Favorite dungeon, weapon, or quest in Oblivion
Favorite dungeon, weapon, or quest in Oblivion
What are these stupid dungeon DLC shits that pop up in my quest log when I start the game, are they worth doing?
I'd say so, Oblivion had some ridiculously good DLC except for the Horse Armor, which has become a joke of itself.
before or after I complete the main quest?
Also can I do the main quest and keep playing after?
Oblivion has had a weird resurgence lately.
Oblivion is fucking terrible.
It's one Oblivion shill salty that people wont accept his bland, LOTR ripoff with heavy christian undertones.
I love the quest-line were you take down the corrupt Blackwood Company.
The game doesn't end when the quest ends. I'd say you should at the very least start Shiver Isles so you can enjoy the wacky new armor / weapons / ingredients throughout your playthrough.
As for things like Frostcrag Spire, it's really your call, some would argue that it's OP because it gives you access to the spell maker which you normally don't have access to unless you complete the mages guild quests.
On the other hand, you can complete the mages guilds quests pretty damn fast.
how do I make my game look like that
I have a feeling that these are the same guy. user, what happened with you and Oblivion?
You can but don't start the main quest, just don't. Otherwise you'll be having fun closing portals 24/7. Do almost everything else first. There's shit tons of things to do anyway.
I'd say start with guilds.
oblivion had the worst dungeons ever
my favorite weapon was one that i enchanted myself, it as a sword that had a ton of lightning damage.
my favorite quest was fighting the gold monster guy in the sky
So far I'm really liking Oblivion's dungeons. They're a clear step up from Skyrim's.
It's been too long since I played Morrowind, it's not fresh enough on my mind to remember the dungeon designs but I look forward to replaying it.
is Oblivion scalable for a craptop?
it was an xbox 360 game.
oblivion had better gameplay and quests, and more interesting items.
The strange door or whatever. Definitely do that one asap.
>So far I'm really liking Oblivion's dungeons. They're a clear step up from Skyrim's.
LOL. One person designed ALL the oblivion dungeons from pre existing layouts, they are the very definition of copy pasted.
Kids try so hard to be contrarian these days, it's cute. Oblivion was laughed out of every thread before skyrim. That sequel syndrome, praise the game before the latest release.
>Kids try so hard to be contrarian these days
Yes, user, I think you're making that very clear.
It's contrarian now to say that Oblivion is shit? Damn, I don't wanna be around when the next TES game comes out and you vermin start praising skyrim.
Are you asking me what contrarian means immediately after using it? Somehow I'm not surprised.
>mfw I just came across this bad boy while doing the one merchant quest
Did not expect to find that
Move to Czechoslovakia and go for a trip in the woods.
I know fully well what contrarian means, I'm saying Oblvion is shit and everyone else that doesn't succumb to sequel syndrome will agree. If you weren't a child and was here before Skyrim came out, you'd know how people viewed Oblivion.
>Tidewater Cave
>Vampire Cure Quest
Oblivion is a masterpiece TT.TT
Pleb detected. Horse armor was GOAT and there is only one DLC that can potentially top that.
>He didn't come across Umbra by accident and cheese her out for her amazing late game armour and best sword in the game
>He ACTUALLY traded in Umbra's sword for a shitty mask
It seems after fallout 4 came out people started to claim Oblivion is a good game.
The dungeons in Oblivion, Skyrim and Morrowind weren't bland or repetitive, you're the contrarian here for spouting the exact opposite of the current general consensus on this board
Fucking modmaker team got split up, can't find it anywhere now. If I merge the Slovakia and Czech Republic plugins, would that work?
I didnt do the umbra quest til so late in my game it was so broken, so strong
What's the point of having a mc with a realistic looking head when everyone else will still have potato heads.
my shit can run RE5 really well with lower settings
>Morrowhiner autist detected
Oblivion was heavily praised at release, and the only people who thought otherwise were literal contrarians who were salty about muh jungled Ald Cyrod.
That's just because Sup Forums eventually shits on every game especially when it's popular.
The game came out in 2006, don't fucking claim that you even knew Sup Forums existed at that time.
>Heavy christian overtones
>Because having religion in a game makes it christian
>Despite this religion being polythestic
>And has deities that are basically magical mortals
Wew lad.
>Vampire Cure Quest
>that swing at the air in fear
I also did it late in the game. But my character was even more broken. While being stealthed in a dark corner(harder to detect) I kept throwing clannfears and arrows at her.
