way, knife ear.

You might not like it but it still happened.

>elf hating

Too which they still failed on an epic proportion. So all the butt sniffing and hiding on their island was a complete failure bud.

You are just making it worse.

>elf fag propaganda

I wonder which race represents the unpopular kid. Goblins?

Warhammer dwarves have handguns, flame cannons, submarines, flying ships, and gyrocopters to name a few things.

Not nearly as bad as your burning forest though.

Which begs the question why the fuck doesn't chaos use guns?

>stand directly in front of the forest to burn it
>get shot by an arrow
Human logic.

>single human died to make sure all the elves burn alive
>elves are incapable of understanding the concepts of mathematics and sacrifice
No wonder you live in a forest.

>elves have only one arrow

they cant understand how gunpowder work.

>implying more arrows means shit when we send a single man to burn the forest
>knife ear still incapable of understanding math

>implying wood elves and bretonians aren't bros

Its the dark knife-ears you can't trust

>mfw I can't wait for the inevitable TWWH expansion to add elves.
>mfw the first thing I'll do when I install it is play as Dwarfs and make it my mission in life to wipe out every single knife eared bastard.

>pull trigger for half a second
>somehow burn the WHOLE forest
hire a dwarf to do your math, humanigger

>>implying more arrows means shit when we send a single man to burn the forest
No user, I don't understand. One dead human = no burned forest.