Sup Sup Forums, it's the weekend. Know what that means?

Sup Sup Forums, it's the weekend. Know what that means?


>What is this and why should I care?

The -Wars games were once a series of turn-based strategy games developed by Intelligent Systems and published on Nintendo consoles and handhelds, which revolved around the premise of conquering your opponents by either capturing their main HQ while wreaking havoc on their terrestrial, aerial and naval army with your own, or having the strongest infrastructure control of any given map.

These games had a (mostly) solid Single player campaign, but later iterations also had a robust Multiplayer component which not many people were able to enjoy.

Fortunately, there's a way to be able to play most these games easily on PC with other people over the internet. And that's where we come in.

>How do I play?

1.- Download and extract
2.- Double click mednafen.bat
3.- Press Alt + Shift + 1 to setup your controls. (At every unique button prompt, press the key you want to assign it to TWICE so it moves on towards the next button).
4.- To connect to an active server, press T to type /server IP PORT or /connect IP PORT
5.- So we can tell you apart, press T to type /nick YOURNICKNAME
6.- Play the fucking game.

If you join a session with people on it, ask if there's any available open spots. If so, type:

/dupe 1

to share the control. Please note that this emulator IS NOT emulating a Link Cable, so it's as if we were physically in the same room sharing a single GBA and passing it around on turn end to each other.
I know this is Sup Forums, but don't be a dick and take control or move other people's units when it's not your turn.

Still, it would be a wise decision to keep a number of available savestates (just in case). Choose a slot by using numbers 0-9, press F5 to save and F7 to load.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Current Servers
The main server we usually play on is To join the server, boot up mednafen and type "/server 8092".

>How do I host my own server?

Getting the server up is easy, but you need to do at least one of the following BEFORE you run the server application:

a) Open up port 7845 (both TCP and UDP) on your computer AND network's firewall. Or...
b) Edit standard.conf and change the port number to something else you may already have opened before. Or...
c) Use Hamachi.

Once you did one of these, inside your emulator folder, there's a folder called server. Inside, double click mednafen-server.bat to get it up and running, then provide people with your external IP and Port so they can connect. Do note that when hosting, you STILL need to connect to your own server manually (you can type in your LAN IP, external IP or just localhost).

Or you can just wait for someone else to host if this is somehow rocket science to you.

join us


Mandatory >.bat

You can open the .bat file in a text editor and check for yourself. No lostboy.exe here. Just an emulator with weird design decisions but pretty great netplay.

ye we know, it was made to be easier and it's not. check yourself there's no virus or whatever

Fourth player never arrived, so we're doing some PvAI nonsense.

oh hey, I suggested the group to some user and now we're back
have fun if ya'll playing




is this back?

I hope so.

We finally got four people, new game starting up on Pipeworks (custom map) with 20 turn time limit. Feel free to join if you want to spectate and have a shot at the next match.

Does this come with the ROM or will I have to go find Black Hole Rising?

A rom and 100% save file are included.


I'm not interested in playing right now, but I'm happy to see this become a regular occurrence

Bump for interest, I'll be lurking


is there a way to mute the game when you are spectating?

by windows

>wake up to advance wars thread on Sup Forums


Everyone's moving out their forces.

In b4 spamming human meatshields to protect my bases and households and overrun your tanks by surrounding it so you can only kill one human at a time.

The tactic works.

only two bases m8. not going to work unless you are hachi or something.

>Just waking up

Get your shit together, son.

The 20-turn limit spares us from the worst of this problem.

This. I've been up since 6am waiting for a potential AW thread.

Whatever happened to the stream you guys had going on a few months ago?

I will play ONLY IF DUAL STRIKE was playable. If not. I will not play the original 1 and 2.

pleb as fuck.

>Blue Nell
What the fuck did you fuckers do? Fuck this shit.

Shit, if I had more time I'd love to get in on this.

I was just lamenting having finished the first three games in the series recently.

Top three COs, go.

>Sami for that glorious capture speed and insta-cap
>Grit for out-sniping everyone
>Hawke for fuck you that's why

days of ruin is much better. I rather play that. Its more balanced.

Things are heating up on the Red/Yellow front.


Just got here, anyone got spots open?

It can be played online as well, just not with this. It requires a flashcart/AR and an old router that adheres to the DS's obtuse security standards.

Ya all niggers know there's AWBW right?

AWBW is awful.

AWBW's alright, but it's not the same feeling as playing the actual game itself.

Most of the custom maps we play are taken from AWBW.

Yes, it is. But it's convenient, and can be played online. No need to download any sketchy .exe files. Don't get me wrong I'm not trying to discourage anyone from doing it your way. But just saying it exists for those who don't know.




Joining the game and not playing is about the same experience.

Eagle for personality and gameplay
Adder for theme music
Sami for looks

The center of the map is becoming a bit of a clusterfuck.

>infantry spam the game

I'm not an expert or anything but from my observations the more mechs you buy = higher chance of losing.

Yellow pulling a fast one on Blue by sneaking a guy onto his missile base.

Essentially. Sami and Sensei can get away with building them. That's about it.

It doesn't survive for very long.

Lash is trying the daring new strategy of "march my units right into artillery range and see what happens". Let's see how well that works out for her.

But the forest defense!

It's about the mind games, you see.

Yellow has provided us with a very imaginative take on the concept of artillery walls.


Shouldn't it be easier to play it with a hacked ROM and an emulator?


Yeah that and Artillery. Inf and Artillery are so broken in this game.

Jess' brand new strategy of protecting her artillery with more artillery has allowed her to utterly decimate Flak. New meta?

We might be onto something big here.
Bigger than Grit mechs.



>it's a luck power

Flak trying to salvage the situation.


stream here (no sound) sunseille

Lash isn't taking it lying down, at least.

Blue all but controls the center at the moment.

prime cunny.

Blue is pretty much the winner at this point.


Green will die, but not this thread!

It's getting kinda chilly here.

Just wait until Olaf uses his power.


>tfw when yellow activities Overdrive


That's nothing.

with sound and color



Thank for your efforts user. Max comfy levels acheived

Snow drastically slows down the fighting on the northern front.

Anyone play awbw?

Not even an act of god can save Lash now.

Lash is an ok CO, but Ivan is so fucking OP, what kind of bastard picks him in multiplayer?

Jess abandons the northern front in a last-ditch attempt to steal properties away from Olaf.

aww shit i love advance wars :^(

Okay wait

what if

competitive Advance Wars

Then come join us user



State of the battlefield with only two days left to go.

Green will never surrender! We'll die fighting!

Flak goes bananas and annihilates Jess' Md Tank with the power of raw skill.