>Favorite Dungeon
Honestly as a huge fan of oblivion none of them really stand out
>Favorite Weapon
>Favorite Quest
Ultimate Heist
>Generic european forest for 95% of the map
>Bad speedtree that makes things look even more generic because hardly any developers actually working on the game
>Main quest is some biblical story instead of being something fitting with TES
>Ugly potato faces
>Absolutely no content when traveling the roads
>Terrible dialogue minigame
>Wonky, floaty combat that gives no feedback
>Firing a bow feels like firing a fucking javelin from a handheld slingshot
>None of the races were representative to what they actually are in the lore and were one big homogenized culture without any differences
>Oblivion gates
>Battle of bruma consisting of 5 soldiers even after collecting the support of 6 or so cities
>Copy pasted dungeons
>Glass armor
>Absolutely no choices in any of the quests
>Level scaling
>Patrick stewart and sean bean taking 80% of the budget for the game
>4 voice actors total
>Radiant conversations never making any sense, gimmick feature
Plenty more. But it's clear that you are that oblivion shill I talked of earlier.
Another user here, I started playing Morrowind on release and I always thought that making Cyrodil a jungle makes sense in the real world with our climate and such but not in the series as it should be some kind of heartland.
I think what was established lore-wise in Arena and Daggerfall (Sai for example or that the Kajhit are Men) make nearly no sense in the grand scheme of Elder Scroll lore
Messiah figure has to sacrifice himself to defeat the devil. Oblivion being nothing but fire and brimstone, generic hell. Flying imps.
They probably begrudgingly included the TES religions.
>>Main quest is some biblical story instead of being something fitting with TES
Explain this user. You just sound like a triggered edgy faggot when saying shit like that.
I think it's part of the Polish Super Marxist-Leninist Mega Mod now. I don't know if you can just install the Czechoslovakia mod.
Christ almighty, I'm tired.
dungeon? didnt have one
fav weapon(s) was the ebony weapons for their color and look, and for special artifacts I liked that stun hammer
fav quest is kind of basic, but its always fun to just fight and kill.... the arena.
Get Oblivion Character Overhaul
How does it not? The entire plot with martin sacrificing himself that looks like the devil while demons start invading tricked thousands of normalfags into thinking that it was just that; a battle vs hell. This was bethesdas intention as Oblivion is when they started aiming for the console market full throttle.
literally just joined the thread but okay buddy
Paranoid elf quest still the best.
Eh. None were all that special.
Probably daedric bow as a stealth character.
Definetly the arena. I actually traveled the rest of the game with that little faggot fanboy.
Loved traveling with hat little shit
Finding as many ways as possible to get him killed
Traps in ayleid ruins, drowning him, throwing him off of dive rock
Love it
>thinks Skyrim is bad
>probably just followed quest markers and leveled up right away
Just because the game gives you the option to play it like shit does not mean it is shit. Good god.
I still like Oblivion more.
Shivering Isles had my favorite everything for that and is my favorite DLC for any game not counting the whole combination of Fallout NV DLC.
Oblivion's not a terrible game but I always quit and uninstall once I reach the quest where I've got to close an Oblivion gate in every fucking city. Jesus Christ what a bad fucking design choice. I thought Oblivion gates were cool but they take like 20 minutes to clear and that particular mission destroyed the appeal of them.
They did make the phanteon into a more christian inspired rather than roman inspired though, especially in art and symbolism.
I just started sprinting through them. Didn't fight anything. Just sprint to the end and close it.
Oblivion isn't necessarily all fire and brimstone. That is one plane of Oblivion, while the Shivering Isles in another, and Hermaeus Mora's is some weird library swamp thing.
That's an optional quest, bro.
Killing them vampires and finding out the back story, in fact anything to do with vampires in that game was awesome.
Man, you really are just spouting off the same old criticisms I always hear.
I'm not looking for something deeper then any of that while playing Oblivion, one of the safest RPG experiences ever. I havve liked it since release, you didn't. Ok?
They did change the Deadlands slightly for Oblivion to make it more Hellish. Its just supposed to be a plane constantly destroying itself, full of natural disasters including but not limited to volcanoes.
>Messiah figure has to sacrifice himself to defeat the devil
Hero having to sacrifice himself for the greater good is a common trope, get over it.
>Oblivion being nothing but fire and brimstone, generic hell
Right because that's how hell is depicted in the bible. A bunch of phallic towers and dinosaurs running around with half naked spider creatures.
>Flying imps
Those have been a stape of Elder Scrolls since the beginning of the series user.
Like I already said that's a common literary trope.
Only because it fits into the game having a classical/medieval European design and setting to it.
I know this is 90% bait but still I'll answer some of these.
>Terrible dialogue minigame
It actually felt I was doing something with the convincing unlike the other ES games.
