New SoulsBorne incoming.
What are your hopes?
What are your dreams?
New SoulsBorne incoming
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Souls is dead.
Canon according to Miyasaki. I have an uncle who cucks him.
>What are your hopes?
That the series dies.
Nope. It's already confirmed for King's Field V(R)
Such H8 for a good series
That's it's not the case and they let the series die while it's still somewhat good.
Also Armored Core instead.
I thought Dark Souls 3 was supposed to be the last of the Soul series
The end of it. Just look at how bad DS3 was. They clearly ran out of ideas.
we don't another game of this style
they need to let it rest for 6 years
Anything that isn't the typical sword/board
3 bores me to death after BBs setting and style.
Thank fucking god, it has a shit ton of references to souls 1.
Now hopefully they go to Sci-fi territory
I am 100% okay with this, even though I enjoyed DaS3
Canon rankings are
DeS = DaS = BB
From would be fucking retarded to do a mech game when Kojima has a 90% chance of doing his own mech game
I'll explain this
Kadokawa bought From Software. Kadokawa is about as big as Konami so they can fund their own shit. Why would they have From Software do Dark Souls for someone else when they can do a Soulsborne franchise on their own and take in the profits? This however, does not stop From from working with Sony because Kadokawa has a partnership with them so expect a Demon's Souls/Bloodborne sequel in the future as exclusives.
>letting go of soulsborne for 6 years
>Bloodborne released last year and it was the best and most refreshing one
I agree that dark souls was pretty shit tier, but at least it gave some closure. i hope they bury it there
More lovecraft style games please
>Bloodborne released last year and it was the best
welp, bye thread.
>Dark Souls III is the last game in the Dark Souls series. Hidetaka Miyazaki, president of FromSoftware and director of the Dark Souls series, has confirmed in an interview that there is no plan for another game, and even if there were we wouldn’t even see development start for at least 5 years.
>Instead, FromSoftware is focused on brand new IP, meaning the potential for a new series of games possibly (and likely) in a different genre. Remember, FromSoftware has been around since 1994 and counts King’s Field, Armored Core, Steel Battalion: Heavy Armor, Mobile Suit Gundam Unicorn, Enchanted Arms, Otogi, and many more games as part of its history. FromSoftware can turn its hand to any game type, and the decision to focus on new IP should certainly be welcomed by gamers everywhere.
>One last thing: all talk of Demon Souls being remastered and re-released is mute. Hidetaka Miyazaki has said that’s not happening, either.
The way i see it
>thinking from software the developer with the biggest track record of doubling down and releasing a million sequels for anything that makes it's cost back + 1 dollar would consider not releasing another souls game.
Why? I'm not shitposting, it's objectively true. It's the highest rated game in the franchise so far critically and by actual players.
The weapons mixed with the parry/fast gameplay is brilliant.
Demon's Souls is considered a separate IP as is Bloodborne and King's Field despite them being the same fucking thing. It's only the retarded fans that combine them together.
Dark Souls is fucking over because why work for another competing publisher when they have their own company that is bigger than Konami backing them?
>I'm not shitposting, it's objectively true.
No it isn't.
Critics and players mean fucking nothing. And if we actually, truthfully ask the Souls community, most people will still say Dark Souls 1 is the best.
BB is my favorite game of all time but don't act like some kind of god of taste. Its just one of the many reasons why we can't discuss BB on Sup Forums 90% of the time.
No fucking shit they'll say Dark Souls 1 because it was the best one that was multiplat
You know the reason why we can't discuss Bloodborne is the same reason we can't discuss Demon's Souls after Dark Souls released on PC (and I love the PC as a platform)
New IP with original setting like Bloodborne was
>And if we actually, truthfully ask the Souls community, most people will still say Dark Souls 1 is the best.
Because most people are plebs who haven't played Bloodborne.
>Its just one of the many reasons why we can't discuss BB on Sup Forums 90% of the time.
