>Currently playing through this after having completed DeS, DaS and BB. >So far, 90% of enemies and bosses have either been DaS1 rehashes (Belfry Gargoyle) or guys in armor, more often than not 3 or 4 at a time, because fuck making the individual enemy interesting or difficult when you can just throw more of them at the player. >Get to the Cathedral of Blue >Boss is a DaS1 rehashed guy in armor
So far, the experience has been miserable and tedious.
Is it worth completing this game? I hear the DLC are good.
Lucas Ramirez
Jesus christ shut the fuck up. It's pathetic how hard you try and fit in.
Tyler Richardson
The bosses an enemies although subpar weren't the main reason I didn't enjoy the game as much as others in the series. I couldn't get over the shitty mocapped animations, especially the walking/running ones
Jose Gray
I don't normally play games with the intent of hating them.
I really want to like this game, user, but so far it just hasn't been a very good experience.
Jose Sullivan
The DLC bosses are rehashed versions of bosses from DeS and DaSI, and even some from base DaSII
Overall the level design is better in the DLCs but the core gameplay and amount of rehashed enemies is exactly the same.
Charles King
sorry user but Dark souls 3 is out, you are supposed to be shit posting about and questioning whether Dark souls 2 was truly bad or not
Juan Sanders
>d-don't insult SotFS-chan! Your game is a blight on the face of the souls series and deserves all the shit it gets.
Henry Brooks
The DLC is fucking great, my reccomendation is to use a fast weapon, like the Sainter's spear, that shit will make it much more enjoyable, specially since the game loves to pit you versus many enemies at once in small halways.
It gets better towards the end, don't worry, the DLC is pretty good.
Levi Rivera
>hlelo guys i know im 2 years late but here is my list of opinions that i saw on Sup Forums before i played the game, do i fit in yet?
i havent even played a souls game apart from bloodborne and you're still pathetic
Kayden Butler
>An opinion is worthless if it isn't unique.
This is some tumblr shit right there.
Robert Campbell
>dark souls 2 rehash!!! But it's okay when the entire time dark souls 3 is just >lol remember the first game?!
Ryan Thompson
>DaS1 rehashes (Belfry Gargoyle) or guys in armor, more often than not 3 or 4 at a time Look nigga you are taking your bait a little too far
DaS 2 had shitloads of dudes in armor, it also had shitloads of monsters, it had shitloads of bosses in general, but multiple dudes in armor at the same time was like less than 10% of the total boss roster.
Carter Perry
I've been shitting on the game since release and fags like you were making all the excuses in the world for this game.
> The game is floaty and animations have no weight behind them Git gud, you not used to the framerate
> The bosses are rehashed Dark Souls rehashed some parts of DeS, it's the same thing
> The lighting is pretty bad Graphics don't matter, gameplay is number 1
So on and so forth
Chase Sullivan
? literally in what universe does that have anything to do with tumblr. this board will blame anything on le tumblr and le sjws
Sebastian Moore
>using anything but the gyrm anvil on a stick Pleb
Brody Bell
>Currently playing through >So far
The entire point of my post is that I haven't completed the game yet, wiseguy.
Easton Hall
My only complaint with the game is all the bosses are pissed easy
They pose no threat and I never lose to them.
Also shrine of amana is one of those classic shit areas. Projectile spam in an environment that slows you
Ryan Jones
Yeah and the only multi enemy dudes in armor boss you could have encountered was Ruin Sentinels, the others being watcher/defender and twin dragonriders, both of who are lategame bosses.
Then you have Gargoyles who are neither dues nor wearing armor and Skelly lords who are dudes but don't have armor and even if we include those thats still a grand total of 3 bosses who are "multiple """""""""""""dudes""""""""""" in """"""""""armor""""""""", and I don't think its actually possible to beat the game in an order where they make up the majority of your fights.
Carson Stewart
Maybe you should stop being absolute trash? Go an use an arrow if you want to be a pussy and lure out everyone. DS2 was the best of the series is soul memory didnt exist on launch
Alexander Taylor
the only thing wrong with ds2 was:
soul memory
despawning enemies
and fucking rereleasing the game with minor improvements
oh and muh fuckin durrrability
Easton Baker
Read the OP, read it carefully several times, then tell me if you're still confused.
Cooper Ward
>The game is tedious >Hurr git gud
Dylan Thomas
>DaS1 rehashes (Belfry Gargoyle) or guys in armor, more often than not 3 or 4 at a time Yeah I am reading it, I maintain it's literally impossible to beat the DS2 bosses in an order in which multi enemy boss fights make up for more than half your encounters.
Hyperbole is all well and good when you are sitting alone in your room fuming but don't bring that shit here and expect not to get called out on it. For all of its flaws an overabundance of 4-5 enemy bosses wasn't one of them.
You do know what "more often than not" means right? DS2 literally has 2 bosses that are 4 or more enemies, 3 if you count the setup to Best King
Landon Anderson
>The game is tedious >gameplay is the same shit as the other games with some extra mechanics, and a magic system that doesn't suck balls
Nolan Wilson
>So far, 90% of enemies and bosses have either been DaS1 rehashes (Belfry Gargoyle) or guys in armor, more often than not 3 or 4 at a time >enemies and bosses
What did he mean by this?
Dominic Bell
>Gameplay is the same shit
Core mechanics? Sure
Enemy design and level design? No.
Juan Bennett
>most enemies in ds1 are humanoids >ok mitsubishi can do no wrong
>most enemies in ds2 are humanoids >FUCKIN B TEAM
>most enemies in ds3 are humanoids >ok mitsubishi can do no wrong
Brayden Watson
user why are you trying so hard to backtrack out of being a retard on the internet? You said something really stupid and got called out on it, no 90% of DS2 bosses are not dudes in armor, 90% of the common enemies are not dudes in armor and 90% of the bosses and encounters are not against groups of 4-5 either unless you explicitly go out of your way to agro as many enemies as possible to try and "prove" something on the internet.
Some other user can keep calling you a retard but I suggest you refine your shitposting or just stick to the tried and true shitposts that have been around since DS2 launch if you try to exaggerate them you will just get called out on it more and more. No amount of backtracking and >no I totally meant THIS instead is going to make people not think your just an angry sperglord
Nathaniel Lewis
Get over it. Lazy enemies. Rehashed everything. Lazy world building
>lmao time is goofed. Dark firelink in oceiros closet
Don't even get me started on the terrible pvp
Brody Edwards
user, you accidentally BTFO'd yourself because you couldn't read, that's okay, but it's no reason to get this angry.
Blake Lee
>no I totally meant THIS instead >When that's literally what he said.
Why are DaS2fags so pathetic?
Gavin White
No regrets here. It's pathetic how much Sup Forums HATES every single game that doesn't meet their expectation. It's not a perfect game by any means, but it's still a good one.
I'll never listen to you guys again.
Liam Nelson
Stay how you are user. Don't let these jerks change you
Dylan Cook
>DS1 >not mostly guys in armor >not DeS rehashes >interesting 1v1 enemy encounters