Crystal Dynamics gearing up for new LoK title?

I've been keeping an eye on the job listings on Crystal Dynamics' careers page on their website here:

Most of these position descriptions directly referred to the Legacy of Kain franchise by name up until recently. All of the listings that had these references have been modified since then, and no longer feature any references to any games. Unfortunately, I did not take screenshots of any of these listings when they had these references.

Things to also consider:
-Crystal Dynamics' Michael Brinker recently stated that there's a '50/50' chance of a new LoK title being developed (
-Crystal Dynamics just wrapped up development on RotTR
-Nosgoth was very abruptly cancelled despite JUST releasing new content a few weeks prior to the announcement (

I'm beginning to think that we may actually get a new Legacy of Kain title. Let's hope this turns out better than LoK: Dead Sun.

Other urls found in this thread:

>no amy hennig


can't wait

Agreed, this is what scares me the most. Especially since she's working for EA currently, and EA is basically a prison.


But what if it's even worse than Dead Sun?

LoK should remain as the good memories they are. I have no faith that today's developers could do it justice.

By "Let's hope this turns out better than LoK: Dead Sun", I was not referring to the quality of that game. I was referring to it being cancelled.

>inb4 spin off not really connected to previous games

>Nosgoth cancelled
Whoever thought anyone wanted this was a retard and I hope they learned from that abominable mistake.

It must be weird for Raziel learning that his past self was a cocky dick.

Most likely gonna happen since all the assets from Dead Sun are already there. Wouldn't mind it being finished up, with a good story behind it.

>people bashing dead sun

>game never came out and like 1 video exists

o k

Honestly, if they worked that shit out better, it could've been the fuel to reignite the franchise's popularity.

But no, they dropped the ball pretty fucking hard.


toppest of keks

That one video was enough already.

That spectral realm was awful, it's supposed to look like dark, cold and lonely and not like straight out of Finding Nemo.

You mean quadruple


I have no hope for future LoK games
the only real way to go at this point
it would just get modernized and becomes shit
amy herself said thats the only way to go


Time for some Spider-Raziel images

>tfw this

this is why you dont reply to namefags

you mean that game that look like it was just DmC but with legacy of kain's name and was so bad that it got cancelled

Yup. I don't know why I still try and hope for a better fate for this series but...

>Tony Jay is dead
>Paul Lukather is dead
>Michael Bell and Richard Doyle are in their seventies
>Simon Templeman is at least in his sixties by now
>Amy Hennig will never work on the series again

No, that was Defiance and it got released. Dark Sun was the one looking like asscreed.

I think this is bullshit because the rumors in the past were after Microsoft canned Phantom Dust reboot, CD was picked up to redo it.

They would be so incredibly early into a LoK game they wouldn't even do a CGI trailer yet

You are missing the point
I was pointing out the game looked like a needless reboot where the game itself is only in the franchise by name, is incredibly edgy, and tosses out anything that the fans were interested in and appears to be aimed at a fanbase that probably doesnt exist
just like DmC to the DMC series

Damn OP why are you getting our hopes up?

I have these games. What are they about?

Vampires that talk in an overly verbose manner.

Just go play em and find out.

They're classics all of them.

Two vampires that try to alter the machinations of fate and defy the tyrannous stars.

It's dead, OP. Let it die.

Let it fucking die. Please. Don't talk about it, don't fucking acknowledge it even if it's true. The best way to honor the series' legacy is to allow it a single, definitive death.

So please, don't fall for the hype. Even if it is real, let them see how little anyone cares and we just might be able to stop it.

Is there a way to make these playable on modern systems?

TL;DR Vampires, demons, humans, religion, timespace, paradoxes, coins

Play them in this order:
-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
-Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
-Legacy of Kain: Defiance

They were released in this order:
-Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
-Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver 2
-Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen 2
-Legacy of Kain: Defiance

They're great, abstract and moody games about vampires with the best voice acting in all of vidya.

Dont' listen to this asshole. Play in release order, but skip BO2. It'll just confuse you.


BO2's definitely playable desu. It's the worst in the series, but it gives you the Hylden tidbits you'd otherwise miss

No fuck that

Play all of them in the order they came out. BO2 is worth a play too even though it's the worst in the series. Still fun.

>literally did nothing wrong.

Kain is deified. The clans tell tales of him, few know the truth. He was mortal once, as were we all. However, his contempt for humanity drove him to create me and my brethren.
I am Raziel, first born of his lieutenants. I stood with Kain and my brethren at the dawn of the empire. I have served him a millennium.
Over time we became less human and more...divine. Kain would enter the state of change and emerge with a new gift.
Some years after the master, our evolution would follow, until I had the honour of surpassing my lord. For my transgression, I earned a new kind of reward. Agony.
There was only one possible outcome, my eternal damnation. I, Raziel, was to suffer the fate of traitors and weaklings: to burn forever in the bowels of the Lake of the Dead.