Shitposters and insecure poorfags don't deserve to be mollycoddled. Bloodborne is the pinnacle of the Soulsborne style of game.
People will say Dark Souls 1 just because it is available to them. A lot of PC players will say it because it was their first one, or because it runs at a higher framerate.
>You know the reason why we can't discuss Bloodborne is the same reason we can't discuss Demon's Souls after Dark Souls released on PC (and I love the PC as a platform)
Demons Souls and Bloodborne are not comparable games when it comes to Sup Forumss discussions. Its nigh impossible to praise Bloodborne legitimately because of the immense shitposting that Sony fans did before the release of the game. The state of Sup Forums in that time was so bad it was ridiculous.
Demons Souls is on a 80 dollar or cheaper system and is 6 years old. Anybody who wants to play it already has.
>Bloodborne is the pinnacle of the Soulsborne style of game.
Nice opinion, I agree with it.
Lets not act like its fact though.
>Lets not act like its fact though.
It is a fact. There's no reason to be subtle or understate this.
You knows it's true. I know it's true. If somebody is bothered by this, it's their own damn fault. BB is objectively the best game among the 5 that exist. DaS3 could surpass it but it'd have to shave some fucking incredible DLC.
I figure there will be a Sci-Fi Bloodborne-esque game that's multiplat
Probably E3 2017, this year is King's Field V(R)
Considering Dark Souls 3's monuments success on pc, would it not be more likely for Kadowaka to encourage from to develop a souls like game for multiplatforms?
Dark Souls 3 Vanilla>Bloodborne Vanilla, so I wouldn't be surprised if the DLC did elevate it to higher levels.
Its not better than DS1.
while we're busy throwing around hot opinions
This only makes sense difficulty wise, ds3 being easiest, which I understand user
I could name a ton of flaws from Bloodborne that could easily bump it down the ranking of the games.
Acting like your opinion is fact is one of the biggest issues plaguing Sup Forums and this cancerous fanbase in general by the way, just so you know.
>People actually hate bloodborne for no other fact than the Le Exclusive meme
This is how you know it's a decent game(not perfect) enough to bring attention
All of the Souls games have had shitty graphics that don't match their release date and FPS stuck at 30 and dropping
Who the fuck acts like these games are meant to be 60fps and graphics maxed out?
Now I'll wait for the PcKek to show up to tell me how I'm a pleb for being ok with the origins of these games being shitty compared to when he first launched it on his overpriced toaster with alienware logo
so this is the new designated dark souls thread?
I'm playing through DS1 for the first time. Just finished lost izalith and saved solaire. Is it safe to kill spidertits now for her fire keeper soul? I don't care about losing access to chaos pyromancies.
Should I get Memeborne and the PS4 version of MGSV while they're $20 each at GameStop?
>My opinion is an objective fact guys!
>Dark Souls 3 Vanilla>Bloodborne Vanilla
I'm not sure I agree entirely, but I do see your point.
>more content
>more bosses
>better content
>better bosses
>chalice dungeons
>trick weapons
>I could name a ton of flaws from Bloodborne that could easily bump it down the ranking of the games.
No you couldn't because all these games are flawed, but Bloodborne is the least flawed and the highest quality overall. So even if it has some issues, they're not enough to devalue it's overall position in the grand scheme.
>Acting like your opinion is fact is one of the biggest issues plaguing Sup Forums and this cancerous fanbase in general by the way, just so you know.
My opinion is objectively correct. Bloodborne is better than any of the "Souls" games.
The facts are on my side user. Don't let your insecurities overwhelm you.
Please no Bloodborne 2 though, these titles are a million times more refreshing when it isn't rehashing.
Best Buy should have Bloodborne for $15.
Why not? That's pretty cheap.
>better content
>better bosses
Found the PCuck
I'm with this guy
Bloodborne is pretty much factually better than the rest of the games. Not that you should take this to mean that you aren't allowed to prefer other games... but the objective reality is that BB is the best one in a vacuum. It had the longest development cycle of any of the games and it shows.
