Ask someone who's had Pokémon Go for a week anything
Ask someone who's had Pokémon Go for a week anything
Other urls found in this thread:
How old are you?
When will you show us proof?
How much do you charge for a hj and bj?
I'm gonna call bullshit.
When are the retarded mods going to start banning underage shitstains like OP?
Fuck you.
I can vouch for this guy actually. I got a tester invite code myself about a week ago.
Is it fun?
Would you kindly Pokemon Go back to /vp/?
Why are so many of the gym locations in graveyards?
Post proof faggot
is it any good?
You can't just say something on Sup Forums and not show proof user
Best pizza topping :
Worst pizza topping :
You have to be 18 to post here user.
Was it fun?
Actually there is no age limit on blue boards. Sorry, summerfag.
pineapples are the fucking best
Where do you live so I can team rocket your ass
Global rule #2, newfriend
You have to be at least 18, not just 18 that's not an age limit it's a floor.
Did you know that the ancient Romans invented the stethoscope?
i like both
worst pizza topping is spinach
I like both
I hate seafood toppings
You could also say its the lower limit
Why don't you fuck off back to /vp/?
He's insinuating that OP is under the floor. If he's right, saying "you need to be 18" makes more sense than "18 or older" since "or older" is less attainable at that moment.
Check this out guys
Why didn't you post this thread in /vp/ where it belongs?
Mushrooms are fucking disgusting.
u disgusting