Cast him in.


Jesus fuck, she wrote that cliffhanger ending knowing full well she was leaving?

I mean I guess I get it in that she basically got to the point where Kain begins his redemption so it was a good time to hand off the torch but FUCK, we'll never see the end of that story.

Even if the series comes back, it'll be some spin-off or reboot. I guess she couldn't have known, especially since Dark Prophecy began development shortly after but that still grinds my gears.

>you mean that game that look like it was just DmC but with legacy of kain's name

you talking about defiance?

She left three people in charge of the series when she left, people she trusted to get the job done.

Two of them left the company. The third one died in a car wreck.

>Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain

Guessing this one's not on Steam? Only have four and I'm pretty sure I bought the collection.

It ended on a right note. If the series went on and depicted Kain solving all of world's problems, it would have felt like bullshit and you know it.

NONE of them work on modern systems anyways so it's irrelevant.

If it was somehow a crazy awesome HD remake with upscaled original audio and a vastly extended world for SR1 and 2, I would be a happy person. That'll never happen.

>Two of them left the company. The third one died in a car wreck.

Literally story of LoK's life

I'm pretty sure I replayed the series on W7 no problem. The first BO was the only game that acted up.

Yeah the ports are half-assed. However, with X-padder you can make Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance work alright.

Soul Reaver has HUGE audio problems, with skipping sounds and some of the OST being missing.

Dreamcast or PS1 emulation is the go-to

I wouldn't mind it if we finally got Dark Prophecy. That was supposed to be the sequel to Defiance, showing Kain's redemption and his battle against the Hylden.

If they churn out anything different from that (ie a new protagonist in a far away time like Dead Sun), then we are fucked. They will just come up with new shit and lore without following any past indication and "rule" and the game will be a mess, like Dead Sun was shaping up to be.

It is indeed not on Steam. It was released on PlayStation, so you can either buy it or emulate it.

>new LoK title
>without Tony Jay
>without Paul Lukather
>without Amy Hennig involved


Heavens, no. Torrent the PC version and get it to work somehow. Life is too short for BO loading times on PS.

Raziel's VA must be pushing 80 by now

Last year, someone linked a twitter from Simon Templeman where he was asked by a fan how old he was, since no place had that information, and he said he was in his 70s (73 IIRC).

Well it's not like he'd be needed anymore.

If they make a direct sequel to Defiance to finally give us a close ending, they won't need Paul Lukather (since Vorador is already dead) and people found a voice actor with a voice very similar to the great Tony Jay's.

It won't be the same, but they can use him to just give the Elder God some few lines before killing him.

fpbp, this 100%

Of all the great game series lost to time, LoK hurts the most.

The broken steam releases was a bag of salt in the wound.

Well, that's good to know. I know we'll never get what should have been an end to the series but it's nice knowing she didn't abandon it outright.

I know they can't replace them really but I'd rather have the series back (so long as they tried to make it feel like the same universe) than not.

Why do we need one? The series has a beginning, middle, and end. It wraps up nicely. Everything is finished.

user, when you continue to beat a dead franchise horse, you get bullshit like MGS5. Please don't enable that behavior.

Wtf you on user that isn't even the canon order of events.

The problem is I don't trust anyone nowadays to make a decent sequel for the LoK series.

Did it have its fair share of flaws? Sure, but the good outweighed the bad.

Now? Now it would be casualized. Now it would be made for people who never played a single LoK game in their lives, while the devs desperately tried to convince the rest of us how they're really big fans of the original games and so on.

>It wraps up nicely. Everything is finished.

Except, you know, the main villain still not being defeated and several plot holes that need filling

>this man
>74 years old

I hope he was trolling, because if he really is in his 70s, it means he truly is a vampire. He doesn't look 70+ AT ALL. Isn't it weird how NO place on the web states his age, though?

Care to specify the correct order then?

This guy knows.
No Hennig, no buy

>wraps up nicely

but the janoshylden and the elder god are still around

I'd rather have a SR remaster with 100% reused audio assets and level design less about block pushing.

Is it not the chronological order of events from the perspective of Kain prior to the time travel element? If not, I must've missed something.

Wasn't that dealt with by young Kain in BO2? Or do we insist that game didn't happen?