My hope is that this shitty series is finally over.
Hopefully From wil create a new IP completely unreleted to the soul series.
I hope it has Bloodborne combat with a shitton of build gimmicks.
Different passive abilities, dodging and stats depending on the build you go with. Something that doesn't make every build (not talking about weapons) take hours to distinguish itself from all the others.
but I wouldn't get meme points for buying it from Best Buy
>chalice dungeons
youre gonna get flak but i liked them as well. prolonged the games content by a large margin. also depth 5 defiled is the hardest souls content by a large margin, i had more trouble in some of the dungeons i made than my ng+7-10 runs.
Actually BB is my favorite Souls game. I'm just not autistic enough to declare subjective experiences as objective measurements.
It's just that your opinions are so funny. Nice job.
Filtered my friendo :^) keep
Can you stop calling it SoulsBorne? It's cringey, and BB has nothing to do with Dark Souls.
Honestly the last good souls game was Dark souls 1.
Dark souls 2, Bloodborne and Dark souls 3 were all dissapointments.
It feels like fromsoftware does't learn anything from their mistakes.
yeah this guys right Demon's Souls has nothing to do with Dank Souls either
>New SoulsBorne incoming.
In your dreams. They're done with these games.
New Dark Souls-like/Bloodborne-like incoming
Happy now?
only took three years for someone to notice.
>Martyr Logarius
>Abhorrent Beast
>Ludwig the Accursed/The Holy Blade
>Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower
>Pthumerian Elder
>Pthumerian Descendant
>Father Gascoigne
>Bloodstarved Beast
>Bloodletting Beast
>Orphan of Kos
>Yharnam, Pthumerian Queen
>Gehrman the First Hunter
>Ebrietas Daughter of the Cosmos
>Rom, the Vacuous Spider
That's just a list of bosses. DaS1 has maybe half as many that are on the level of these ones.
There's nothing subjective about the amount of content and the general quality level of said content. We can prove in a cold and calculated way, that the bosses and areas and quests in BB are legitimately superior. The bosses are harder, offer interesting phase changes and locational damage gimmicks and more. The levels are bigger, better designed and more atmospheric.
Your preferences have no bearing on the cold hard reality user.
It has nothing to do with plot or story the gameplay for all of these is more or less the same
>anywhere near the level of ANY of those
rom is complete dog shit, her and the area look visually stunning, but everything else is terrible.
All of the qualities you mentioned are completely relative. "Interesting" and "atmospheric" are not measurable qualities, harder doesn't equal better, and "general quality level" is code for "I liked it more so it's better", which is your entire argument anyway.
>"Interesting" and "atmospheric" are not measurable qualities
Yes they are.
>, harder doesn't equal better
It does when you're comparing to the baby mode stuff found in DaS1. DaS1 is stupidly easy. It makes it less fun.
> "general quality level" is code for "I liked it more so it's better"
No. It's code for "general quality level"
You fucking Americans and you fucking opinion culture disgust me. You love to act like there's no such thing as a correct opinion and that everybody's opinion is equally valid or valuable.
It's fucking hilarious. No wonder you're still on the imperial system while the entire planet moved on to metric for it's objectively superior qualities.
just finished DaS after DeS and BB, should I go for DaS2 or take a break
Now you're just trying way too hard kid. Go ahead and write one last bait if it's fun for you. I'm off to have a real discussion elsewhere.
skip to Das3
when did he mention he was american you autist lol
>Souls game set in a dystopian future.
>Bosses are twisted cyborgs built from the remenants of humanity by AI in abandoned factories.
Yiss pls
Why? I want to see why people shit on it.
And now you've lost your composure.
You were so close to being taken seriously.
>New SoulsBorne incoming.
No there isn't
I just started DS1 last week, I wan't it to be BB2 with a BB1 pc release.