>Absolutely no choices in any of the quests
Now thats just plain bullshit and means you didn't play the game at all. The painting quest where its your choice who can be guilty, some of the dark brotherhood quests, arresting that guard captain quest where you can just make it so that he dies and so on.
>None of the races were representative to what they actually are in the lore and were one big homogenized culture without any differences
Bullshit again. For example did you go to Leyawiin? See how the Khahjit and Argonians hate each other? Did you find the secret torture chamber for argonian immigrants inside the counts castle? No? then fuck off.
I really enjoyed the Ayleid ruins.
>torch runs out, can't see shit
>up to your ass in wraiths
>forgot to bring silver
>panic-stricken run onto a floor crusher
>>torch runs out, can't see shit
Skyrim's abandoned ruins and caves were definitely too well lit
A torch hindered vision more than helped it
I like Oblivion, but it pisses me off that increasing the FOV fucks up your character's arms. There's only one mod that fixes that issue, but it's loaded with a ton of stuff I don't care about and it changes first person view to an "immersive" style that I really don't like.
My favorite thing in Oblivion is the Troll that got drunk and committed suicide because of how shitty he was at being a bridge troll.
You find this cute little suicide note on a bridge next to a bottle that looks like it's written by a 4 year old with stuff like "i ged drunc and kil self i wurst trol evr" and if you look over the bridge there's a troll lying face down in the water.
I was blown away at such a detail at the time.
I'm also an edgy faggot and get a kick out of black comedy more than most.
>mfw leveling skills is a chore
Oblivion a shit. Skyrim have to well best game! Pig Oblivion at dum face.
Vilverin, it's the only dungeon I remember.
Biggest fuck up on the game's behalf.
If repair hammers were lighter and the repair skill wasn't so fucking slow to level, it would be a much more respectable mechanic.
Sadly they just gave up and removed degredation entirely.
>Trying to sell a nine year old game to a bunch of NEET weebs who pirate games
The shill thing is so annoying. How retarded do you have to be to think you're special enough to be shilled too?
I wouldn't mind if the game felt longer, but the amount of effort for master anything just doesn't feel worth it in the long run
That is usually my problem with RPGs
Jesus christ you autist do you have anything else going for you IRL other than being a whiny bitch about 9 year old games and discussion boards where people try to enjoy them?
You are literally taking time out of your pointless life to jump into threads others are enjoying to tell them why you're REEEEEing over something else that isn't fringe-taste.
So pathetic.
Oblivion's main quest felt completely bland when I first played it. I felt absolutely nothing. But the DB quest was fantastic. I still remember racing back to Applewatch, feeling genuine fear for Lucien Lachance and the sheer hatred for the other speakers when I saw what they had done to his corpse.
On a later playthrough I went full autist and refused to wear anything but Blades armour and rode the dead Prior's horse until Martin died, at which point I left all the Blades gear in his room and walked out.
It felt cool back then.
*cough* ESO
Dungeon: Unfortunately Oblivion's dungeons weren't as memorable as Skyrims (Although they were more complex), but I think the dungeon Sundercliff Watch is representative of the best dungeon design in the game.
Don't like glass armour much but I liked the glass weapons, same with the ebony weapons.
Whodunnit, so many different outcomes and dialogue options, though there were other quests (Most of the Shivering Isles DLC) which were fun.
> Quest
Lifting The Vale
>Getting OCO 2
Worse than potato heads tbqh
>cute little suicide note
There's a phrase I never thought I'd read.
why are you in a thread about oblivion if you think it's shit? are you reaching levels of autism previously unheard of?
>giving a fuck what Sup Forumss opinion was almost a decade ago
Congrats dude, you're a chan historian. Glad you're NEETbux bought you internet superiority.
>Congraqts dude, you're (you are) a chan historian.
hahahaha dear god dude go get that GED
>favourite dungeon
Rickmilk Cave. Shit was a literal farm for high level armour and weapons.
Umbra. Anybody that says otherwise is a huge fucking faggot.
Knights of the Nine.
What's the fucking difference.between 1 and 2.
I know spellcrafting is overpowered, but still
Why remove it? Why did the population get dumber and forget how to do it?
The Agronak-go-malog questline.
Is it possible to do nvidia DSR or some downsampling shit for olbivion?
the Morrowind guys have been having a lot of threads so the oblivion fans want to have threads too but they can't get the ball rolling because they have nothing to talk about
Why even finish the quest? Just freaking leave and get the fuck out of dodge and it stays on you as an item with no weight!
Fucking brilliant!
oblivion isn't necessarily the best out there, but i played it when i was a kid and have always enjoyed it. i think i always will
The Arena and the dinner party assassination quests.