The released order why the fuck would you play them in any other way.

agreed, best puzzle platformer games ever made but let them rest. I cant imagine how awful it would be...

>awesome environmental finishers replaced by qte prompts
>Linear as fuck
>awful atmosphere

pls no

I know this is a bad word around here but perhaps a 'petition' to tell Amy to get the back the fuck where she belongs and finish this shit is in order?

fucker you haven't played the games, have you? The events of one of the pre-fuckup timeline in Defiance lead to BO2, technically. Only alteration post-Defiance is that Kain is now purified. Also, BO2 does not address the Elder God

Actually, no. Dark Prophecy was going to answer many plotholes left and wrap up Janos' story, who is still trapped in the Demon Realm and is "quite mad", as Cabuco said. Kain was even supposed to meet him and defeat the Hylden with him, although Janos was going to have some further motive.

Also the Elder God is still around and Kain hasn't restored Nosgoth yet. Remember that the Kain you play as and see throughout the series is "corrupted", poisoned by Nupraptor's madness.

We would have seen an arrogant, cocky, but also more nuanced Kain about to finally save his land (almost like a vampiric Loghain).

If you go by that logic then yes that is the order but blood omen 2 doesn't happen till after soul reaver 2.

>that screencap

The story isn't finished. Defiance ended with Kain finally in a place where he can truly change his destiny, defeat the Elder God and redeem himself and Nosgoth.

I mean, they started Dark Prophecy not long after. The story is obviously not finished.

>dat pic

Well Kain is the main character, not Raziel. I prefer the idea of seeing these events happen in order of Kain's perspective, and then seeing Raziel figure it all out in the end.

Please God no, just let it stay dead.

None of the original crew will be working on it nor will Hennig. Just look at Nosgoth and Dead sun.

That is what happens when you let "fans of the series" make the next game while also trying to broaden the demographic to sell to as many people as possible.

>mfw going through Soul Reaver, my intoduction to this series, for the first time (on DC ofcourse), especially the opening cinematic

Fuck I wish I could experience that again.

Blood Omen
Soul Reaver
Soul Reaver 2

Blood Omen 2 was not made by the same people or written by the same person, it can be ignored or played after Defiance.

Defiance was kind of written to compensate for Blood Omen 2, which now exists in its own timeline as a result of history altering events that take place in Soul Reaver 2 and Defiance.

Everyone always mention Raziel or Kain as having a hard life, but what about this poor fellow?

>took part in a bloody war against another race because his "god" ordered him so
>watched his entire civilization and race get destroyed by a curse, saw friends kill themselves and other Guardians reject and abandon their duty
>"accepts" the curse and keeps living to give the sword he must protect to the hero who will save the vampiric race
>said vampiric race is a shadow of its former self and only twisted generations are born out of humans turned vampires
>at least he has his "son"... oh wait, he lives in a mansion far away surrounded by concubines
>the hero finally arrives, but he is also his murderer
>gets his own heart taken out of his body while he is still alive
>he is resurrected 500 years later and the first thing he is told is that his "son" is dead
>tries to help the hero, but only gets possessed
>spends centuries in a prison, tortured and stripped of his blood
>turns into a beast
>gets saved by the REAL hero, but gets tossed into the Demon Realm, where his enemy race lives and hates him above anything else

Janos had a hard life.

You forgot the worst part

Forgotten forever in the limbo because we won't get a new game

Will be interested to see them turn it into a boring third person shooter with Riddler Trophies

This and Symphony of the Night are the games I most wish I could forget and replay. They blew my mind as a kid.

you are missing 2 blood omen games


Simon Templeman is a god among voice actors. Some of his lines are extremely memorable, especially in Blood Omen. His laugh alone is simply terrific:

just look at nosgoth they mixed up dumah and turel ffs
they don't give a shit they just wat to salvage their work

it would have to be a reboot because the kids don't remember LoK, it would also have to be dumbed down because kids these days are retards

I say we ignore it and DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT, just like the VtMB sequel, we show no interest and it will go away

>Blood Omen
Masterpiece, will forever be remembered as one of the best story telling games ever made.

Mediocre, blatantly unfinished was rehashed into a LoK game from another game, story was basic and lackluster but not bad, had a decent amount of exploration. gained enough popularity to get a sequel.

>Soulreaver 2
Horrible game, shit story, linear gameplay, even more unfinished than the first game.

>Blood Omen 2
Another rehashed game, contrived plot barely fits into any of the other games plot, complete mess of a game both story and mechanically.

Desperate attempt to fix loose ends and plot holes, fails horribly. abysmal game was the final nail in the coffin that killed the series.

There's always one of those.