What does Sup Forums think of the FGC?
What does Sup Forums think of the FGC?
Really cool and fun community with a lot of diversity and engaging competition.
What does Sup Forums think of mushrooms on pizza?
better than other esport faggots
whats the point of these threads?
What does Sup Forums think of x
Now the dust settled
always the same responses too, is this true autism!?
>is this true autism
what did he mean by this?
>it's a "what's the point of these threads" episode
It's not diverse enough. It's full of only white beta males that hate women.
>is this true autism!?
What the fuck was his problem?
I'm part of it.
Most of the people I know are alright.
It's a very colorful crowd.
I even played against Noel at CB.
i am white male
Wad up utoob. comin at u wif anuvah video dis is LOW
The actual question Sup Forums is: who was in the wrong here?
Eat shit with all the pineapple lovers
>is this true autism!?
Now that the dust has settled, what did user mean by this?
It was fine before the term FGC came about in 2009. That's when it turned terminal.
You're at the stage where you have almost reached clarity of mind and will ascend Sup Forums and never come back, don't doubt yourself user.
mushroom, shrimp and ham is king
Reminder Noel Brown did nothing wrong
There are lots of funny personalities and rivalries. It's genuinely sad that there will never be another UMVC3 patch or MVC game because, in its heyday, it was hilarious and massively entertaining.